I've also got the same fecal smelling odor. Sometimes it smells of constipation, sometimes of a weird soft smelling poop, and my farts are very fecal smelling. Some days I can smell it strongly enough that it makes me want to gag, and I feel sorry for my students.
I've already been given the run around by four different doctors, and so I'll reserve them only for tests that I want to have done ( three gastroenteroloists and one specialist of the colon.
The other symptom that is the same as yours is I've at times got a bit of wet something leaking out of my ass. It's clear, it's got more body to it than sweat, and it can smell horrible at times.
I've read that some IBS sufferers have a fecal smell, and some of them take chlorophyllin to reduce that smell ( not an option for me, it would negate a medication I need). One of the docs suggested that I was IBS, and I've got all the symptoms but abdominal pain.
Supposedly stress plays a big factor in IBS, so meditation or cognitive behavioral therapy might work in reducing IBS symptoms.
Anyways, I hope you best of luck, and I'll be both following this thread and trying some of the stuff out here.