Nikki.Simone, I am young as well. It is always a good time for liver support.
Try this gentle liver cleanse Juice from my Naturopath, do as often as you can, recipe can be halved:
1 lemon
1 beet
1 cucumber
Add 2T Cold Pressed Olive Oil
Drink right away
You can do liver life right now, it is very gentle. You can start on 1-2 drops a day and work up to 3 or more droppers full which is where I am at.
How in the bejeebers do you know your ovaries are fatigued? I didn't even know that could happen, especially at 23. How did you find this out?
Have you ever looked into doing a
parasite cleanse like Humaworm?
parasites can take hold when your Thyroid and Adrenals are weak. That was my major prob. Look into
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement because you said you had the protazoa (or something like that). I knocked a ton of stuff out with it but start very slowly.
You gotta take Stem Enhance ( to rebuild the Adrenals. It works magic. It is seaweed extract that helps your body release its own stem cells to repair the adrenal. And minerals in Terramin Clay really helped me (same website).
I still have dead days but yesterday I forgot to take the Adrenal Xtra in the morning and didn't notice it until later when I got a little sleepy. This was miraculous.
I was just like you, so don't worry, there is hope. So here is the list, Stem Enhance (2 per day), Adrenal Xtra (3 upon rising), Terramin clay (1-2T per day in water), Liver Life (as many drops as doesn't give you a headache), Liver Juice Drink at least once per week. Do a herbal
parasite cleanse, Humaworm was gentle for me, and maybe a little
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Get a lot of sleep girlfriend and don't stress out.
parasites (including the ones you have) can make you anxious and stressed and if your mom has the problems she has, those can be caused by
parasites too! So, go on a cleanse immediately.
What is your doctor saying to do about the protazoa thing (sorry what was it again?)?