That is a tragic story. Though the father certainly made a tragic mistake and it appears obvious that his actions led to very serious and permanent harm, one can hardly fault him or anyone else for being leery of mainstream medicine, which kills and inures by the thousands daily.
One reason the story of a single person being harmed from inappropriate use of a herbal supplement is the fact that it is so unusual. Greater still is how rare it is for properly taken supplments to cause serious harm, much less death.
On the other hand, deaths and serious reactions due to properly prescribed and taken medications hardly causes a ripple because they happen by the tens and hundreds of thousands. Death and harm from all mainstream sources happen by the several hundreds of thousands.
In the first three months of this year alone, the Food and Drug Administration received nearly 21,000 reports of serious drug reactions, including more than 4,800 deaths. Actual reports are considered to be but a fraction of actual events. Total iatrognenic deaths due to modern medicine are over 250,000 per year by the American Medical Associations own estimate with millions more serious adverse events.
Put in context, we could see thousands of stories daily about death and serious injury due to mainstream medicine.
Now THERE is a story to report: Supplements and natural treatments harm a relative handful, approved medicine kills and seriously harms millions!
Perhaps we could have saved a great many more lives at a much smaller cost by declaring a war on dangerous medications and invading the drug companies labs.
I am just curious...where do these numbers about perscription deaths and adverse reactions come from?
Ultimately, the FDA's Adverse Event Reporting Database, but my sourse was MSNBC. It was also reported in USA Today and numerous other publications.
By the Journal of the American Medical Association's own estimates, doctors and drugs are the third leading cause of death in the United States. Others, including myself, contend that they are actually the leading cause or second leading cause when unreported deaths and mis-reported deaths are taken into account (for example, when someone dies from radiation or other treatments and drugs the cause is often listed as cancer or other original diagnosed disease) and when death occurs due to a condition caused by side effects from mainstream drugs.
I think the story serves as an important lesson for us here at CureZone in that it demonstrates tragically how blind belief in herbs, supplements or other alternatives can be dangerous when blindly applied to a serious or worsening condition without the knowledge and/or experience to know what one is doing.
Ideally a qualified naturopath with full diagnostic equipment and abilities should be consulted, but at the very least one should have a qualified medical professional, mainstream or not, give a professional diagnosis. Once that has happened, you will likely be armed with good knowledge of what you are dealing with, or at least rule out things you are likely not dealing with, and then you can better decide which mainstream or alternative treatments may be best.
I would also caution anyone who comes to this site that regardless of the good intentions here and regardless of the fact that there are a lot of very knowledgeable alternative healing proponents here, the best any of us can offer over the internet is long distance guesswork. There simply is no subsitute for a professional diagnosis, especially for potentially serious conditions. Knowing what you are likely dealing will enable both yourself and those of us at CureZone to be able to make better informed decisions about how you might best proceed.
Now, back to the story. Probably 99% of the distribution of this story is in mainstream publications and not in alternative health communities such as this one - and it is a good lesson in mainstream venues as well if it results in a more cautious and sensible approach fo those who read it. It is only too bad that all the thousands of times as many deaths and mistakes due to approved drugs and mainstream treatments do not get the coverage they deserve so that the uninformed could exercise better caution about mainstream medicine too.
Likewise it is too bad that mainstream medicine and the mainstream media they largely control has not suppressed true information and knowledge about natural and alternative healing for generations so that so many are forced to proceed blindly when seeking help outside the mainstream box.
Please note: Although I say "us" above, I should point out that in many areas I consider myself a mere fledgling compared to some here. I came here to learn and share and learning is something I continue to get a bit more of each day.
I agree completely. For at least 6000 years man has used a nature first approach in treating illness. Thanks mostly to improved hygeine and better nutrition great strides were made against illness. While not discounting the role of antibiotics, in general a the mainstream approach of prescribing drugs which largely treat symptoms has only led to little true healing and increased illness in the long run.
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