Miss Helfinger
Rosy - I am so grateful for your story. I'm 33 and have been ill for five years. I'm just now figuring out that I strongly believe what I have is a tapeworm issue. It's due to what I saw. I haven't had biofeedback on it yet - all I know is that the regular parasite cleanses got some medium looking things out - but that which targets tapeworm and hookworm - got the most out.
I also think I got, if not the tapeworm, then the co-infection that comes with it from my mother. I think it's 2nd generation, passed down - if not 3rd. I think it's very possible that my brother had the same thing I have. He's no longer with me and whatever he had, drove him to horrible addiction and he imploded. So did she.
I'm telling ya - I've had the most intense realizations (that's when you know they're correct, right?!?) that my mother passed this to both me and my brother.
I come from moderately robust people. Scandinavian and Native American, large, muscular, and yet my brother and I were scrawny. Smart, but scrawny. I'm the smallest one, for sure. I'm 5'3" and when I was most ill, 4 years ago, I got down to 95lbs. I'm now 135 lbs and I am starting to look much more healthy. Before I became really ill, it was lingering - horrible allergies, chronic sinus infections, low energy - I became addicted to caffeine as a result. I could not function without it. Now I see that it was all indicative of what I was dealing with. If I knew then what I know now... I'm supposed to stop saying that. My man has been on me to stop saying that - but it's true...if I knew then what I know now - I'd have an art career and children.
I gotta keep killing this stinky tapeworm. I like the idea of the herbs for a bit longer as killing agents but I think just after the new year, I'll have to look into other recommendations. I'd love to hear what has worked for you. Thank you so much for sharing this story!