I began my fourth flush on December 23rd. I knew I was going to be bad as far as eating on Christmas Eve and Christmas so I wanted to hopefully prevent a nasty gallbladder attack. My flush went very well. I use the Clark method but upped the olive oil from 1/2 cup to 3/4 of a cup. (I had a bad attack the night of my 3rd flush and ended up having to drink a 2nd helping of olive oil so I wanted to just get ahead of something like that right away.) Anyway, I slept great, I was in no pain and although I did not pass as many stones with this cleanse, I did pass the largest. Some were atleat an
inch in diameter. I passed most on the 24th but on the 25th I had the weird stuff. Here's where I get a little graphic- but I've read worse on this forum :) Ok- Other than passing stones, I had no regular bowel movements on the 24th. On the 25th, I had two in the morning that were like nothing I've ever had. I passed these large, tan colored balls that were an
inch to an
inch and a half or even a little bigger in diameter. There were around 10 to 15 both times. They all floated like stones but since the vast majority of my stones have been green, I am not sure if these were really stones. They had that waxy, almost crytal like look inside, similar to my green stones but they were a darker brown inside, again no green. So... can anyone tell me? Were these maybe big stones or just chaff and tiny stones mixed with b.m. to make it all float or what? If those nasty things were stones I want to take credit for it!!