I was thinking exactly that: projection: big time.
And this is elementary psych. The state of the economy, etc. etc. breeds a fear of being controlled, because the facts are, we are controlled--by own lack of awareness of the effects of what we take in.
Still, this is worth considering. Jesus once said, when he was asked by his followers: "what shall we eat?"
(I paraphrase)"think more about what comes out of your mouth than what to take in"
the more energy you focus on something the more real *you* make focusing the sun through a magnifying glass. Just put the glass down. Have a drink of water.
Breathe deep.(don't forget to breathe out. Everyone seems to be holding their breath these days, in anxiety.)
No one's gonna get hurt.
EFT is good for all this stuff about who's controlling whom. The funny thing is we each can be our own enemies. Let's forgive one another and move on, okay?