I know how to cure this now. I haven't been that active on the forum lately because i was trying out a treatment and it has been SUCCESSFUL.
I happened to look in my family cupboard and found some ear wax softener. I'm obviously a curious person because was i was looking for liquid ingredients to try and cure this. The ingredients in the product were two things, only these two things;
I used it one night on my raw lips and it burned, because of the hydrogen peroxide. First, let me explain about urea and hydrogen peroxide. Urea is a Natural Moisturizing factor, found naturally in the skin. Hydrogen Peroxide aka H202 is i can simply put it an oxidizer. Now these are two ingredients that caught my eye, i didn't know what hydrogen peroxide was but i knew it had something to do with oxygen, which i stressed is needed for normal skin. One night i smeared the guey/liquid stuff on my lips and it burned. I continued to use it and i am into day 5. This whole post is inspired by what happened just now when i saw a piece of dead skin and i attempted to peel it off. ....... It peeled lol. but something is different. I wanted to shed the whole of the lip. I physically couldn't. This is going to be tough to explain but i'll try. Here is a photo after i attempted to shed the skin but couldn't, i only could do an area at the top of the bottom lip, where the lips meet.
First off, where the lips meet/inside of the mouth the skin there has been completely redeveloped. The grooves on my lips are present. The best way i can put it is the skin barrier is redeveloping. Some areas are rough, but there is no way they are going to be pulled off, it is like they are glued(i'm serious). From this experience the lips heal from redeveloping the barrier. I'm not even sure if the dead skin present is what i call "overgrowth", i think it is working like a scab but now the proper ingredients are there to stimulate healing. When i sleep and wake up it is thicker skin, so should i distinguish that as overgrowth? I have been doing this without progesterone but fearing it is overgrowing skin i just added some progesterone. but that whole fear of overgrowth changed when i attempted to peel and couldn't.
The product is called Otex ear drops, and contains Urea Hydrogen Peroxide and Glycerol.
I'm not stupid, i said this is Cure Time, meaning i know how to rebuild the barrier and we can move on, if needed. You can try it yourself... in five more days who know i could be cured fully. The hydrogen peroxide really got my attention it is oxygen. I've read it is a successful
Psoriasis treatment.
Damn, i'm still finding it hard to put it in writing what happened. Let's just say the grooves on my lips, i peel off the dead skin, the same grooves remain but underneath isn't raw skin at all, it is thick skin and still in "level" with where it runs from the bottom of the bottom lip.
I'm now very very excited simply because i've redeveloped the lips with this. I believe the areas that are still developing have some dead skin. e.g. like a scab.
Believe me, we are very close. Your welcome to try the product, it is only £4.95. I will continue to use it. The way i think the lips will heal i put below.