you are not alone... the key point is to not to become too overwhelmed by it... otherwise, one may not allow themselves to be available to the doors of opportunity that will swing open at various moments in time... remain loose and natural... if the head becomes too burdened... be sure to get in a good work out... remaining in touch with the body will help to stay grounded.
No doubt you will not be alone in not wanting to be tagged... imagine the growing numbers of supporters of Ron Paul's revolution... This will be the time for underground black markets of amerika to swing into operation... stay tuned and think Italian.
Mr. Altmeyer goes on to state that they were deluged by inquiries from all over the United States, and were forced to issue the following statement:"Beginning January 1, 1937, your employer will be compelled by law to deduct a certain amount from your wages every payday. This is in compliance with the terms of the Social Security Act signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, August 14, 1935. The deduction begins with 1 percent and increases until it reaches 3 percent. To the amount taken from your wages, your employer is required to pay in addition either an equal or double amount. The combined taxes may total 9 percent of the whole payroll. This is not a voluntary plan. Your employer must make this deduction. Regulations are published by— Social Security Board, Washington, D.C."
Mr. Altmeyer then states that at the same time, the Board issued the following statement:"Fraudulent use of the name of the Social Security Board in the form of a signature to posters dealing with the Social Security Act was brought to the attention of the Board here today by employers in California, Illinois, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and other sections of the country. The Board made public photostatic copies of such posters forecasting pay deductions and concluding with the words "Regulations are published by the Social Security Board, Washington, D.C.," the name and address of the Board placed so as to appear to be a signature to an official notice."
Since this was a voluntary statement from the reluctant witness, it may be that Mr. Altmeyer was attempting to shift blame and attention to someone else. The report shows that Mr. Altmeyer knew that the notice was not technically correct regarding the law. Section 801 of Title VIII of the Social Security Act speaks in terms of a tax upon the income of every individual equal to (measured by) a percentage of the wages paid. Mr. Altmeyer undoubtedly knew that the United States Supreme Court had already ruled that taxation on income was in its nature an excise.* No place in the Social Security Act does it describe any revenue taxable activity."No regulations dealing with wage deductions have been published by the Social Security Board nor instructions to employers to post such notices have been issued by the Social Security Board. Any effort to have the name of the Board appear as a signature to such notices is misrepresentation and fraud. The Social Security Board cannot ignore this unauthorized and misleading use of its name on posters, which is impeding the orderly process of administering the Social Security Act. The Board feels it is duty to bring these posters to the attention of the Department of Justice for investigation as to authorship and responsibility for circulation."
"The interesting thing about all of this is that if it's time for it to happen, it's going to happen, and nothing will stop it. It's all a part of God's plan. The only thing that you can and should do, is tell as many as you can about salvation and how to get it. Other than that, God's got it under control, and it will all happen the way that it's supposed to."
Perhaps, celebrating, instead of being fearful of, the end and the beginning, together. As inseparable as night is from the day, God does not exist without Satan. No one needs saving, for salvation, too, comes in its own time... whenever one has come to that point for him/herself, and not so much by what others are saying as to what one should do.
There is only one sin and that is being unconscious, only one virtue and that is being conscious. The turmoil witnessed outwardly provides the perfect backdrop for inner growth of peace within.
I have a bottle of champangne...
cheers to you, catlin... -turiya -*-
"It's all a part of God's plan."
Are you sure? or is it just the nature of man... and the cycle endlessly repeats itself?
Food for thought...
The limitations in the use of language most definitely are problematic. Even if it is of the same language. Any attempt to put an authentic experience of truth into words will make it come out a lie... best to keep one's mouth shut when trying to convey such an experience.
Man, for the most part is delusional. Saying: "It's all a part of God's plan." relieves him of any responsibility he may have in how this world exists up to now, one can go on keeping one's head buried in the sand. It is said that God has created man in his own image but the opposite is more to the truth of it, for man has created a god in his own image. That is why there is so much conflict on this Earth. So many images of gods created from so many different minds of man. "And the god that I created is the only true god..." It is the mind of man that is the devil in god's clothing... That seems to me to be the biggest wrong turn that man keeps making.... thinking that god is some being like himself, that is separate from nature, separate from himself, looking down from some heaven somewhere... passing judgements.
it seems to me that 'hands' as relating to an individual's ability of doing things... the skill in doing work or labor. The 'head' or forehead is relative to his ability to think... as in intellect. the mark of the beast ties up one's ability to work and think if one (as a member of a society) comes to accept the ssn as a absolute requirement in order to do these activities (neither of which are revenue taxable activities, btw).
The 'beast' - perhaps, it is the elite group of international bankers, the Federal Reserve in this country (which just may be behind the writing of 42 USC 666) and/or the amerikan government being the image of the beast, the projection that this government is doing the ultimate good, and the amerikan dollar[$] is its sign, is also a part of that image.
It may soon come to pass, that those who do not worship the image of the beast shall be caused and should be killed as in what Michael Reagan advocates about Mark Dice and the supporters of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Every individual has a mind, or intellect, that is capable of either the creation of good [god] or capable of doing bad [satan/devil]. These two are not separate entities floating out in places exterior to the individual/world but an integral part of one phenomenon, call it the conscious-unconscious spectrum. There cannot be a God without a Satan, the two are one in the same, just as in two sides of one coin.
There is only one sin and that is being unconscious. This can lead one to the Satanic end of the spectrum. There is only one virtue and that is being conscious, which can lead to the godly end. Most everyone is floating somewhere between the two, sometimes conscious and sometime not. Unconsciousness depends on the pleasure distractions that are available that one gets immersed into... overindulgence in any particular pleasure stimuli (i.e, lust for power, greed for wealth) can be called a sort of worship. One can even overindulge in praying to a god, or in meditating, or in watching tv... in fact, the latter even looks like worship... bringing food and drink to gather around and worship a tv god.
-turiya -*-