In the week after I had my third child I developed a very odd odor, when I called the nurses at the hospital they said if I was not in pain then it was not an infection. What they did not seem to know is that a yeast infection will make the lochia smell "off" normal. I didn't realize that is what it could be because I thought the itchiness I felt was from the healing process.
I went through several yeast infections in the months following and eventually my Dr said to just wait it out. Well I couldn't leave things alone, I was too miserable so I used white vinegar mixed in water and would rinse with it everytime I went to the bathroom. I also used what was left of my anti-fungal cream on the labia and I then used some lotrimin A.F. on my cheeks where I had some little pimply spots. I finally seemed to clear up.
I have found that I cannot go without acidophilus or I'll end up with a yeast infection. I would highly recommend using it, it is the good bacteria that your colon and vaginal tract need. You can't get too much of it, so many things in our life kill the good bacteria (ie:
Antibiotics , chlorine, caffeine and I'm sure a whole host of other things).
If you try some of these things and they do not work, you might consider the possibility that it is a bacterial infection, which might need a Dr's prescription to clear it up.
I hope that I have given you some ideas that will help solve your problem.