I have been what I would say fairly strict with my diet.
Some days I eat no meat, fish, chicken. I get my protein from beans, nuts etc. and eat lots of veggies, grains (no wheat), a little fruit now and then but not much. For breakfast I usually have a glass of super food. Then all of a sudden I'll get super hungry and that's when I eat a big
meal for dinner like salmon, baked potatoe, raw salad, and
green beans or something like that. But lots of meals I just have veggies both steamed and raw.
I have really gotten serious about the whole diet thing in
the last 2 years. Before that I had no clue what I was doing and just ate whatever. I noticed a small change in my overall health with the dietary changes but I really believe that it's is having balance in each area of our being. The cleanses have just been the icing on the cake for me. I have noticed great improvements in my health in the last 6 months since I have got very serious about cleansing and bring every together, diet, exercise, cleansing, etc.
Hope this helps!!