Hi Fil,
I have no idea what availability is like in Australia and what systems they use...hopefully Rubyglow can help you out there. Assuming it is similar to what's in the US:
- make sure they purify their water
- make sure they either use disposable equipment or disinfect their tubing and sterilize their speculums using an autoclave (same procedure used for surgical instruments)
- find out what type of system they use...I've had and performed
colonics with several different types and believe a closed-system provides a far more efficient and comfortable colonic...but that's my personal opinion. I also prefer the Wood's Gravity Flow method (the older way without all the bells and whistles of the newer equipment), but unfortunately it's getting harder to find.
- ask them how much water they use during the colonic...I use 15-20 gallons, sometimes more. Some don't use nearly that much and consequently won't get as much out.
- make sure they do men...most do, but some won't...blame the perverts for that...LOL!
I think that covers it...I'll post more if I think of any. I will add that you want to make sure that your husband is in favor of this and not just going along to please you. I've had a number of men who were dragged in by well-meaning wives and they often don't have a good experience...much more tense, pretty uncomfortable and don't release much. Relaxation is one of the keys to a good colonic...along with being well-hydrated. In general, men are more leary and nervous about having a
colonic performed...they just don't want anybody messing around back there! If they feel coerced they often resent it and don't return. Mind you this is certainly not always the case...but I have encountered it far more with men than women.