Hi Fil,
As you said...something is not right! It sounds like they could both benefit from a good colon cleansing, drinking more water, digestive enzymes, and probably modifications in their diets. Even though they both move their bowels regularly, the description you give still indicates constipation. The narrow diameter is often an indication of a thick buid-up of fecal the build-up that forms in a clogging sink pipe...and newer waste is passing through the narrowed opening. This is why many cases of chronic diarrhea are actually the result of constipation...the passage becomes so narrow the waste in liquid form goes straight through because water cannot be adequately absorbed from it.
The consequences for them healthwise can be numerous and progressive...compromised nutrient absorption, increased pathogenic organisms in the intestines, increased absorption of toxins which can create and contribute to a whole bunch of health problems, increased stress on the body, liver congestion,and on and on and on. I'm not trying to incite hysteria here, but colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the anything that can be done to improve the healthy functioning of the digestive system is a wise move to make.
They both should procede very slowly with any kind of cleanse...constipation during a
Colon Cleanse is more common when this situation is present. Actually, they would both greatly benefit from a series of
colonics prior to starting the
Colon Cleanse in order to get a jump-start on clearing out the passageway and rehydrating the bowel. This may not be an option they want to pursue...though they would both be glad they did.
colonics are not a substitute for a thorough
Colon Cleanse program, but they are a fantastic adjunct to it...making it so much easier and effective!