Hi there. All of you responding to our newbie requests are wonderful. I wouldn't attempt this cleanse without your support and advice.
I'm now on Day 7 of the
Master-Cleanse and started the P&B yesterday. Last night I took on P&B and today I plan on taking two. My question: I have not had a bm at all since I started taking the P&B. Should I be concerned or will it take a day or two for it to move through my system?
Prior to doing the MC, I was having the "ideal bm" that PTree described in another thread, so I'm not normally constipated. Is it normal to have a day with no bm when on the MC?
By the way, I FINALLY figured out how to happily drink the lemonade (it only took me 7 days!). I make a double portion of it (4 tbspn lemon juice, 4 tbspn maple syrup, cayenne pepper, 16
oz. cold water) and sip it through a straw. Taking it hot wasn't doing it for me, and I was getting tired of sipping contantly.
Thanks for your support. Hope everyone is feeling well.