PC --
Have you done the liver flush, etc.? I know my skin has cleared up some from OP, but I also plan on doing some more flushes this summer.
Have you tried
Iodine (inside and out)? I think that was really helpful for me, too. (I say "I think" because I started oil pulling, a couple of months later did some LF's, and then a month or so after that I began with the
Iodine supplementation -- I got better, my skin got better, and so forth, but since I did them all together and overlapping, I am never sure what therapy had which effects -- I could feel mood improvemnt, had a clearer head in terms of allergies sinuses, saw the usual mouth benefits from OP, but then I had a lot of skin improvement six months later, which may have been because of
Iodine as I only did 3 or 4 flushes.)
I make an oil-iodine mix that has been great for my skin for cleaning and moisturizing. I also use about 35 mg of
Lugol's every three days (internally). Lately I have been having a real breakout on my neck -- which is unusual for me -- and so I am have been pumping Vitamin C and salt to keep whatever it is moving out, and when I am rigorous about the C/salt, it goes away -- when I'm not it comes back.
My guess is that OP is doing something for you. Have you used sesame oil? That is supposed to have a lot of benefits for skin.