Christians have a firm foundation for confidence in the unchanging text of both Testaments. Not only is there a super abundance of 5,664 Greek manuscripts from which the original wording of New Testament books can be determined; there are also 18,000 other manuscripts in several other languages, e.g., Armenian, Latin Vulgate, Ethiopic, and more.
Where are the original texts that Uthman used to make the koran?!
This same quality of transmission cannot be said of the Islamic Qur'an. The Islamic Qur'an was written down from 3rd and 4th hand accounts; and from a few thoughts written on scrap papers --and compiled over 150 yrs after Muhammad died in 632 A.D. The oldest Qur'an dates from around 790 A.D. (after Jesus), and it is in the British Library. That's 158 years after Muhammad’s death.
Muslims often claim that the manuscript of the Qur'an housed in the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul, Turkey is one of the oldest sources. Muslims say it dates from around 650 A.D. There is an insurmountable problem with this. This document is written in Kufic (also known as al-Khatt al-Kufi) script. Coins in the British Museum show that the first coins using the Kufic script date from the mid to end of the 8th century. The only script used during and after Muhammad's days was the Jazm script.
The Samarkand (aka: Othman Koran) manuscript in the Soviet Library in Tashkent, Uzbekistan also uses the Kufic script, indicating late 8th century. Many believe it is the oldest in existence. Only About one-third of the original survives.
So the Christian Bible has been Corrupted you say?
QUESTION: Why do Muslims continually discredit the Bible on grounds that the Qur'an/Koran, though 600 years younger, has not been corrupted like the Bible?
Were you aware that Muhammad himself called the Christian Bible (Injeel) "Guidance and Light". Muhammad also commanded the reading of the Christian Bible as part of Islam. Have you read the Christian Bible?
Why is the unity of the Qur'an so strongly taught, when historical records prove the contrary?
Qur'an 5:46/47 and 43:63;
"And in their (earlier prophets) footsteps,
We sent Jesus the son of Mary,
confirming the Taurat (the Jewish Torah),
that had come before him:
We sent him the Injeel (the Christian Gospel),
therein was Guidance and Light.
And confirmation of the Taurat ( the Torah),
that had come before him:
a Guidance and an Admonition to those who fear Allah."
"Let the People of the Injeel (the Gospel),
judge by what Allah had revealed therein.
If any do fail to judge by what Allah had revealed,
they are those who rebel."
"When Jesus came with Clear Signs, he said:
'Now I have come to you with wisdom,
in order to make clear to you some of the (points)
on which you dispute*; therefore fear Allah and obey me**.
For Allah is my God and your God***;
so worship you Him****: this is a straight way."
Again, below Muhammad attests to the Torah's authority. So, for Muslims to claim the Bible was corrupted is an argument already lost....
n Sura 5:48 we are told that Muhammad is given the Qur'an as a confirmation of the bible; that is - it is meant to prove the bible's authenticity....
In Sura 46:12 we are told.... "Yet before it there was the Book of Moses which was an authority, and a mercy. This (the Qur'an) is the Book confirming it in the Arabic tongue....."