I have destroyed my life and my wife's life. Please read my story. Maybe it will save you from the pain I have caused. -rob
Yes, it is a bit eerie, isn't it? But then, I don't mind appearing eerie on the internet, it provides for that mystique that my personality might not have otherwise.
(Well, you know this is all a bunch of baloney, of course.)
Actually, I was chided for my previous avatar, which was meant to be a joke on ethnic profiling - I get so tired of getting phone calls from telemarketers asking for Mr. Ali. I actually like my fake beard and 'stache a lot, so I think after I've kept the eerie cat up for a few days, I'll return to it. Or maybe if I have time I'll go back to photo paint and make a pirate out of my face.
Suggestions are heartily welcomed!
That's a nice piece o' work, you are.
Er,...but tell me...what's with the cry baby and the pig?
Certainly you don't mean that I....?
I was just kidding with you. I appreciate the effort, and you're welcome to 'deface' me anytime you feel that creative urge. Heck, you can even pick any image you like from my gallery file and embellish it to your hearts delight. Well, keeping it clean that is..... non-kosher items excepted he he
Yeah, well, guess what? I went through the same thing. A marriage with a wonderful best friend but with 0 sexual interaction. I tried and tried everything I knew, but we were both severely unhappy. It started to destroy me up until I shook myself up and headed for the hills. Actually, it was geographycally the other way around, I went from the hills to the iron flat plains. But never mind that....that's another story.
You betcha my life was not destroyed, since I choose to find and give my life a whole lot more meaning than be defined by a horrible marriage. But it did take a lot out of me while it was happening.
What I have a hard time with in the original post, is that making a public confession and self-flagelation, to where thousands of people are invited, isn't going to take care of the situation. Neither is blaming other women for his own lack of discretion,---hey, in fact, I think that's what gets me the most. If your marriage is not working out, you are frustrated or whatever, then one can see how you may start to look elsewhere for your jollies. (not excusing that, just understanding the situation in human terms) But Pleeeeeze!! Don't start calling the women with whom you've fantacized and exchanged naughties the whores and sluts, that's irrevelant. No-uhn, "Oooh, the devil made me do it"....doesn't work for me. Grow up and face the consequences of your actions, stop the blame game. I would have a hard time (like most persons) trusting someone again after the trust has been violated, but I would have to fight some very un-christian feelings of contempt if to boot I had the stuff slapped in my face and told that it's the other woman's fault. Yecch!!
I can imagine how awful it must be for that wife, first she finds out what he's been up to, then she sees it all, first hand, ... but wait, there's more!.... she gets to read all about it along with hundreds of other people. How gross is that?
Well, actually, I digress. In her situation I would be feeling thankful. I would be convinced that our separation was not in vain and I could lay to rest any self doubts of my part in the whole thing. No amount of dysfunction within a marriage can excuse this sort of behavior ----but then, that's just in my book. Other people are much more tolerant than I.
there, there......We know you're not all like that Tyler, honestly!!!
Is that you doing the martial arts there? Slick. Say, it looks like Napoleon Dynamite was taking the class with you. He's my all time favorite!