Well, diva27, it is very wise and commendable to desire the most that God has to offer,...just like the "woman" at the well in John 4 (who desired the "living water" of John 7:38). Preferring love over mere faith doesn't seem to be an overwhelming male trait, but there is a necessity for intimacy with God (Rev. 7:16). Of course, it's very politically incorrect of me to notice that sentiment is not a male trait, but the status quo of the traditional teachings is the cause of spiritual blindness(Heberews 9:14 and 6:1), choosing scholarly ego instead of true devotion. The book of Job was not a story about faith, it was a love story ("the greatest of these").
After all, it is less likely that a woman would be satisfied with a relationship based on faith, but would rather have a relationship based on love ("walk by the SPIRIT"/love, Galatians 5:16 and 25) and humility to a father figure. Junias (I think the name is correct) was an exceptional apostle (woman).
I am in no way suggesting that there should a feminist movement among Christianity. Womens Liberation was a scheme by the Rockefeller elite and FBI to destroy the family (look it up in a book by Bella Dodd, Ayn Rand, etc.), but neither do I feel that women should remain silent. IN THE LORD, (not 'IN PAUL'), there is neither male nor female. God created manKIND in His own image, BOTH male and female (as being 'spiritually complementary'),...but back to the question....
I never really became overly obsesesed/sidetracked with prophecy and future REWARDS that God has waiting for me, I just always loved Him and rest in His grace, but I have always learned to doubt the simplistic understandings/'INTERPRETATIONS' that the 144,000 are simply symbolic of the 12 tribes.
Neither do I want to believe that it is a literal count of all the true LOVERS of God all throughout the history of humanity, but The Lord does say there will be a NEW EARTH and a new heaven, so maybe the 144,000 will be chosen to remain in God's heavenly court while everyone else is on earth.
Now, concerning your possibility of being part of the 144,000, another reason I have always avoided prophecy is HUMILITY. GENUINE humility MUST be maintained, value it above all, condescension to the brethren or ANYONE must not be allowed (Paul said "I WOULD/'heart's dilemna' rather be set apart and cut off from God..."). Humility is the requirement and maintenance of wisdom. Humility is a PERSONAL prize.
Even if you are part of the 144,000, don't let it puff you up. Avoid those who think they are. Rest in The Lord and let His grace be sufficient for you. Avoid those who claim to be prophets, know it alls, anointed, teachers of special knowledge, etc.
You are accountable to THE LORD, not man.
I don't necessarily agree with the ASCII code theory (6 is a very common number in life). The numbers we were taught to be suspicious of are part of daily life (we ARE the 6th day creation) and those numbers have always applied everywhere in life.
We (humanity) are our own strong delusion. The way we've always chosen to devote ourelves to the bible instead of The Lord is the cause of our spiritual blindness (THE strong delusion).
outlined in Ezekiel 14:4-8.
The god of confusion has always encouraged humanity to think that everything is in the FUTURE, that way the Christian won't notice that we are to have a PRESENT heaven in our heart, and neither will we notice that it's possible to have a present hell in our heart [and AVOID it] (it is the "lake of fire" that is FUTURE)...
I don't in any way condone any part of the Jehohav's Witness theology, but they depend on this '144,000 doctrine' as literal, so I found this interesting about 1 Kings 19:18 and Romans 11:4...