I suffered from cold sores for years and never get them now due to a few things. Try to see if avoiding oatmeal and peanuts and almonds helps. I find oatmeal is a huge trigger for me. There is a lot of l-argenine in them. To offset the high levels of l-argenine, if you can afford them, take two capsules every single day of l-lysine. These are both enzymes found in the body. L-lysine counter balances the L-argenine. Try to keep your room cool at night for sleeping. Use a little lip balm before you go to bed (there are some with l-lysine in them). Avoid oranges too if you are getting them frequently. Finally, I have found that both Abrevia (the only one that works over the counter) and polysporin cold sore patches are great. The cold sore patches work really quickly but both of these are expensive. Pay attention to what you've eaten before you get the cold sores so that you can avoid whatever your trigger is!