About Robert O Young...
"In 1996, under a plea bargain, Young pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of attempted practice of medicine without a license and was promised that the charge would be dismissed if he stayed out of trouble for 18 months. Young claimed that he had looked at blood samples from two women and simply gave them nutritional advice [9]. The blood test he advocates (live-cell analysis) has no scientific validity [10]. Young's "credentials" include doctoral degrees in nutrition, science, and naturopathy from the American Holistic College of Nutrition. His Web site claims that he "has been widely recognized as one of the top research scientists in the world," and his book states that he "has gained national recognition for his research into diabetes, cancer, leukemia, and AIDS." Yet he, too, has had nothing published in a recognized scientific journal."
Clayton College of Natural Health; aka-American Holistic College of Nutrition is a NON-accredited correspondence school. He did some undergraduate schooling at a college in Utah, business & biology. His "so called" degrees hold no real weight and by looking at his website it appears he is simply a salesman.
Young's website:
From his website he lists his credentials:
"Dr. Young has 5 degrees in
Science including 3 doctorates which include a Ph.D, D.Sc., and an N.D. Dr. Young is a scientist, health nutritionist, educator, and microbiologist and is the author of 8 books pertaining to nutrition, health, the
Science of blood and microbiology. Dr. Young is not a medical or naturopathic doctor or practicing as such."
"Young sold his InnerLight multilevel marketing company several years ago, he said, though he continues to receive royalties from products he developed."
This company sells
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Chemistry is NOT one of his degees! Furthermore, he does not hold a Ph.D from an accedited college.
Just because someone claims to be a doctor, writes a book and sells products doesn't mean they can do no wrong and must be correct. I have met with many Doctors (real medical doctors with actual degrees) who have made many recommendations for drugs and surgery, but I do not follow them.
Still I am open minded...
I would be very interested in hearing what his reccomendations are on dosage of sodium chlorite and his opinions on its effect on live blood analysis, seeing that is his specialty. I think this would be helpful to get more info on this type of therapy and how this chemical is activated by the stomach acids.