I can tell you waht helped me. This is, in my opinion, a yeast issue, at least for me.
Get Donna Eden's book "Energy Medicine". It very much has to do with the immune system being overactive. Specifically do the 5 minute daily routine plus the accupressure points for sedating triple warmer meridian and strenghtening the spleen meridian. I noticed a differenec after 2 weeks. I only have slight sensitivies now. Also try the other exercises if you have time.
Other helpful stuff:
Avoid chemicals of all kinds, including cleaning and personal care products. There are better natural alternatives.
Avoid chemical additives, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and grains (carbs), and processed foods. Make all food from scratch with pure organic ingredients. Read labels carefully, some organic foods have msg listed under many aliases.
Follow food combining rules.
Take oil of oregano. Go slowly to minimize die-off side effects.
Same for probiotics.
Exercise to tolerance. It should make you feel good afterward.
Avoid stress, do yoga or meditation. Get plenty of rest and keep a consistent schedule.
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