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my dog has a several cancer. how can I mms to her? Thank you
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Dog cleanse by Doc Tobias 7 year
Firstly,, try putting an activated drop ,,, 1 Miracle-Mineral-Supplement plus 5 citric acid ,, into the drinking water as dogs usually know what's good for them,, if that does not work then put 30 activated drops into bathwater and bath the dog. I cleared up a collie with multiple cancer tumors on her be!ly by using just apricot kernels shredded into her food. About 3 a day. You might also try this in tandem... Good luck.
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All Doc Tobias's Answers
Firstly,, try putting an activated drop ,,, 1 Miracle-Mineral-Supplement plus 5 citric acid ,, into the drinking water as dogs usually know what's good for them,, if that does not work then put 30 activated drops into bathwater and bath the dog. I cleared up a collie with multiple cancer tumors on her be!ly by using just apricot kernels shredded into her food. About 3 a day. You might also try this in tandem... Good luck.
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