
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 09:47:41 -0800 (PST)
   From: Angela Jones 
Subject: Methotrexate>Eat right 4 your type....

Hello again, To answer some questions..I am not taking Methotrexate
anymore,I was on it for 3 months and cleared up 70% but the thought of
getting a needle stuck into my liver after 6 months of the drug I asked the
doctor to take me off of it. Then I ran across the book "Healing Psoriasis"
and started that diet with no relief,then I found the book "Eat Right 4 Your
Type" by "Dr. Peter D'Adamo" and surely some of you have heard/read this
book, this is the only way of life for me.I am a type O+ and my diet
consisted of wheat,dairy,corn,corn syrup and coffee all my life. Then I
changed my diet to the ER4YT and I am now 90% or more cured for 6 or more
months and feel so much more alive than when I was eating the traditional
pyramid foods !! I recommend that everyone reads this book even if you don't
want to, it has opened my eyes to how food heals even if you have to eat
meat !! My e-mail is ( feel free to write and
regarding the link just write it into your address bar area
and push enter :^) My best to all of you, Angela

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