A woman, aged 39, with Type II diabetes and exceedingly high
blood sugar, was taken off insulin only two days after being on a special
diet and supplement program, reports Robert C. Atkins, M.D.

She was
constantly hungry, always exhausted, craved sweets, and weighed 335 pounds.
A previous doctor had put her on 100 units of daily insulin and a low-fat,
high-carbohydrate diet, but this worsened her condition. Then Dr. Atkins put
her on a special low-sugar, low-carbohydrate diet, emphasizing animal
protein and green salads.

He prescribed the following daily supplements to
help stabilize her metabolism: vitamin B6 (150-300 mg); another vitamin B6
compound called pyridoxine alpha-ketoglutarate (1500-3000 mg); niacinamide
(750 mg); vitamin C (2000-4000 mg); vitamin E (400-800 IU); vitamin B12
(500-1000 mcg); cozenzyme Q10 (90-150 mg); borage oil (900-1500 mg);
chromium picolinate (400-800 mcg); magnesium (taurate or aspartate, 400-600
mg); vanadyl sulfate (15-30 mg); zinc (orotate or chelate, 100-150 mg);
manganese (20-30 mg); copper (3 mg); selenium (200 mcg); plus dosages of
aloe vera, fenugreek, bitter melon, and Gymnema sylvestre herbs. Dr. Atkins
often adds biotin (9 mg) to the nutrient list for lowering blood sugar.

After one day on this treatment, the woman no longer required insulin shots
and her blood sugar level dropped from 700 to 110. Her energy picked up, her
sugar cravings went away, and she lost 22 pounds in the next 7 weeks. In
effect, she no longer had diabetes.

SOURCE: Dr. Atkins' Health Revelations, Vol. III, No. 8, August 1995, pp.
4-6; available from: Agora, Inc., 105 West Monument Street, Baltimore, MD
21202; tel: 410-223-2611; $69/12 issues.

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