Diabetes -- It's Reversible

Both juvenile and adult-onset diabetes can be successfully treated with
minimal insulin injections once you bring the pancreas, adrenals, and liver
into balance again using diet and herbs.

      by Daniel Dunphy, P.A. N.D.

      ABOUT 95% of the country’s 15 million diabetes cases are preventable
and can be treated successfully with diet, nutrition, and herbs. While
juvenile diabetes can have a genetic factor, adult-onset diabetes, in most
cases, is produced by a combination of factors such as high stress, faulty
diet, impaired digestion, and an overworked pancreas. That is why I maintain
that diabetes is primarily a dietary disease.


      Diabetes mellitus is a degenerative illness involving the pancreas and
the hormone insulin. Normally, the pancreas releases insulin to regulate the
level of blood sugar, or glucose, absorbed from meals, and to move it into
the body’s cells and tissues for nourishment. In people with diabetes, the
pancreas is unable to fulfill its function and normal glucose blood levels
cannot be maintained.
      Insulin is a protein comprised of 51 amino acids (protein building
blocks); its chief role is to enable the body to use glucose as energy.
About 25% of diabetics requiring insulin receive daily injections of insulin
derived from pigs or cows; the remaining diabetics can use any of 38
different types of genetically engineered human-based insulin (called
“humalin”), also by injection.
      There are two forms of diabetes. In Type I diabetes, also called
insulin-dependent juvenile diabetes (which represents 5%-10% of
diabetes cases), the pancreas is unable to make insulin. Glucose builds up
in the bloodstream, but cannot be delivered to the body’s cells, which begin
to “starve.”

      Type II diabetes, also called non-insulin-dependent adult-onset
diabetes, represents 90%-95% of all cases and develops in middle age.
Statistics indicate that about 85% of all Type II diabetics are overweight
when diagnosed. Here the pancreas produces insulin, but the body’s cells do
not respond to its action and cannot absorb the glucose from food. When the
glucose levels in the blood continue to rise because the body does not
respond to insulin, the pancreas releases even more insulin to deal with the
excess blood sugar. The result is both a state of low blood sugar (in that
the cells cannot receive energy) and too much insulin (hyperinsulinism).

      Both types of diabetes, if not controlled, can lead to even more
serious health conditions, such as heart and kidney disease, high blood
pressure, strokes, nerve damage, cataracts, blindness, coma, and even death.


      At 42, Franklin was a highly athletic man, bicycling up to 50 miles a
day and maintaining a healthy diet. Suddenly he developed symptoms of
chronic fatigue and decreased circulation. During my examination of
Franklin, I learned that he had been following a high energy, high fructose
diet for his athletic needs, but that this had produced a condition of low
blood sugar and high insulin, which is only a step away from diabetes.
      The high fructose intake overstimulated his pancreas which produced
too much insulin. A blood test revealed that Franklin had higher than normal
levels of Epstein-Barr virus, which is a marker for chronic fatigue
syndrome. His adrenal glands were exhausted. He had been under a lot of
stress; his father had recently died, he was having troubles with his
teenage boys, and an old neck injury produced congestion in the circulation
of cerebrospinal fluid through his spinal cord.
      At the time, I treated Franklin for chronic fatigue syndrome, using
intravenous vitamin C and vitamin-mineral injections. I didn’t see Franklin
again for 6 months. When he came back, his blood sugar levels had climbed
past 300 (compared to a normal of 70-120); another doctor had started him on
insulin, and now the insulin wasn’t working.
      Franklin had no family history of diabetes. His was caused mainly by
stress and dietary factors. In fact, most of adult-onset diabetes is
attributable to too much refined sugar and carbohydrates in the diet and too
much stress. Franklin seemed to be a laid-back man, but on the inside, he
was wrapped pretty tightly and had to exercise vigorously to burn off all
his energy.

      I suspected an allergy factor in Franklin’s diabetes, and to prove
this, I studied his bowel ecology. A stool analysis indicated he had a high
level of the yeast Candida and a one-celled microscopic parasite called
Blastocys-tis hominus in his intestines. His system was not metabolizing the
short-chain fatty acids in his foods nor most fibers or proteins. A hair
analysis told us that Franklin was deficient in chromium and vanadium and
that he had elevated mercury levels. His blood sugar went as high as 500,
and he was on 30 units of insulin a day to keep it down around 80.

      I devised a treatment program beginning with the root of a Mexican
cactus called huereque (pronounced where-AY-kay) This is a cactus that grows
in the northwestern Mexican desert and it seems to have strong effects on
lowering blood sugar levels. In the last 9 months, I have prescribed
heureque to 15 patients who came in insulin-dependent with adult-onset
diabetes; all 15 are now almost or entirely off insulin. I started Franklin
on 1200 mg daily, taken as 2 capsules (200 mg each), 3 times daily with

      Using huereque, Franklin tapered his insulin injections down to 10
units a day within the first week. By the second week, he was off insulin
entirely, with blood sugar levels remaining under 110. The only drawback to
huereque is that after 6 months of steady use, its
ability to control blood sugar starts to wear off as the body seems to
develop a tolerance to it in the same way it does to insulin. It’s important
to realize that huereque is not a “cure” for diabetes, but is a helpful aid
in controlling blood sugar if it is used with other nutrients and if you’re
addressing all the factors that triggered the adult diabetes.

      One option is to use huereque for 3 months, then switch to
nopal(another cactus which reduces blood sugar) for a month, and return to
huereque at a lower dose, such as 800 mg in 4 daily divided doses. When you
give the body a month’s rest from huereque, it works again. Incidentally,
huereque is remarkably inexpensive; 1000 capsules cost about $15.

      The huereque was only a part of Franklin’s program. I put him on
vanadyl sulfate (200 mg, 3 times daily), chromium (200 mcg, 3 times daily),
acidophilus (1 capsule, 3 times daily), and a colon cleanser called Perfect
7. He also started taking UltraClear™ for cleansing the liver. Twice daily,
Franklin drank a mixture of UltraClear™ with a heaping teaspoon of spirulina
(a phytoplankton containing amino acids and chlorophyll), a banana, one
tablespoon each of flaxseed oil and lecithin granules, and filtered water.

      The liver mediates between the activities of the pancreas, which
releases insulin to lower blood sugar, and the adrenal and thyroid glands
which elevate the blood sugar. However, if a person’s liver is sluggish,
stressed out, or toxic (as was Franklin’s), it no longer stores glucose and
the buffer between the pancreas and adrenals goes out of balance. In effect,
the adrenal and thyroid glands “tell” the liver to release glucose, and it

      Then, if the patient eats a great deal of refined carbohydrates (white
flour products) and simple sugars, this stimulates the pancreas to produce
more insulin to control the higher blood sugar levels. This gives the person
a chronically elevated insulin level (or hyperinsulinism), which in turn
suppresses the normal activities of the adrenals and thyroid. The result is
that these systems “fight” each other because the liver cannot act as a
harmonizing organ.

      Franklin’s adrenal glands were stronger than his pancreas, so he
developed diabetes. If his pancreas had been the stronger organ, which
is more common, then he would have fatigue, lowered body temperature,
reduced enzymatic activity, and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Franklin’s
original condition was chronic fatigue; this developed into the more complex
and serious problem of diabetes.

      In Franklin’s case, a series of “insults” earlier in his life weakened
his body’s ability to maintain balance. He had mononucleosis and abused
psychedelic drugs when he was young; he was an exercise maniac for years and
exhausted his adrenal glands; he worried a great deal and was under constant
emotional stress. These factors weakened his pancreas and adrenal glands.

      With Franklin, I further suspected that the chronic viral infection
from Epstein-Barr had injured his pancreas. I prescribed a series of
homeopathic nosodes, specifically from the Epstein-Barr virus as well as
Staphylococcinum and Streptococci-num, to help his immune system remove any
adverse taints of these microorganisms.

      In addition, I prescribed Spengler colloids, a therapy originally
developed in Germany. These included Polysan T (for tuberculosis) and
Polysan M(for malaria). The Spengler colloid is a broth made of weakened
bacterial toxins which is rubbed on the patient’s skin and absorbed into the

      The Spengler colloid works as an antitoxin therapy or nosode for
various chronic bacterial infections. My thinking here was that Franklin had
a multiple infection syndrome of which Epstein-Barr was a part. The matrix
of all these bacterial infections contributed to his chronic fatigue and
diabetes. He was not strong enough to tolerate the nosode therapy, however,
until his body was detoxified, stabilized, and strengthened.

      There are two additional therapies I used with Franklin. First, neural
therapy works on the damage resulting from his neck injury which interferes
with the flow of cerebrospinal fluid through the spinal cord from the sacrum
to the head. After using electro-dermal screening to determine which
substances are needed, I inject homeopathic and probiotic remedies (from
“friendly” beneficial bacteria) directly into specific acupuncture points.
When I first treated Franklin, I did this weekly for 3 months.

      Second, Franklin undergoes intravenous chelation therapy to remove
heavy metals from his system and to generally improve his blood
circulation. He receives vitamins, minerals, and a protein substance
called EDTA in monthly infusions; he’s had 30 chelations thus far.

      After 18 months on this program, Franklin takes a low dose of insulin
(10 units) only 3-4 times a week. His diabetes is stable. This is a
maintenance plan and he will have to live with it for a while. None of these
therapies are miraculous cures, but a patient’s hopeful, committed attitude
and the desire to get well go a long way.


      Perhaps 5% of all cases of diabetes begin suddenly in childhood. When
Billy came to me at age 5, he had been diagnosed with acute
juvenile-onset diabetes. His blood sugar level was 700 (compared to a
normal range of 70-120) and already he had been hospitalized a few
times. His health history revealed the causes of his diabetes. When Billy’s
mother gave birth to him, she had a Candida infection (candidiasis). This
meant Billy was born with an internal fungal infection. When he drank his
mother’s breast milk, the candidiasis became seated in his intestines and

      When he was 6 months old, Billy had a series of ear infections for
which he received antibiotics over a 4-month period. After that, he
periodically had allergy symptoms, rashes, nasal congestion, sinus problems,
and more ear infections. When he was 3, he started having excessive thirst
and frequent urination, which are often early signs of diabetes.  By the
time he was 5, Billy was drinking 6-7 glasses of fruit juice every day. He
craved sugar. The sugar in these juices fed his Candida and made him
hyperactive and hypoglycemic. The antibiotics supported the Candida, rather
than helping to remove it. Billy may have had a genetic predisposition to a
weak pancreas, but by the time he was 5, the combination of these three
factors—candidiasis, ear infections, and antibiotics—had exhausted his
pancreas and sent him into a diabetic crisis.

      Billy’s insulin levels were so high (he was taking 30 units daily)
that he became irritable, developed heart palpitations, and perspired
heavily. The high insulin levels nearly sent him into a diabetic coma every
day. His mother was frantic; meanwhile, his doctor was trying his best to
manage the sugar swings with insulin. Yet, we got Billy completely off his
insulin in less than 2 weeks.

      Here’s how we did it. We eliminated all fruit, fruit juice, and dairy
products from Billy’s diet, except for one slice of apple or a cup of
berries per day. We put him on a diet of proteins, vegetables, and whole
grains, thereby replacing sugars with complex carbohydrates. We made sure he
had frequent small meals instead of large ones. This is called an
insulin-sparing diet.

      Then I put him on vanadyl sulfate (7.5 mg, 2 times daily) and chromium
(in picolinate form, 200 mcg, 3 times daily). Chromium is a coenzyme that
enhances the cellular activity of insulin and the enzymatic processes
necessary for it to function smoothly; chromium is also found in high
concentrations in the pancreas and is considered a sugar regulator. Vanadyl
is a form of vanadium, an essential trace element that may have activities
that mimic insulin. Billy would need to take both these supplements for many

      Next, I gave Billy a homeopathic remedy for the Candida infection;
specifically, this was a nosode of Candida itself (Candida 6c, 3 times daily
for at least 2 months). In addition, I gave him acidophilus and bifidus to
fortify his intestines with “friendly” bacteria (called probiotics). To
supplement this, I put Billy on a bowel and liver-cleansing program, using

      We monitored Billy’s blood sugar levels carefully and very slowly
reduced his daily insulin. Within 3 days, his intake was 50% reduced, and
within a week he was taking no insulin. I then instructed his mother not to
give him any insulin unless his blood sugar went above 200. This happened
only once in the first 3 months, when Billy had some fruit juice. Three
months into this program, when Billy was stronger and his diabetes reduced
and under control, I prescribed a single dose of Diptherinum 200c, a
homeopathic remedy that was indicated because Billy’s father had suffered
from diptheria and there was still a taint or energy residue of this illness
in Billy’s system. This case shows that it is possible to significantly help
manage and reverse childhood diabetes using herbs and nutrition.

      by Daniel Dunphy, P.A. N.D.

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