Too few people in or culture experience the benefits of proper bowel function. Too few people live in a manner that enables them to maintain the natural balance of the body. There-fore, if we are going to live unnaturally, it would be wise to learn what is necessary to counter-act some of the maladies that we create in our personal environment. Sometimes I wonder if a person can ever be truly happy or healthy while living in a city where natural processes are so disturbed, and often absent altogether. Are we trying to keep people well against all odds? The medical arts today spend much time and money patching up the effects of an envi-ronment that is actually toxic and hazardous to health. Most of today’s doctors are treating people for ailments that are direct results of “civilized” living. These “environmental ailments” are ‘ reaching epidemic proportions, and rather than eliminate the cause of the disturbance, it is a case of keeping people going while they continue to addictively tear themselves down. True, lasting and abiding health is the result of conscious discipline in cleanliness of body, mind and spirit. All else is a compromise. When the body becomes polluted with toxic substances, those forces that maintain health and vitality diminish in proportion to the extent of the invasion. As they diminish, the morbid (disease producing) substances flourish. Such is the case with intestinal flora. Intestinal flora are those micro organisms which live in the bowels of man. There is a great variety of these microscopic life forms and they play a very important role in health and disease. Where health and vitality are found, we invariably find the friendly and beneficial microbes. Where there is decay and disease we find the organisms that perform this function. There is no aspect of earthly life in which these life forms do not have an important role to play. They are everywhere; we literally live in an ocean of them. They work unceasingly to bring about the trans-formations that they are designed to produce. To a large extent the flora in the bowel determines the state of health in an individual. The large bowel is in fact a mobile compost heap, constantly giving up finished compost and taking on new materials for treatment. As everyone knows, a compost heap is a very special thing. Here is where the waste prod-ucts of living things, both animal and vegetable, | are collected for the purpose of promoting a process of decay and breakdown. When the process is completed, we have the finest begin-nings for new life to get started. Out of the old and dead, comes the new and alive. What is at the interface of this paradoxical phenomenon? Bacterial and micro life forms. They are the recyclers, the transformers. They are nature’s labor force, accomplishing some of the most complex chemical reactions known to man. We are constantly trying to copy or some-how utilize the processes they are capable of producing. Some of the deadliest substances in existence are produced as metabolites of these bac-teria. All life upon the planet is affected by their presence. It has been determined that the colon contains not only 400 to 500 varieties of bacteria, fungi, yeast and virus, but that the populations vary from the center of the colon to those living in.48 the mucous lining; from those inhabiting the right side to those that inhabit the left side of the bowel. Research has found evidence which indicates that the mucus secreted by the intestine very much determines the kind of bacteria that will grow there. In addition, it has been found that it takes more than a year on the average for a new diet to produce any noticeable change in the flora. Of those things that greatly alter the bacterial life in the colon, drugs are the most powerful. In particular are the “broad spectrum” antibiotics. It has been found that antibiotic-treated animals have higher blood cholesterol levels. Those bacteria which help control cholesterol levels are killed off by the drug. These drugs can also cause inflammation of the intestinal wall. Antibiotics will, as a rule, wreak havoc in the intestinal ecology, and should, if possible, be avoided. In addition, there is an immunity reaction that can occur in which the body develops an inability to utilize the drug, therefore putting the beneficial qualities of it out of reach. Overuse develops this syndrome and makes it ineffective in many cases. Penicillin is one in particular that has seen much abuse and in a time of great need, may prove to be powerless in many people.
Those things which man loathes most, morbid substances, are the same things provided by bacteria that can and do live in man’s intestines. I believe the preponderance of unfriendly bac-teria in the average American bowel would reach as high as 85%. Bacillus coli is considered to be the king of the court, providing the most offensive reac-tions. There are many others. The opportunity to have such a guest is facilitated today because of the dietary habits and quality of foods we are using. Flatulence is produced largely by these organisms. Their chemical reactions are hazard-ous to the well-being of the body. These substances are very toxic. Very small amounts of spe-cific compounds can produce bizarre reactions in the body. They cause disharmony in the body, chasing away the life force. They are hazardous to living’ organisms, constantly occupied in breaking down tissue and reorganizing it. The average bowel provides an ideal environment in which these organisms flourish. We have unwittingly provided the breeding ground on a mass scale by the lifestyles we live. Basi-cally, Western man through the use of technology has so adultered his food that it no longer promotes the friendly bacteria, rather it nourishes the destructive bacteria. Bacillus coli prefer an alkaline environment, with protein for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A dark, warm, moist place rounds out their habitat. Undigested protein reaching the colon is per-fect food for these bacteria; they thrive on it. We literally feed them and promote their growth this way. Meat in particular provides this medium. When these conditions are met, and it doesn’t take long, we are opening the doors for guests of this sort. They can invite most chronic dis-eases man is aware of. They are not good boarders. They are always taking more than their share and never pay the rent. They are not easily evicted and oftentimes claim the whole house from its landlord. How can we best avoid these things? Ideally, we should never get into this situation. Bowel hygiene should be taught at an early age by our parents. It should be common knowledge and.49 our government should be made responsible to see to it that it is part of our educational system. Those practices and processes that contribute to degeneration should be avoided, and those who promote such abuses should be reeducated. Until such an ideal is realized, we must deal with the problem the best way we are able according to our individual beliefs and morality. We can begin with a total cleansing of body tissues in as much as the art has progressed. Releasing the grip of toxic substances in the body is no small task. It takes work and perse-verance, a willingness to release the old and embrace the new. Fasting, elimination diets, enemas, colonies, herbs, massage and all the healing arts are in one way or another trying to do the same thing; release from the body some undesirable sub-stance whether it be a negative attitude, spastic muscle or lead accumulation, those things that cause disharmony in the body. Bowel cleansing is an essential element in any lasting healing program. The toxic waste must be removed as quickly as possible to halt the downward spiral of failing health. This is best done by (1) removing accumulated fecal material from the bowel; (2) changing the diet from a toxin-producing process to that of an elimination and cleansing diet; (3) fasting; (4) colonic flushing with enemas or colonic irrigations; and (5) cleansing the mind of old habit patterns. This sounds like a big order to handle, but it shouldn’t be at all. Going slowly but surely in the right direction is the main successful ingredient. Don’t try to do it all at once. Too much change too fast causes disorientation, a disease known as future shock. It is best accomplished by surrounding yourself with the right people-people who are knowl-edgeable about these things and have your best interest at heart. A disagreeable, uncooperating spouse or parent can be a major roadblock to success. It may require changes in your life that go very deep. Many people give up rather than change, and ride out the consequences of their decision the rest of their lives. Once the toxic environment in the colon has been purged by cleansing and elimination; the diet corrected; and all efforts directed toward balance, the body will begin to respond by deeper cleansing of all tissues. The elimination reactions brought on by cleansing, proper and vital nour-ishment and a change in attitude are a vital part of the rejuvenation process. As this process proceeds, the house is being prepared to receive new guests. Slowly, but surely, the bowel flora will change with constant encouragement. The once alkaline, high protein, putrefactive environment will change over into one of cleanliness and sweetness, where peace and harmony reign.
Throughout known history, man has been enjoying the benefits of a particular food renowned for its health qualities. It provides, in part, substance to every good aspect of human health. It gives endurance, vitality, strength, long life and cheerfulness. It responds wonderfully in the di-gestive system, promoting every good quality of a healthy bowel. This food is soured milk. Bacterial action in the milk produces a chemical reaction which digests the milk substances, and makes them an ideal food for the human body. The bacteria.50 that cause this reaction to occur are known as lactobacillus, acidophilus, bulgaricus, brevius and saliveria. There are others, but these are the most widely known. These are the friendly bacteria to the human body. They provide many wonderful quali-ties for the organism. First of all, where they live abundantly, the other kind do not or cannot. The acidophilus gets its name from the fact that it loves an acid environment. An acid bowel environment is one’s best defense against unfriendly bacteria. When we provide a favorable environment for the acidophilus, we are at the same time wiping out the breeding environment for the bacillus coli. So, the process in many respects is aimed at reestablishing the naturally occurring lactoba-cillus acidophilus. This bowel condition is the one from which man’s greatest health can be obtained. Maintaining this condition puts one upon the path to healthy and vital living. When I say that we want to reestablish the naturally occurring acidophilus, I mean that the acidophilus is normally established at birth. Within the mother’s milk is a substance known as colostrum. This substance produces a baby’s first peristaltic action in the bowel. Being the first nourishment ingested into the system, mother’s milk produces an acid environment in the colon. This occurs due to the lactose or milk sugar that reaches the colon. When a mother breast feeds her baby, she gives it the best possible start in life and health. The first bacteria to enter the child’s digestive tract will establish itself within a matter of hours from birth. It is now that a very critical decision has been made that will influence the growth of the individual for its life’s duration. If the colon is found to be acid, promoted by mother’s milk, then the acidophilus will take root and flourish. If the colon is found to be alkaline or neutral the chances of bacillus coli to flourish are encouraged. The lactose of mother’s milk has the unique quality of being slowly metabolized by the body. It reaches the colon still intact and provides nourishment for the acidophilus bacteria. Formulas other than mother’s milk deprive the colon of this food and therefore set the stage for coli inhabitation-the beginning of disease. Ask around and compare illnesses with those who have been breast fed and those who have not. Even if one is fortunate to have come in with this natural blessing, it is no guarantee that it will stay that way. Defoliation can occur quite easily. Poor dietary habits in particular cause this destruction of the acidophilus environment. Also, antibiotics will cause great damage. Lactobacillus bacteria has a symbiotic relationship with the human body. It is a good boarder and always pays the rent in advance, doing more than its share. When we properly care for the bowel, we are automatically providing a welcome home for those favorable life-giving bacteria that are essential to good health. Among other things, they provide very valuable nutritional metabolites for the body to use in rebuilding and maintaining health. Examples are portions of the vitamin B complex, enzymes and essential amino acids, the increased and more efficient absorption of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. They are responsible for the synthesis of certain vitamins. They maintain an.51 antibacillus coli environment. They contribute to good health in many ways we are not scien-tifically aware of yet.
Milk, when first secreted from the udder of a healthy cow or other lactating animal, is sterile, but it becomes invaded by bacteria almost immediately. Milk is a good medium for breeding bacteria of all kinds, good and bad. Any changes which occur in the milk after it is secreted are the result of bacterial action converging nutri-ents into other substances. If bacteria could be prevented from contaminating the milk drawn from the udder, it would remain sweet indefinitely; but this is an impossibility. John Harvey Kellogg performed an amazing experiment demonstrating this fact. He im-mersed a one-pound piece of raw meat, slightly tainted, in buttermilk. The milk was changed at regular intervals. The meat remained perfectly free of decomposition for some 20 years! This demonstrates the efficiency of an acid medium in inhibiting decay producing, putrefac-tive bacteria. Soured milk is also called turned, fermented, curdled and clabbered milk. The Bulgarians and Turks called it yogurt; the Russian calls it Kefir. Among the essential goods of some Nomadic people is a lump of casein milk curds, wrapped up to prevent its drying. This lump of casein is put into the milk bag containing the freshly drawn milk and allowed to remain there until the milk sours. Then the curd ball, rejuvenated in the pro-cess, is returned to its wrapping. Using this process, the Nomad knows his soured milk will not rot nor putrefy. In this condition, the milk retains its food value until it is used up. In more recent years, since the studies of Metchnikoff, fermented milk has been in great demand and widely used. It has been prescribed for better health in general and for a wide range of ailments, particularly those arising from intestinal and metabolic disturbances. “Metchnikoff is really the father of modern-time fermented milk. He made it popular and as the head of the Pasteur Institute in Paris stimulated a great deal of scientific study about the remedial value of fermented milk. He was an indefatigable worker on the subject of longevity. His experiments for attainment of better health and longer life attracted world-wide attention. He maintained that stasis and putrefaction of the bowel shortens life and causes diseases, early senility and premature death for which he recommended fermented milk best neutralizer and antidote. “He deduced this from the fact that the Bulgarians, Turks, Arabs, Jews and others who are addicted to the use of fermented milk as the English are to the afternoon tea, produce more centenarians than any other nationality, Bulgarians showing 1,500 centenarians out of every million of population. In America, only nine out of every million reach that age. No doubt the fact that these people use a great deal of fermented milk, and because it contains the very valuable lactic acid and the changed proteins, can be considered as a factor in their longevity. But, lest we forget, how about their simple fare, simple mode of living, the outdoor life they lead! Are these not just as important, perhaps more so, as factors in longevity than just fermented milk? “Metchnikoff inferred that their longevity was due solely to the fermented milk. He obtained a microbe which he called Bacillus Bulgaricus from the casein ball the Bulgarians used to induce souring in freshly drawn milk of their herd, and found it would indeed induce souring of milk, and very rapidly.
He tried to implant this Bulgarian bacillus in the intestinal tract of man, and thereby induce lactic acid formation, thus eventually to crowd out the malignant microbe that may be causing putrefaction, but the experiment was not successful. The Bulgarian bacillus is a milk parasite. Many bacteria produce lactic acid, but relatively few grow well in the alimentary canal. “Time, observation and experimentation have proven that the bacillus bulgaricus is not vi-able, which means that when ingested, it does not thrive in the gastro-intestinal tract, but it is digested and destroyed in the stomach and small intestine and does not reach the large intes-tine. It does not get into the colon where it is most needed.
The bacillus bulgaricus after being ingested, does not appear in the feces when examined. “Lactobacillus Bulgaricus preparations have been omitted because they contain an organ-ism foreign to the intestinal tract of man and incapable of being implanted in the human intestine. The lactobacillus acidophilus preparations have been retained because this organism is ca-pable of implantation, growth and lactic acid-production in the intestine of man. “The presence of any bacillus acidi lactici in the feces is the only real proof of their value as definite remedial agents in colonic disturbances, especially in constipation. Out of the more than one hundred species of bacillus acidi lactici, including the bacillus yogurt, streptococcus lacticus, thermophilus, lactobacillus adondolyticus, Boas Oppler bacillus, lactobacillus lopersici, etc., nonethriveorcan be implanted in the large intestine, other than the lactobacillus acidophilus. “Rahe made a critical investigation ,of the implantation of L. bulgaricus. His work tends to show that although L. bulgaricus milk is ingested, it disappears very soon after ingestion has stopped. This investigator also points out a very significant fact-that the difference between L. bulgaricus and certain acid-forming bacteria, which are known to occur normally in the intes-tines, is so slight that they can be distinguished only with difficulty. He suggests that the belief on the part of some investigators that L. bulgaricus becomes established in the intestines was caused by their inability to distinguish between these two types.
The only bacillus acidi lactici that can thrive and can be implanted into the adult large intestine is the lactobacillus acidophilus. “Lactobacillus acidophilus belongs to the aciduric lactobacillus group which is widely dis-tributed in nature. This group of bacteria contains many varieties of related organisms. Lactoba-cillus acidophilus and lactobacillus bifidus are found in the gastro-intestinal tract of man and animals.
Lactobacillus bulgaricus
usually occurs in the intestinal contents of cattle. It is frequently present in dairy products, contaminated with fecal material from cows. “The lactobacillus bifidus predominates in the infant colon. It keeps the child from develop-ing many infant diseases, and makes him also immune to many diseases, as long as he is fed on breast milk, for then the colon is normally acid in reaction. But as the child grows older and the change of diet takes place, proteins are increased at the expense of carbohydrates and sugar- milk sugar. As a result, unfriendly bacteria begin to enter the colon, such as the bacillus coli, the B. Welchii, B. putreficus, streptococci fecalis, etc. Putrefaction and fermentation now are in or-der. Thus toxic material-indol, skatol, phenol, ammonia, phenylsulphate, ptomaine, pyrrhol, cadaverin, isoamylamine, ethylamine, idroxyl-phynel, and other poisons-swarm in the large intestine. “Within the past 50 years methods have been developed for changing the nature of the germs that live in the intestines. Metchnikoff’s original idea that the bacillus bulgaricus was the normal inhabitant and that its presence was synonymous with long life has been changed to emphasis on another germ called the B. acidophilus..
53 “As already hinted, with the exception of the lactobacillus acidophilus, all other species of bacillus acidi lactici are not viable; that is, when imbibed, when taken by mouth, they are di-gested and destroyed in the stomach and small intestine, and, therefore, do not reach the colon or, if they do, their number is negligible. L. Acidophilus is a normal inhabitant of the intestinal tract and under the influence of the ingestion of lactose or dextrin can be made to predominate the intestinal flora. The ingestion of L. Acidophilus milk with or without added lactose brings about the transformation of the intestinal flora more quickly and is generally conceded to be the most logical and practical method of bringing about the preponderace of L. Acidophilus type of bacte-ria in the intestines. By administering L. Acidophilus milk implantation the proliferation of the organisms in the intestinal tract are more rapidly accomplished for then there is direct implanta-tion of large numbers of viable organisms.
The lactose of milk induces the multiplication of the desired type of bacteria. “It is necessary that large quantities of very active cultures should be taken, and special measures must be adopted to supply to the B. acidophilus, when in the colon, the carboyhydrates which it requires for efficient growth. “The growth in the large intestine of lactobacillus acidophilus depends solely on starch and sugar, but more so on milk sugar. In order to change the intestinal flora, it is best to adopt the following rules. “For fifteen days, about eight ounces to sixteen ounces of culture of lactobacillus acidophi-lus, in which three large tablespoonsful of lactose is dissolved, should be taken daily thirty min-utes before breakfast; and for the same length of time, three large tablespoonsful of lactose should be dissolved ‘many kind of fruit juices, milk, soups, broth or water, and taken daily thirty minutes before supper. After this, four ounces to eight ounces of lactobacillus acidophilus cul-ture, in which three tablespoonsful of lactose have been dissolved, should betaken every morn-ing for fifteen more Jays.
The lactose, however, should be taken as before. After this, the quantity of the culture of the lactobacillus acidophilus can be reduced to four ounces every day for fifteen more days. For the remainder of the time, the ingestion of the culture of the lactobacillus acido-philus, two ounces every day, may be sufficient to keep the required amount of lactobacillus acidophilus present in the large intestinal tract. One must remember that the amount of the daily requirement of lactose, should continue to be about three tablespoonsful, morning and evening, as the daily requirement. “As to the length of time that the lactobacillus acidophilus culture (together with the lactose) should be taken in order for one to gain the desired results depends on the severity of the condi-tion that is being treated. However, a period ranging from four to six months may be necessary. A period of about three months of rest may be taken and then the procedure, if necessary, may be repeated. It is possible that the taking of the lactobacillus acidophilus culture and the rest periods may have to go on for some time.
“When is the intestinal flora changed?
The intestinal flora is changed when the stools are soft, frequent (three times a day), and free from putrid or rancid odor. Examination by a bacteri-ologist should give positive 80 and negative 20, which means 80% of the acid formers and 20% of other bacteria. In a bad flora, the percentage will be the reverse, 20-80. Of course, a change from 20-80 or worse to 40-60 or 50-50, is a decided improvement, but this should not be consid-ered at all satisfactory. Old troubles may still continue, perhaps somewhat modified. But when the change reaches 75-25, marked improvement will be evident, and the more complete the change of flora, the more decided will be the change for the better in the patient’s symptoms..54 “The advantages of regularly using lactobacillus acidophilus together with the lactose mixture are obvious. Through not a cure-all, yet one would be temped to say that it should be used not only when diseases have already made their inroad, but more so as a preventive of disease. “A few more suggestions about the lactobacillus acidophilus therapy The culture, to be ef-fective, must contain at least 200,000,000 lactobacillus acidophilus per cubic centimeter. Al-though clinicians experience has been that lactobacillus acidophilus therapy has to be taken in large doses to be effective, there have been cases in which daily doses even as small as four ounces has proved satisfactory when it was mixed with a like amount of lactose. “In about 75-80% of non-complicated constipation, lactobacillus acidophilus therapy has given uniform good results. “The lactobacillus acidophilus culture should be used within or before the expiration date marked on the bottle.”*
Current research into intestinal flora of the human bowel has revealed some new and valu-able information for the health-seeking individual. (See Bibliography for further reading.) Dr. Paul Gyorgy of the Institute of Nutrition Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (discoverer of vitamin B-6), has determined that the main component of the normal intestinal flora of man is lactobacillus bifidus. Bifidus bacterium readily establishes itself in the colon of newborns when fed mother’s milk. It is bifidus that is found in the nipple of lactating mothers. Very encouraging research in both the USSR and Germany have demonstrated the rejuvenating qualities of this bacteria when it is well established in the colon. The only commercially-available form of lactobacillus bifidus that I am aware of comes under the brand name of Eugalan Topfer Forte, and can be found in your health food stores. If not locally available, address your inquiry for this product and information to: Bio-Nutritional Products (see Bibliography)
A program using this bacteria following the former instructions should bring encouraging results to those who suffer from a lack of proper intestinal flora.
Everyone should take a good replenishment of acidophilus culture, which can be purchased at any health food store. I recommend taking this culture regardless if you have been on the colema treatments or not. However, it is strongly recommended to be taken after the colema treatments.
* “”The intestinal Flora in Constipation” by N. A. Ferri, Sr., M.D., Chicago, IL..55
By BERNARD JENSEN D.C., Nutritionist