In the preceding chapter, I discussed the anatomical and physiological functioning of an idealized bowel. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles we must be aware of that interfere with this ideal. Autointoxication is the result of faulty bowel functioning which produces undesirable conse-quences in the body and is the root cause of many of today’s diseases and illnesses. If we can make the analogy of the large intestine, or colon being the body’s waste disposal or sewer system, we can begin to understand the process more clearly. Imagine what would be the result of a pump failure in a city’s sewer system or what would happen if all the pipes got plugged up with some unmovable material so that the system failed to move waste? It wouldn’t take very long before a crisis developed and a huge sanitation problem would threaten health and society. From open sewers in the past sprang the devastating plagues and diseases that literally destroyed whole cities and populations. When the sewer backs up, we have an immediate health problem potential. Call the plumber! In addition to the above scenario there is the possibility that the proper functioning of the waste elimination and treatment process can be shut down due to a power failure. The works themselves are O.K. but the energy that feeds all the machinery is shut off or is only partially available. We can liken this to what happens in our bodies when food is nutritionally deficient and fails to give us energy. All the above conditions are being experienced in our bowels today. Why? The full explana-tion would fill volumes and volumes. We can distill the main causes for brevity and still get the message however. Basically, modern civilization, especially the industrialized nations, have the greatest bowel disturbances. We find that native peoples living close to the land and nature do not experience these problems and such diseases as diverticulitis and colitis are virtually unknown. So what is it that makes these bowel disturbances in our culture? It’s hard to point a finger at any one aspect in particular because they are all contributing in varying degrees. Individuals suffer from one aspect more intensely than another due to environmental factors and personal living habits. In general, the overall major contributing factor is our straying away from a simple, natural lifestyle, wherein all the preconditions for happy, healthy living are found. We find that the further we stray from natural processes and the more we depend upon unnatural and artificial pro-cesses our disease and illness increase in frequency and intensity. In particular, we find that the food situation has contributed most heavily to imbalances in people’s bodies today. The way we grow, harvest, process and market our food is at the root of much disharmony in our population. Economic factors have totally overruled all other considerations in food marketing and dis-tribution. Vital, nourishing, life-giving food simply cannot be had when it is treated as it is today. Unfortunately our foods are hybridized to promote high yields, follow specific climatic conditions,.18 meet harvesting and processing requirements, and have economically advantageous market-ing and shelf life characteristics. Nutrient quality, freshness, taste and vitality as it becomes part of the human body is totally neglected. Processed, cooked, dried, roasted, burned, chemicalized, embalmed, preserved foods do not react well in the human body. In fact, they produce very unpleasant things, as you will witness later in this book. Anyone who is aware of health conditions as they exist today is familiar with the case against the present system of food production. Therefore, let us go on to the other considerations that are responsible for bowel troubles today. As a result of our poor food conditions, the body is not able to get the proper nutrition. Food grown on poor soil does not have all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes necessary for good health. Our people are growing up with shortages in their nutritional balance. These shortages produce abberations in body chemistry which reflect in disease, illness and unbalanced mental states. Additionally, processed, devitalized foods are notoriously lacking in fiber and bulk. They tend to be dry, goopy, sticky and pasty. They do not do well in making the transit in the bowel. They have a tendency to stick to the insides like glue and are difficult to move out. A constant diet of this kind of food puts one upon the path to all the things we are going to discuss in this book. Unfortunately this process gets started early in life. Other factors we should consider in autointoxication are the stresses and tensions put on the members of modern society. When the body is under stress and strain, as is so often en-countered today, it needs an extra amount of nutrition to cope with the increased needs caused by this stress. Sadly, the food eaten is so deficient that the body is always in a state of “catching up!” Never getting what is required, a vicious cycle is set up where starvation of vital tissues begins to occur. This situation is in itself stress producing and vitality reducing. Symptoms such as lack of energy, tiredness, irritability, restlessness, intolerance, quarrel-someness, fatigue, lack of endurance and increasing frequency of illness are all products of the things I’ve been discussing. Now let’s combine these conditions and see what happens. First of all, the sewer lines are beginning to get plugged up because of all the glue in the pipes. This causes a backing up of all systems. Waste material is staying around longer than it used to. There hasn’t been a reduction in the need to eliminate those materials and therefore the machinery has not had a break, but must instead labor even harder to move the same amount of materials. We find that more elec-tricity is required to do this extra work and all equipment is now operating at a higher wear rate and will require additional maintenance to keep it all going. The possibility of equipment failure has increased due to the overload. Now imagine a brown out or worse yet, a complete failure in the energy supply. All systems come to a very sticky halt. When the bowel becomes encrusted with unexpelled fecal material due to poor dietary habits, the absorption of vital nutrients slows down to the degree of encrustation. This is equiva-lent to a brown out. The energy cycle is short circuited and a downward spiral of tissue integrity ensues. In addition, the accumulations on the bowel wall become a breeding ground for unhealthy bacterial life forms. They begin to multiply on this putrid, decaying material and the stage is set for serious consequences..19 The heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host for putrefaction. The blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking on toxic substances. Here is the beginning of true autointoxication on a physiological level. By this time, there is little to no existent friendly bacteria in the bowel. The colon has been completely overrun by harmful, toxin-producing virus and bacteria. The sewer is backed up and the power has been turned off. Call the doctor! It is an indisputable fact that not only illness and old age, but even death are due to the accumulation of waste products of body chemistry and, on the other hand, to the inability of the body to replenish its cellular structures and organs with fresh vital nutrients. Therefore, immunity and freedom from disease can be had and old age and death can be deferred only as long as body wastes are kept at a minimum and fresh, vital material of the first order is supplied for growth and repair of the body. Colonic cleanliness is of tremendous importance to general health. When the colon be-comes polluted with stagnating waste and its tissue becomes damaged by abrasions and infec-tive ulcerations, the end products of poor digestion, lowered metabolism and putrefactive fer-mentation waste find easy entrance into the blood, lymph and other body fluids. Beside the morbid conditions already mentioned, one must consider the common and in-creasing prevalence of diseases of the colon, sigmoid flexure, rectum and anus; diverticulitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, fistulae, fissures and malignancies. These diseases are so serious and are becoming so prevalent that they have created an army of rectal surgeons, colonic irrigators, etc.
The benefits of colonic therapy were introduced to me by Dr. George E. Crowie of Los Angeles, California. He believes that the colon is the most important organ of the human body. The sanitary and active conditions of the colon predispose the body to good health. It was years ago that I went to New York and took up special work with a colonic specialist who had written a book showing that he had put the colon tube completely up the descending colon across the transverse colon, down the ascending colon and had it touching the appendix. I saw this in X-rays and felt as though I would like to study with this man in some of the colonic work he was giving. He had me do a good deal of this colonic work over a period of a month in his office and I noticed that people who ate certain kinds of food always had a certain kind of a bowel movement. Those who had the natural fiber foods in the bowel always had a well-formed stool and it seemed to pass along fairly well. However, there were very few well or healthy people who came in for these colonies. These people were living on “civilized” foods. One of the things we noticed most was that those people who had a lot of bread were the ones who really had the poorest colon conditions. They were the ones who, when X-rayed, had the most diverticula. We came to the conclusion that anyone taking bread or any of the refined floured products must use a fiber as found from vegetables along with it. To this day, we have fol-.20 lowed that program because we saw so many great changes in the elimination of toxic mate-rial by colonies when people used vegetable fillings and plenty of them along with their sand-wiches. Today, I believe that no one should eat sandwiches or have any refined carbohydrates of any kind unless they have plenty of fiber material to move it along. Now in many cases I think if we took the natural cereals and natural materials in the very beginning, we wouldn’t develop many of these colonic troubles. Of course, we can’t tell the average person this, they have to find it out the hard way. Normal, healthy tissue cannot exist where diverticula exist. We have come to the conclu-sion that all breadstuffs made of refined flours should be kept out of the body, that means all bread, cakes, pies and Pastry. We teach people to use the four cereals that are so neglected in the diet; millet, rye, yellow cornmeal and rice. They must be whole and natural as God gave them to us so that we might have enough roughage to keep our bowel in good tone. Diverticulosis has increased tremendously and I believe that it is one of the greatest problems for the gastro-intestinal specialist to take care of today. The following clipping is from the Daily News Service, 1981: CANCER RISK FOR WOMEN A new study by University of San Francisco medical research-ers has revived a turn-of-the-century idea that toxic sub-stances produced in the bowel can have damaging health effects. The study’s findings also support recent suggestions of a link between a diet high in fat and low in fiber and an increased risk of developing breast cancer. The study of 1,481 non-nursing women showed that those who are severely constipated tend to have abnormal cells in the fluid extracted from their breasts. Such cells have been found in women with breast cancer and, the researchers suggested, may in-dicate that the women face an increased risk of developing cancer. The cellular abnormalities occurred five times as of-ten in women who moved their bowels fewer than three times a week than in women who did so more than once a day. Chronic constipation is often the result of a diet high in pro-tein, fat and refined carbo-hydrates (sugars and refined flour) but low in such fibrous foods as whole grains, fruits and veg-etables. In past years, we have taken care of many chronic cases; we have seen remission through natural means, and it has been through cleansing of the bowel to which I attribute my success in these cases. We do not take care of any cancer cases, nor do we treat or counsel cancer patients. We do, however, advise these people to be under the care of a medical doctor. The medical doctors are equipped to take care of these extreme cases; and there are many who are now looking at the wholistic view in caring for the colon..