FUTURE KNOWLEDGE UPDATE -- Matt Erwin -- The 5 Discoveries -- Why not live the freedoms and advancements of the Future-- Today? by #10831 .....
New Breakthrough Discoveries: -- A Must Read -- Matt Erwin -- Invention - Research & Discovery Blog
Date: 6/13/2007 10:24:44 AM ( 17 y ago)
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-- Astounding NEW Answers --
Using new digital infrared telescopes and super computers we are now tracing in a type of galactic archeology where we actually may have come from. The 200 billion star Milky Way Whirlpool Disc has continually been capturing and absorbing 'many' smaller galactic systems termed "dwarf galaxies".
[PIC: Streamer remnants across the sky of previous dwarf galaxies Milky Way has drawn in and absorbed (preview graphic of upcoming study release {Credit: Kathryn V. Johnston})]
Rings Around the Galaxy
"You Are Here"
[ Milky Way whirlpool disc ( 2 black holes ) depicted @ false horiz. angle for study ]
"remnants of cannibalized galaxies and star clusters"
Courtesy: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Robert Hurt (SSC)
" Our Sun " NOTE: Trace our Sun's position above to our original galactic cluster remnant-- ( now pulled into a stretched loop shaped dwarf galaxy arc stream of stars positioned nearly above and below us after going over and under the Milky Way 8 times )
Astoundingly -- one of these "dwarf galaxies" has been found to be "directly intersecting" our local space --
-- actually nearly on top of us...
-- and there's more...
[Yellow circle below is our Sun found directly between Milky Way [blue whirlpool]
& Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxies [orange loop]
[ Larger Cut & Paste Image ]
New Star Map
A new infra red digital survey of the entire sky was made in 2003. Teams from the Universities of Virginia and
Massachusetts used a supercomputer to sort through half a billion stars to create a -- NEW STAR MAP --
showing our Solar System to be astoundingly at the nexus-crossroads where two galaxies are actually joining.
THE MYSTERY -- Why the Milky Way is "sideways" in the night sky has never been answered -- Until Now...
On May 30th 2006 -- Matt Erwin made a Breakthrough Discovery studying the 2003 New Star Map:
-- -- Our angle is clearly "off" 60 - 90 degrees to the Milky Way in the night sky "Because" -- --
"We are being pulled in from an adjoining galactic stream and obviously now in the final stages of joining with the Milky Way..."
"Exactly how the Milky Way (two black holes in the center) got so big (200 billion stars) as it is clearly the sum total of many smaller galaxies..."
[Credit: David R. Law Caltech]
[Credit: Kathryn V. Johnston]
"No matter how "settled" Science seems to be, new facts and evidence can still be discovered.
-- Newtonian physics was modified by Relativity and then by Quantum Physics.
-- Even what we thought were basic astronomical facts can turn out to be wrong based on new evidence."
"...remember that Science is never "settled." That's the very definition of Science." -- M. Paladin
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M. Erwin has been focusing attention on being the answer man for solving some of the larger issues directly affecting humanity, aiming to provide the key answers to some of the unsolved or currently deemed unsolvable issues we need
answers to most and has stumbled upon a number of apparently inspired solutions hidden almost in plain sight:
*MPE Discovery 2/27/08 Biggest Cause of Honey Bee Die-off:
( compound problem involving invisible killer that leaves no trace -- why they couldn't see past to solve ) [ scroll page]
*MPE Discovery May 30th 2006: The mystery of why the Milky Way has always been sideways in the night sky
has never been answered until now...
We are from another galaxy in process of joining the Milky Way. ( see below-- opens the way for further discoveries: )
*MPE Discovery July 20th 2006: Global Climate Change: Biggest actual contributing cause -- melting the polar ice caps of both Earth & Mars now discovered to be predominantly "galactic in nature". ( full story w/ pics just below )
*MPE Discovery November 30th 2006: Reason Mayan Calendar Ends in 2012. Not the end of the World after all?
*MPE Discovery February 27th 2008 : Q: What is Killing the Honey bees?
( Honey bees now over 90% extinct-- no bees to pollinate crops = harvests soon inadequate to feed world's people/ pets/ livestock )
A.P. News: "Unless someone or something stops it soon, the mysterious killer that is wiping out many of the nation's honeybees could have a devastating effect on America's dinner plate, perhaps even reducing us to a glorified bread-and-water diet."
See following heading: " What's Killing Our HoneyBees "
*MPE CURRENT RESEARCH: Root Cause of Ageing, Losses of Beauty & Vitality
Preliminary findings posted under Honey bee Iodine Displacement data headings:
(see also: Save the Honey Bee UPDATE 08/08/08 @ page bottom) ]
Q: What's killing our honeybees?
( Honey bees now over 90% extinct-- no bees to pollinate crops = harvests soon inadequate to feed world's people/ pets/ livestock )
"Declining honeybees a ‘threat’ to food supply"
A.P. News: "Unless someone or something stops it soon, the mysterious killer that is wiping out many of the nation's honeybees could have a devastating effect on America's dinner plate, perhaps even reducing us to a glorified bread-and-water diet."
M. Erwin DISCOVERY 2/27/08 " Inventor Cracks Code: Breakthrough Honey Bee Die Off Discovery "
Enter the perfect killer... moves in without detection, invisible, colorless, odorless, causing total immune system shutdown and vulnerability for pathogens to multiply-- taking over the organism, and it is the various pathogens found who are each standing there with the smoking gun and mistakenly surmised as being the root cause.
Clue: The overgrowth of bacteriological, viral, and fungal pathogens/ parasites within the majority of the honey bees -- a condition 'simply not existing before' is actually being triggered by man -- since the organic honey bees are the only ones not dying (link below) and both the honey bees and all the pathogens being found have been successfully coexisting long before the unexplainable recent soaring collapse and death of the majority of the honey bee colonies worldwide.
Q: What could man be doing or introducing to trigger susceptibility within the honey bee biology to cause a total immune system shutdown and to becoming completely open and vulnerable to pathogens?
A: A heavier than air killer poison gas fumigant being used to kill all bugs ( and all other life ) in the soil prior to planting but then just let escape out into the environment to resettle sometimes miles away to poison the honey bees pollinating close to the ground.
A Carbon Monoxide-like gas: "Methyl Bromide"-- a gas insecticide
poisoning Honeybees ( shutting down their immune systems ) by creating a catastrophic bio-systemic Halogen Imbalance ( an essential Iodine displacement/ deficiency syndrome robbing honey bees of their immune system active ingredient ).
IODINE "the most beautiful of the elements on the periodic table"
( found to be missing active ingredient to immune system )
----- New information coming to light -----
----------------------- FUTURE CRITICAL UPDATES -----------------------
Call To Action: Pulling together to save the Honey Bees
Only 10% of them left. Food crop pollination 6 of 7 Bil by 2015 up for grabs.
*Code now finally cracked here on this page identifying pesticide that is killing them.
All on Earth are directly connected daily to the Honey Bees and the food chains they pollinate:
Q: Help save last 10%? Now Needed: Wave of new backyard hobby beekeeping & Stop the Methyl Bromide
"Methyl-bromide" pesticide fatal immunosuppressant stripping Honey Bee immune systems of active ingredient (Iodine)
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[From Above]
M. Erwin has been focusing attention on being the answer man for solving some of the larger issues directly affecting humanity, aiming to provide the key answers to some of the unsolved or currently deemed unsolvable issues we need
answers to most and has stumbled upon a number of apparently inspired solutions hidden almost in plain sight:
*MPE Discovery 2/27/08 Biggest Cause of Honey Bee Die-off:
( compound problem involving invisible killer that leaves no trace -- why they couldn't see past to solve ) [ scroll 1/2 page ]
*MPE Discovery May 30th 2006: The mystery of why the Milky Way has always been sideways in the night sky
has never been answered until now...
We are from another galaxy in process of joining the Milky Way. ( see below-- opens the way for further discoveries: )
*MPE Discovery July 20th 2006: Global Climate Change: Biggest actual contributing cause -- melting the polar ice caps of both Earth & Mars now discovered to be predominantly "galactic in nature". ( full story w/ pics just below )
*MPE Discovery November 30th 2006: Reason Mayan Calendar Ends in 2012. Not the end of the World after all?
*MPE Discovery February 27th 2008 : Q: What is Killing the Honey bees?
( Honey bees now over 90% extinct-- no bees to pollinate crops = harvests soon inadequate to feed world's people/ pets/ livestock )
A.P. News: "Unless someone or something stops it soon, the mysterious killer that is wiping out many of the nation's honeybees could have a devastating effect on America's dinner plate, perhaps even reducing us to a glorified bread-and-water diet."
-- continued: (scroll 1/2 page ) --
See Heading: " What's Killing Our HoneyBees "
*MPE CURRENT RESEARCH: Root Cause of Ageing, Losses of Beauty & Vitality
Preliminary findings posted under Honey bee Iodine Displacement data headings:
[ scroll 1/2 page (see also: Save the Honey Bee UPDATE 08/08/08 @ page bottom) ]
"The 5 Discoveries"
Released just late spring of 2007, two astounding mainstream science discoveries have come to light allowing
possible the open substantiation of the earlier (MPE) findings, and a completely unexpected paradigm shift with the
release of an entire string of new discoveries that appear destined to change the face of Science forever:
DISCOVERY # 1). Our Solar System is traveling in a whole different direction than the Sciences previously understood or thought possible:
The ABC News Release:
The MSNBC News Release:
With the two just released mainstream science discoveries above we have the substantiation of the following three Independent 2006 Theorem/ Discoveries into a possible full discovery mode...
MATT ERWIN -- Researcher/ Discoverer took up studying the new map in 2006 and made a number of surprise discoveries and findings: [ See Discoveries # 3, # 4, # 5, and newest findings: #6, #7, #8, below ]
[Yellow circle below is our Sun found directly between Milky Way [blue whirlpool] & Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxies [orange loop]
The discovery of May 30th 2006 reveals that the apparent placement of Earth at the nexus of these two galaxies
has far greater significance than any had yet imagined--
Earth and her Sun star system is not aligned with the near 90 degree off-angle galaxy in the sky (now) before us
"because the Milky Way is simply not our parent galaxy."
We have just established that we are still angled with the smaller parent galaxy but appear to have now fully and gravitationally broken free the last
time circling down through the disc, and we are now moving independently -- back up-- and being gravitationally pulled into position as in backing up parallel parking fashion -- even with the plane of the center of gravity of the incredibly energetic 200 billion star glow of the Milky Way whirlpool arms and disc. We are witnessing in our lifetimes something that is nothing short of astounding. In contrast to the deep dark space we are coming out of, this new region is the equator region of the Milky Way where it is anything but cold, destitute, and bleak.
We are star dust, yet in the absence of the radiating glow from our nearby star, evolution would immediately stall. How much more can our evolution be accelerated when centering into the plane of greatest bandwidth of all the evolving natural frequencies of life? An interesting train of thought when considering that most of our DNA is apparently not turned on as yet. It now appears to be only a matter of time before we're fully pulled into the angle of our new home, the Milky Way as we approach a more exacting alignment within the plane and center zone of the Milky Way disc in the year 2012.
With the aid of infrared telescopes, and super computers, scientists were recently able to distinguish
the Sagittarius Dwarf presence, position, and looping shape out from the mass of background stars and
create a new star map putting our solar system right into the intersecting stream of the two galaxies.
It was not until the most recent discoveries that all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together...
When one begins a search effort to determine the current state of humanity's
understanding of the astro-sciences, it becomes apparent that such new
discoveries can be happened upon and then be reported in some obscure area of the
internet that completely supersedes all other related discoveries and published
data on the topic while the earlier incorrect data remains up for perhaps-- years and goes
uncorrected in either the textbooks or the bulk of the internet sites...
*Such is even the case with things as large as the 200 billion star Milky Way galactic structure being discovered some time ago to be completely lopsided with no spiral arms branching out from the other side-- and all data to the contrary still remains and is even taught:
"has extra long arms sprouting out on one side and is warped and armless on the other." [DISCOVERY CHANNEL] [PIC: NASA]
The breakthroughs in science are coming now so rapidly that even at this very moment-- most
astro-science personnel that could be consulted for comment on even the first two mainstream
science sourced breakthrough discoveries listed above (that) have now fully "undone" all related
textbook science all the way back to Copernicus-- may not have had ample opportunity to be
properly updated on these and actually able to be definitive in any related statements issued.
NOTE: A recent incredible discovery has also uncovered the fact that man has also been basically incorrect in much of the basic measurement analysis for much of our distant Hubble telescope astronomy to date:
"Universe actually shines twice as bright as astronomers had thought, a discovery that will lead to a massive reevaluation of space images."
"A lot of conclusions will have to be revised, notably about the evolution of galaxies."
"...in fact only half the energy produced by stars actually reaches our telescopes directly, the rest is blocked by dust grains."
Professor Majewski, (University of Virginia Astronomy) lead author heading up the team releasing the 2003 paper (which revealed the hidden in plain sight loop shaped structure of the intersecting dwarf galaxy through our near space) has now clearly offered a fresh new scientific perspective on the state of our earlier understanding, and disclosed details of the launching of a new mission, instrumentation, and funding:
[ NASA/ JPL podcast 09/07/07 ]
"We don't know the basic things about our place in the galaxy, our sun's place in the galaxy."
DISCOVERY OF JULY 20th 2006: The overall biggest contributing cause to Global Climate Change, and the melting of the polar icecaps of -- both -- Earth and Mars is actually caused by our arrival into the brighter, more energetic equator region of the Milky Way galactic disc as we are coming in from deeper space.
In our movement through space --
-- our Earth has now fully begun to respond to the more powerful galactic energies and electro-gravitational bias as
we have reached the higher energy equatorial disc region of the massive spiral armed adjacent galaxy, the Milky Way.
While the rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels cyclically charted by such scientists and researchers as quoted by Al Gore are powerful indicators, and even possible sizeable contributors to the unmistakable levels of climate and other changes, and even pollution from the choices man has made are an increasing burden to the ecosystem of the planet, the "larger" cause of Global Climate Change by far is the first time in history event of the permanent merging of Earth and the Solar System with the higher energy state equatorial-orbital-disc region of the spiral armed Milky Way Galaxy. The climate change cycles quoted by Gore's scientists may only take into account climate change cycles that go back to the dated ice ages-- when in fact much larger overlapping cycles going back for the last 2 billion years are actually what is currently in the multiplexed mix in our only recently understood cosmic dance with the Milky Way.
(See glowing disc region as seen edge-on from our vantage point [NASA PICS above] that we are into witnessing and fully experiencing a more exacting focused alignment with through the year 2012).
The Overall Biggest contributing Cause to Global Climate Changes, and the melting of the polar icecaps of -- both -- Earth and Mars is
caused by our arrival into the brighter, more energetic equator region of the Milky Way galactic disc ( where all the action is ) as we cross cut in from the clearly less energetic darker deep space:
"You Are Here"
[ Milky Way whirlpool disc ( 2 black holes ) depicted @ false horiz. angle for study ]
"remnants of cannibalized galaxies and star clusters"
Courtesy: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Robert Hurt (SSC)
[study photos depicted @ false horiz. angle]
Actual Infrared Photo of Milky Way from Earth: nearly centered side view amidst glowing plasma region of whirlpool disc (fullest nearing 2012)
[Image Credits NASA]
With the passage of NASA's Voyager I & II out of our Solar System it was noted that both Uranus and Neptune
have experienced recent pole shifts (presumably only magnetic).
-- True Uranus photograph with rings physically sideways --
seemingly in consonance with the angle of the Milky Way where we are clearly now heading in to finally merge:
Scientists also noted a puzzling behavior of the Sun's magnetic poles when first able to directly measure them
on the outcome of the Sun's standard 11 year magnetic pole shift with instruments aboard the Ulysses space
probe in 2001: "Instead of reversing completely, flipping north to south, the Sun's magnetic poles have only
rotated at halfway and are now more or less lying sideways along the Sun's equator."
The Sun Changing Before Our Eyes?
"Earth’s magnetic field also flips, but with less regularity. Consecutive reversals are spaced 5 thousand years to
50 million years apart. The last reversal happened 740,000 years ago. Some researchers think our planet is
overdue for another one, but nobody knows exactly when the next reversal might occur [NASA]."
Sagittarius "D" -- actually 10,000 times smaller than the massive Milky Way, was so stretched out that it had lost
gravitational hold and cohesiveness to our solar system and as result, we are now actually independently free and
moving to join the "sideways in the sky" Milky Way for the first time in our history. Our solar system is apparently
going to finally take a right angle turn and start going around at this new angle within the Milky Way whirlpool.
DISCOVERY-THEORY OF NOVEMBER 30th 2006: Considered here as much theory as discovery for the fact that
we all have yet to see the outcome in our very lifetimes: The real reason for the ending of the Mayan calendar? We have come
out of this smaller galaxy that the Milky Way has had the 'come hither' on for the last 2 billion years. We are
just now coming in even with and are apparently "going to actually turn and join" with the spinning whirlpool
Milky Way disc after some 2 billion years of circling around it at a near right angle -- as part of our parent galaxy
called the Sagittarius Dwarf.
This "grand turning" is possibly the root cause for the discontinuation of the Mayan calendar ( considered by many
researchers to be the most accurate calendar on the planet -- requiring no 'leap years' to stay on track ) because the
'read-point' of the Pleiades star cluster from Earth which many believe the calendar was based upon could no longer
be an accurate reference and constant, as we begin to steer away from the earlier chart-ably predictable movement.
This third theory-discovery may fully give 2012 ancient prophesy issues a somewhat different perspective and footing.
MATT ERWIN -- Inventor/ Researcher took up studying the new map in 2006 and made what are possibly
coming to be called some of the more pivotal discoveries available to our time:
DISCOVERY OF MAY 30th 2006: We are from another galaxy in the process of joining with the Milky Way.
The Milky Way is actually not our parent galaxy.
The mystery of why the Milky Way has always been sideways in the night sky has never been answered --
-- Until Now...
[Yellow circle below is our Sun found directly between Milky Way [blue whirlpool] & Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxies [orange loop]