State Of The Country by Aharleygyrl .....

Who's On First?

Date:   9/28/2007 8:20:49 AM ( 17 y ago)

By AHarleyGyrl

Our Government is said to be of the people, by the people, and for the people.  No, because of Capitalism, it is of the poor, by the poor and for the rich.  Humans are so ingrained to believe Capitalism is the only way of life that could ever work.  As Dr. Phil would say..."How's that workin' for ya?"  It's functional and it works, just it works best for the wealthy and the Government (same thing).  You do the same thing, you will get the same results.  Humans do not want to look at any other way of economy, so they are condemned to repeat the same mistakes.  So far, they have polluted the water, soil, air, food, beyond it's use for healthy long living, and it gets worse every day.  Putting pollution into the Earth at alarming amounts is the result of an economic system that thrives on greed and power.  To brainwash the little people into thinking everyone has the same opportunities and that it works well, was an ingenious idea.  It will perpetuate the wealth disparities for ions.  It will kill off quite a few, but we have 6 billion.  The only real role the little people play in the economy is to have little jobs making a little money to buy the things the big corporations are selling so they can continue to get rich.  They will, in turn, pollute the Earth beyond recognition.  Enjoy.  We need a Revolution.

Someone just posted about the propaganda the media is always spouting about second hand smoke.  Of course, I believe no smoke is good for lungs and that is just a given.  But, these sort of things, like lead in paint and  asbestos (they pointed out), are only red herrings.  They are things the Government and Big Business failed at covering up, so they use them now to get our complete focus and keep us from thinking about other toxins, they hope.  I guarantee you if the Corporations could have kept lead and asbestos hidden from us, they absolutely would have.  Look at this little tidbit about Aspartame:  "They had animal tissues that had obvious tumors in it that were reported normal. In my estimation, there was an effort to cover up what was being found so that they [Searle] could get approval. "Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., Neurosurgeon.  And, Aspartame is still going strong, poisoning and harming people every single day and ignoring the damage and studies. 

The same strategic ploy is used often by our Government/Big Business.  For people to understand it, they would have to understand where our country was at the time Roosevelt appointed his Brain Trust to help him create the Social Security Act (see below for definition).  We were on the brink of Revolution, on the brink of marching in the streets, dropping dead in the streets from lack of work and healthcare for aging workers and the disabled, single parents unable to support their children, the list goes on and on.  The Country was in crisis and Government feared the masses.  They didn't trust them, as was written in prior public documentation.  Many translated that to mean they thought the masses were stupid.  They didn't want the Government taken over by those they didn't trust could run it.  Roosevelt and his men had to act fast.  The Social Security Act was created to keep control over the people, calm them down, and prevent Revolution.  It was very successful. 

What the Government does, because it doesn't like paying all it's money (our taxes) out to all these programs, is cut back or cut out programs at times.  Then, they wait and see the public reaction.  If there is none, they are happy, but if people get upset, they put back whatever they have to in order to quiet them down.  (I actually witnessed this scenario first hand in a Federal Institution I once worked at).  Anyway, the reason I am bringing up this Act, is because there is an aspect of it that is very often used as a deflection, a scapegoat to distract us from what is actually going on in the world involving Government and Corporate collusion.  That program is known as Welfare (aka Aid To Dependent Children).  Our attention is strategically manipulated to have us focus on the Welfare recipients themselves (generally single mothers).  Propaganda is spewed about how these women and their families are getting rich off the system by being lazy and not even trying to work, hence the term "welfare Cadillac".  What this does is take the focus off the Government, off other current problems, off the issues that are really responsible for the state of the Country, and focus it on a group of people who in actuality have an extremely minute impact on the state of the economy and other problems beseeching our country.  So, as a result, Corporations, with the aid of Government, are able to use exploitation of labor to pollute the Earth in inconceivable proportions, and the evening news has us all spouting off, "It's those damned welfare mothers that are the problem."  I well remember hearing this sort of talk from many households, mine included, as I was growing up.  I didn't know any different then, it wasn't until college that I learned about this clever diversion.  There are many clever ploys at work by our Government and Big Industry. 

Another example of collusionary diversion is the low interest rates offered on loans by our Federal Government.  Do you think the Government does this out of the goodness of their hearts?  Of course it makes money for them, but it's more than that.  The Government and big business love it when consumers take out loans, business loans, car loans, from them, from the private sector, the more the merrier.  Why?  Because they prefer you are so busy earning wages at your little job to pay back all your massive loans, that you will not have any time to worry about what the Government or Corporate America is doing.  You have to just sit back and trust them.  Guess what.  They are taking everything they possibly can, trying to keep in check a Revolution, while living as fat cats.  The ONLY consolation is they have to live in the same house they are shitting in as us, planet Earth, what's left of it.  They have more money to pay for cancer treatments that one out of three people get now, but they are subject to the same lies about Chemotherapy and Radiation that we all are, so it sort of backfires when it comes to health...and the Government and Corporate America somehow do not realize that health is really all that anyone has.  And, if you think those examples are big, none are so paramount as the cover-ups and diversions involved in the Cancer Industry, as well as, the Pharmaceutical Industry. 

Bureaucracy, a by-product of Capitalism, is a wonderful tool for Industry and the Government.  This pass-the-buck mentality goes right along with all their other shenanigans.  In reality, it means that even if we the people get smart and want to change things for the better, we suddenly discover that no one person or thing is accountable.  It is this department, it is that department, it is the FDA, it is the IRS, it is third world countries, it is the President, it is....  Let's make a phone call...push 1 for... push 2 for... push....  The whole world, in this respect, can be summed up in Bush's simple phrase, "the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing."  That type of system works against us very well..but not for us.

There is also another built-in protection the Government owns.  Whenever there is conflict, Law Enforcement and the Military will always side with them, no matter how right or convincing the citizens are.  Some say this is the reason that a private Militia is a big waste of time. 


Benefits provided under the Social Security Act (1935), financed by the Social Security Tax authorized by the Federal Insurance Contributors Act (FICA) and administered by the Social Security Administration. Term usually refers to retirement income benefits, but other benefits include Social Security Disability Income Insurance Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC); the Food Stamp program; Unemployment Insurance; Medicare; Medicaid; Public Assistance for the Aged, Blind and Disabled; Veterans' Compensation and Pensions; Housing Subsidies and Public Housing; Nutritional Programs for Children; and Student Aid.


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