INDEX to Robert Camp Internet Show Topics by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Robert Camp TOPIC internet Radio Show Topics.... Main topic from each show...

Date:   7/10/2007 5:56:59 PM ( 17 y ago)

Making an INDEX to the Topics:

This is the INDEX to other internet show by Robert Camp.

Each show begins with a short talk that is quite profound
in the quality of truth.

I am going to identify what the topic is for each

Parent Directory 29-May-2007 07:48

[SND] Mr Destiny 3.12.07.mp3 13-Mar-2007 12:37 74.2M

[SND] Mr_Destiny_2-26-07.mp3 10-Mar-2007 09:21 26.2M




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Mr_Destiny_2007-06-1..> 03-Jul-2007 08:09




[SND] Mr_Destiny_2007-06-1..> 03-Jul-2007 08:09 8.4M




July 3, 1907

[SND] Mr_Destiny_2007-06-2..> 03-Jul-2007 08:05 29.0M




DATE: 3-12-07

Powsr of using one of the Mystic Sciences
Science of the Cards...
The cards we play poker with, rummy,
around for ages...
science does not know when they were invented...

1100 years old ....

Olney Richmond...
says 20,000 years since Atlantis...
not known because in the hands of the priests...

in the hands of the Magi...magicians...
a true magician, a master of esoteric sciences
of astrology, starts, three Magi found Jesus...
using science of the stars...they knew what was going on...
we use the word loosely today.

The deck of cards first Atlantis...
Atlantis 20,000 years old...used in the temples
a book of 52 pages represents one week of the year.

four catagories...called suits...four seasons of the year.

birthday one of the four seasons of the heart

club always learning
diamond-adult value in life
spade--older person with wisdom

13 full moons...
13 weeks of the seasons...

5+2 also in the calendar...

He explains the counting of the deck here... more card...

1 1/4 any card in the deck...


Joker on the show
eight of diamonds...

[SND] Mr_Destiny_3-12-07.mp3 16-Mar-2007 16:13 20.1M








[SND] Mr_Destiny_3-19-07.mp3 22-Mar-2007 08:55 17.0M

Powerful INTRO:
He explains the nature of each of the days...

Mercury Day--Day you were born. Most communications.
Errands in your car.

Venus-- things in home. home based

Mars--most energetic. Most angry or most competitive.
cautious to not let aggressiveness get to you...get a lot done.

Jupiter--rewards day. business transactions.
Can get paid on Friday. Financially oriented.

Saturn Day--his dental appointments...rules the bones and teeth.
working harder than usual. topics I don't like to face come up.
Karma day of the week.

Uranus Day-- Day for unexpected, good or bad. very interesting day.
day five days after you were born.
when attached to something, it pulls it out from under me like a rug.
really things happen when not expecting.

Neptune day--not a day for decisions. fantatize. No hard care decisions.

We have cards that fall in this days...
Whole influence of day...of planets and card...

start to notice little patterns.

Explains the Yugas:
[SND] Mr_Destiny_3-26-07.mp3 29-Mar-2007 11:59 19.5M



What the cards can reveal about us in relationships

Many say it is the practical and useful
for understanding relationships...


Moon to the woman, he adores her!
The Sun Person in the relationship...
The Sun person has the responsibility
for where the R is going.




[SND] Mr_Destiny_3-5-07.mp3 10-Mar-2007 09:10 18.9M




not one of my favorites....

Aptil 16, 07

five of diamond...person calls in.

six of diamonds...
paying your debts...

[SND] Mr_Destiny_4-16-07.mp3 30-Apr-2007 18:20 23.2M



The Power to have whatever we want in our life.



[SND] Mr_Destiny_4-2-07.mp3 19-Apr-2007 05:10 18.7M


Now is the time for you to know your Destiny.
Computer Hell Days...
Business geared on Computers...

If you had a magic wand, and it could not fail,
not break, not do anything, what would those three things

We are given a dream to have it happen.
We have given up,
taken the easy way out.
we have settling for a much smaller life
than we envisoned for ourselve when we were young.
We wanted to experience,
what would you give up to have the thing you want the most in your life.

Would you give up everything you have in order to have
what you really want in your life?

I say, all of us have the power to have anything,
but you are going to have to give up something.

Powerful--have to give up being powerless....

Responsible means I am the person who created this.


It is in our personal relationships
that we blame the most.
where it is so hard to really see that we are the creator
of what happens,
but ultimately we can not have what we want
if we are given the responsibility for what is happening
to other people.
You can't have power without responsibility.
I am not talking about responsibility
as which means as a burder for what you should do
I am taking about responsb in the form of accountability.
be accountable for our life the way it is.

be willing to take all the credit for what is happening
and all the blame for what is happening.

IF you can't envision, that your life the way it is
is due to your choices,
you can't start being powerful.

have to be willing to envision...
that you on some level,
if you do not know how...

Have to say I made all of this happen....

Have to be the one who is the creator of my script.

If I am blaming I am angry

The beingness of anger is blame.

if fighting I am blaming.

if angry, I am powerless..

I am weak...

anger is a sign of insecurity
a sign of fear
undernearth anger is fear.

if angry you are afraid.

breating is the same breath pattern
as when afraid.

In card readings....

I aim to show How and why created your life the way it is...

When we see clearly how we created life as it is...
there is an aha...
instantaneious recognition...
I can change it...
I see how I did it...

with that power...can have
the things we deserve.

just get your power back...

using our power,
stop throwing it away
in anger,

become the author of your life...

no one written it for you...

Where is the money trying to come from?




email address


[SND] Mr_Destiny_4-23-07.mp3 14-May-2007 07:52 19.9M

jack of clubs
under anger is fear.

manipulate; fear
stealing: fear
avarice: fear

can't stand to be around those who are needy?

fear: a place of lower vibration

fear paralyzes you

mind hurts us...we make bad decisions in fear

core energy determines results
Choices made from fear creates more fear.

From love, higher vibe area.

make choice from high vibe place

you shakled yourself by a choice made

Can not getr rid of it--
but can deal with it--

Fear is like a cloud
all it wants is just to be experienced.
If I allow myself to be immersed in it,
feel how afraid I am,
it magically disappears in a few minutes.

Be the fear--
not separate from it...
embrace it...

within a few minutes it goes away...

When I approach it from a state of mind....
it gets worse...
mind wants to find a way to not feel it.

I put my hands on my heart....
the problem is gone...
isn't a problem any more....

it was done...
it just wanted me to experience it.

Try it.

Your mind will not want to do it.
Your mind wants to have total control
of it.

IF you are a club, you think you are your head....
Identified with what we think...

Mind cannot help us when we are in a state of fear...

learn to get control of our mind...
take a moment to get in touch with fear.

Greed in politicians....
comes from fear of not having enough.
comes from lower vibe state of mind.

As long as it gets what it wants,
if afraid enough, will do anything to get what you want.

OVerall: NO one wants to be with what they are feeling.
Most negative behaviors are caused by avoidance of what we are
experiences....want to push it away, and blame it on someone else.

How many can own experience?
Solution in life:
be with their fear and anger,
know it is theirs....
no one making us this way...
be with it, will transform the world.

Will happen...

Get to know the fear you came into this life with.

I can tell them what their fears are...
can help them get in touch with them.
IT comes down to
will they choose love or fear.

choose what we love....
enjoy the things that we love.

we have a treasure throve that come from inside of us.

That is our discussion tonight....

People afraid to just sit down and be with themselves....
be with who you are...

afraid to know your passion?
fear it might bind you....


Speaks to an Ace of Clubs...

Ace of Clubs:

1. Unquenchable thirst for Knowledge..
2. Quest for Soul Mate

They are picky...
looking for this special person...
looking for someone timeless...

[Yes!!! how true...Twin Soul/Best Friend is timeless...]

create a big birthday party for your friends...

Will kick off a great year....

Danna Plant...

King of Spades...long range...this is really great....

6 spades....him going after his big dream
ending can be the fulfillment of something sought after
for a long time....


about his life's work...

We live in fearful times....


We focus on money at different times....



The Truth:

You can't save your partner....

[SND] Mr_Destiny_4-30-07.mp3 14-May-2007 07:59 16.4M

Telling the Truth in Relationship...

If we realize a Truth about something,
that Truth can change our life if we commit to that truth.

Why do we not tell the truth in relationship?


[SND] Mr_Destiny_4-9-07.mp3 19-Apr-2007 05:02 21.2M


How to be in a Perfect Relationship?

[SND] Mr_Destiny_5-14-07.mp3 21-May-2007 14:23 16.6M

Guest Joseph Malinak,
Outgrowing Victimhood.
Ideas; Relationship as the Final Frontier of Spiritual

This is my favorite show so far:
I Uploaded it here for ease in getting to it:


[SND] Mr_Destiny_5-21-07.mp3 01-Jun-2007 10:07 29.7M

[SND] Mr_Destiny_5-7-07.mp3 14-May-2007 08:06 17.8M



DATEL June 13, 2007

Talks about "The Secret"
What is missing from it.

Things thought to achieve but never did,
in Childhood.

What is your deepest and Soul desire and purpose,
that magical dream you can still remember.

Write out as list of three things...

Such as...I see myself in Loving Relationship.
making a film.
I see myself loving every part of the film making process.
Way more money than I can ever spend on the material...

List has to be Juicy...
from Deepest Place of Satisfaction.

Each has this beautiful dream we were born with
we are meant to fulfill.

[SND] The Laws of Creation..> 13-Jun-2007 09:53 20.4M

Apache/1.3.33 Server at


We cannot blame other people anymore.
I can't blame any situations in the past, present, future,
I can't blame it on my parents
I can't blame...


I have to assume this.
I can't say I didn't

IF I am to be powerful,
I must assert and affirm that what I ...

The choice is ours...

We must start by becoming the most powerful
force in our life.

This is a big step.


World 90% are victims...

All of us have blind areas...

where we throw away our power
and play the victim.

becoming less of the victim.

see if I can connect with the God within me...

See myself as the creator...

huge step...
can take a lifetime...

No other way.

Cannot have this power
unless we assume the responsibility that goes with it....


Is there is a reason that I did it this way?

The Techniques in The not tell this
missing piece...

We are Responsibility


Learning to create consciously.


creating it, but not aware they are creating it....

Most people do this...


Emails to Robert:

July 11 unsent...

I talked to you on the show the other night.
I am Leslie, Your Enchanted Gardener.
Ace of Clubs.

Nov 19, 1947 4:03 AM Los Angeles

I am listening to the archives while decluttering.
I am taking notes from your archives:

I wrote a small poetry book the other day
and I am referencing you.

I have been blogging on you.

I get more than 1000 page views a day.

I would like to you to comment on some more of the issues
that I am working with with Twin Soul/Best Friend,
my Queen of Diamonds.

I will keep taking notes.

I want to get through where I feel stuck.

My room is filled with more beautiful and projects
than I can complete.

I go so far and then...on to the next project....

I wonder how this shows up in my astrology...
and destiny cards.

I am working on the way out of this.

I want to make the most of the next 20 years of my life...
not just for me, but humanity.

November 19, 1047 4:03 AM Los Angeles.

I will trade you promotion work for your sharing about
this relationship that I can publish on my blogs,
and other info....

You are helping me a lot!!!

questions for Robert:

Am I moon to her
or is she moon to me.

The one who is moon is the leader,
the other the follower...

I am her Cosmic Reward card...


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