Tactics used to create the War on Terrorism by Karlin .....

"The Master Class has allways started the wars ; the Working Class has allways fought those wars"

Date:   12/6/2006 2:56:35 PM ( 18 y ago)

This post was largely inspired by reading the transcript of the interview with historian Howard Zinn "The Uses of History and the War on Terrorism" [links below].

He tells us that we are not getting an accurate history of the American war machine, and he outlines the ways that the American public is tricked into supporting, and fighting, those wars.

Personally, I see wars as being as inhumane an activity as there could be, we should be avoiding them "whatever it takes", but instead Bush and others before him do "whatever it takes" to create the conditions for wars.

Here are examples of those tactics:
"Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for being un-patriotic". That was the stated tactic that Goering confessed to at Nuremburg trials after WW2.

Bush recently used this 'public trickery' also, and upped the ante from not just the threat of terrorist attacks, but also 'weapons of mass destruction', and even the spectre of 'mushroom clouds' to raise the fear levels of the American public. Bush also said that the opponents of his invasion of foreign nations were "un-patriotic".

How predictable!! Its a playbook the Nazis used ; Bush and the global Elite loves it. If only we could have a clear view of history, of these tactics, then the public would catch on to these tactics being used on them and stop supporting the warmongering Elites that we give power to.

History can show us many examples of these tactics being used to propogate wars. All the way back to the American Civil war it happened - the public had to be 'convinced' to fight, sometimes it took mass executions to get them to do it, and even then they only joined up as a way to survive. Thats the furthest thing from "patriotic duty", but we still honour their patriotism in history books. It was not a united and free nation doing what is good. No, it was and still is today just a way of concentrating power and control by a Elite group of people by tricking, cajoling, or threatening the working class to join the army and to show support for the war machine.

So WW2, and the wars in Korea, Vietnam, and now Iraq/Afghanistan, plus all those forays into South America and the Phillipines, etc., and the entire "cold war', were all just contrived. They were 'arranged' so that the war machine could continue to divert billions and trillions of dollars into the hands of a few Elites so that they could continue their domination by the power that wealth gives them. The 'average people' who make up the majority could have made much better use of the nation's wealth that truly should belong to them.

Democracy is another area of total cynisism. Elections are great until they go the wrong way and elect a socialist. Even the 70% of public support that Chavez gets from Venezuelans does not get approval from Washington - they would rather see him DEAD!! [and have apparently tried to kill him thru the CIA]. America itself only has two choices, Dems and Reps, both on the same side, so there is no real "choice".

Nothing is sacred to these warmongers, these Elites who have wrangled control of everything. Religion is used to bolster the patriotic sentiments that are so essential for making war. The stable climate we were enjoying has been disrupted - what is a bigger crime against humanity and nature [and god too, for you believers!] than that?

So now terrorism has supplanted communism as the great threat created to frighten Americans, and to deplete the nation's wealth for the purposes of war and the enrichment of the Elites.

What is different at this time, late into 2006, is that people are starting to catch on!! The fear is wearing off. We are starting to hear familiar refrains coming from a desperate war machine and we have grown weary of the lies. "Enriching Urainium" in Iran is the latest "threat" that Bush has foisted upon Americans, but the ridiculousness of the Iranian nuclear threat to America has burst some bubbles - the USA has 10,000 nukes ready to use, Iran needs another 5 or 10 years to make just ONE nuke. Bush has relied on the 'created fear war formula' once too often.

We managed to abolish slavery, now it is time to abolish war, especially where an invasion of another nation is carried out - that will absolutely ensure that no major wars can begin, and that any 'attacks' can be dealt with in a sane and resonable manner. The persistant 'over-reaction' must end where 2500 people are killed and the response leaves a million dead and some foreign nation under direct American control, as has happened so often in their history. The United Nations had made a declaration at some point after WW2 "to not allow another invasion of soveriegn nations and pre-emptive war tactics", now we need to be able to enforce it.

Here is a good quote:
"The Master Class has allways started the wars ; the Working Class has allways fought those wars" This ugly truth should have alerted the public long ago to the problem of warmaking by the Elites, and it is troubling that it didn't. It is troubling that the warmongers get elected in the USA, Britian, and in Canada now too.

Maybe there is a ray of hope for more public awareness of this conspiracy in the turfing of Republicans [mid-term elections]in mid-war, and in that the 'created fear' is wearing thin, and in the South American socialist movement, and in acceptance of global warming from fossil fuels emissions.

We might yet move to the kind of world we know we want, and that we can have. Prosperity, peace, clean energy, and actual democracy are all waiting for us to reach out and take them, if we can break free of the chains that the Elites have put on us, with the purpose of staying in power, and of keeping 'our goals' out of reach.

Howard Zinn - "The Uses of History and the War on Terrorism":

"There Is No War On Terror" - by Robert Dreyfuss


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