News Coverage of School Massacres causes mental disturbances by Karlin .....

News coverage of school shootings inspires copy-cat killers and adds to the trauma of survivors and the familes of the dead.

Date:   10/3/2006 2:23:10 PM ( 18 y ago)

There are some curious undercurrents in the way the news coverage of the recent school shootings is done. Since we know that these last two may be "copy-cat" killings, the news producers might decide to just do a basic reporting of the facts, no pictures of the scene or interviews with the distraught survivors, or with family members of the dead. This would minimise the copy-cat motives and might be less stressfull on viewers. We, the public, still get the story, but without the added tramua that the extra-heavy news coverage causes people.

Experts in psychology have been interviewed to talk about the effects of these events, as relates to the effects of it being headline news. They say there is a link between the first one and the following ones in that copy-cat killers are inspired by the coverage to commit the next public massacre.

They go on to say that the news coverage, and even the presence of councellors immediately after the killings, is making the impact of these massacres much worse for the survivors who were on the scene where the killings took place, the other potential victims. All this attention seems to raise the profile of the massacre and that alone makes it harder to deal with, it makes it more traumatic. Waiting 10 days, as some institutions plan to do, before offering trauma councelling seems to help reduce this impact.

Even just doing these interviews, having trauma experts in the news, plus the other interviews with survivors on the scene and the police and so on, is ading to the focus and the trauma, says the experts. These psychology experts are even saying that the interviews they are giving at that moment are making it worse, yet they continue to give interviews.

They conclude that any more coverage other than "a basic reporting of the facts and no pictures of the scene or interviews with the distraught survivors and family members of the dead" is adding to the anxiety and exacerbates the mental health issues of the massacre. Still, they do it.

After the psychology expert interview, I would not be surprised to hear the news anchor-person say: "we will have full coverage of the next massacre, stay tuned" . That announcment will boost ratings, and it will create more copy-cat killers too.

Why do they continue to do that kind of coverage which they know will exacerbate the problems surrounding such events? - possibly, it could be to do just that, "to exacerbate the problems surrounding such events", to CREATE a PROBLEM that they will later OFFER a SOLUTION for. That solution will likely entail more intrusion into our personal lives on the basis of security. At the very least, it will boost ratings for the news.


Furthermore, the news coverage of this Amish schol shootings included interviews of people from the White House, for some reason. One such spokesperson said that "the kind of killers we are seeing splashed across the news this weekend at the Amish School are said to be so dangerous and unstoppable 'because they are willing to give up their own lives' ".

Same as suicide bomber terrorists - hard to stop when they don't need an escape plan.

This interviewed person lamented how "shooting President Bush would be easy for these type of killers because we cant stop them when they are at close range and can shoot the President, especially when they expect to be shot themselves".

Why would he mention "shooting the President" so soon after the school shootings? Doesn't that just add to the trauma and fears of the victims families?

This may mean the Bush people are planning to implement some special programs to protect the President from "suicidal assassins". We can only imagine what form of intrusion into our minds programs to protect against suicidal assassins might take!! { "you are deemed to be a threat on the basis of your personality profile and the experiences you had as a child, you are under arrest" ].

Creating "maximum fear" is what the Bush team has been doing for several years, and this could be another in a long line of fearmongering tactics used by the Bush team. Successfull fearmongering tactics...

Also, there is the possibility that the shooter was being controlled, and that the real perpetrators behind the scenes used the Amish school for specific reasons - "if the most innocent of peoples can be victims, so can YOU". Creating more FEAR is what that does.

How did they control the shooter?

- with the same rage and fear that he caused others - it is a growing cycle of psychosis. He was first manipulated into molesting some young relatives of his, and then later his daughter was killed [made to look like a medical condition], and eventually he was ready to commit this horrible act. It may have been timed to take the heat off of Bush's troubles over using the military for his own reasons, plus the pedophile sex scandal breaking now. They needed something like this to happen, and so the made it happen. Nothing is too outrageous for the Bush Regime, they often use the phrase "whatever it takes", and they mean it!!.

PS -
I know you read this blog to get a peek at my weird mind. You like to see what tangents I might go off on. After the dotted line above, you get a glimpse of the thoughts I have concerning wild conspiracy thinking. I came upon this strange calling due to real-life experiences of abuses against me by professionals, allowing me to consider that they are not here for my benefit, and may be participating in a much wider abuse of the public in preparation for future planned events, or maybe just for higher profits from continued business.

The one consistent factor is that abuses will foster more abuses, just as the shootings are inspiring copy-cat killers, and the news coverage causes more trauma.

"Hurt People hurt people" - meaning that a person who is abused and traumatised [a 'hurt' person] will tend to harm others. They will certainly be less inclined to help others, at least until they get well again. Recovering from trauma, addiction, or outright abuse is something that we are not very successfull at, but if we were those people would in turn help others. The Elites are doing whatever it takes to make sure we do not recover, and become helpfull to others.

Destabilising society creates opportunities, it is basic chaos theory. There is much evidence of efforts to destabilise our society. Individuals are weakened through abuses and desperation, and the public as a whole is full of fears. Big problems hang over our heads and we have ZERO input on solving them [global warming, religious crusades, energy supply, food quality, and now insane people running around shooting up the schools] - which causes a lot of anxiety.

We can survive this period of Elite Domination by staying healthy and un-addicted, and by peeling away the layers of deception and trickery and tactics being used against us all. Don't give in, don't give up - thats the easy way and the Elites are counting on us to take the easy way.

Don't let the news coverage get to you, horrible as the news is, but instead pick the news apart to see the motivations underneath the stories.

Ask yourself why they air interviews that say "this interview will create copy-cat killers and add trauma".


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