Gaia & Christ by Liora Leah .....

In this wonderful message channeled through Isaac George, The Christ Presence tells us to practice "spiritual ecology"--being in gratitude to the Mother Planet for all She has provided us, and acknowledging that we and the Planet are One.

Date:   3/1/2006 10:41:31 PM ( 18 y ago)

February message

‘Blessings Beyond Measure’
The Christ Presence through Isaac George
February 9th, 2006

‘I greet you in the Spirit of Love and appreciation from the Heart of All That Is, and I Am exceedingly joyful to share with you at this time. All who read these words will feel the blessing that is always available when the heart is undefended, and the mind is at ease, and in that framework, I will begin.

Right now, as you read these words, you and all that you know is being blessed. You may wonder what I mean by ‘blessed’, especially as you look around yourself at the world of forms and effects. But then, many are the words that I have spoken, many still do not understand what was meant in those words. Nonetheless, though chaos and insanity appears to accelerate among the children of God on the Earth, there is at this time a higher availability of blessings from the Holy Spirit being shed upon all of humanity.

For when the need is the greatest, even in the darkest dark, the blessings of Love without limits increases in manifold ways to pierce the veils of mind and perception, and to awaken the most hardened of hearts. Such is the nature of compassion of the Father-Mother for all, without condition or requirement.

Within the power of prayer and the practice of being in stillness, in meditation, the most profound aspect is the cultivation of gratitude. There has been a popular statement used by those who seek abundance in their lives, that ‘gratitude is the attitude.’ As simplistic as this sounds, it is actually the basis for becoming an instrument of miracles, and I do have some experience with that. Gratitude is the state of accepting the unending blessings that are given in each moment by the Creator to you, and to all of Life. It is the affirming of trust in the process and abundance of Life, and the surety of the meeting of all requirements before they are even voiced, or even before you know you require them!

Gratitude is the first component in conscious cooperation with what is so. Without it there would be no miracle, no manifestation of the Love of God. Gratitude acknowledges the blessings that are beyond measure and present at every moment within creation. All that is needed to experience that state of Grace is to be thankful first, before asking for anything. Gratitude also acknowledges that you are not the ‘doer’, but that through which the ‘doing’ may happen. You’re the wire, and you carry the energy. Another way of saying it is to begin to see yourself as the Light of the World, and cultivating being grateful for that. Here is the best part; you don’t have to work at it! All you do is use the gratitude to alter your perceptions about the way you see your own life, and then you’ll see the situations in the world differently. Forgiveness works in the same manner, by accepting what is so without resistance, and if you look at the word, you can see that it means to give in advance, which is certainly a something that gratitude does for the one who is grateful.

The Planet Earth is responsive to gratitude. Numerous peoples who have lived within the balance of Nature have always acknowledged through prayers of thanksgiving what the Earth, and the Sun, provides for them. The archetypes here are easy to see; the Sun is the Son, or Christ principle, which gives the nurturing love unceasingly and without discrimination to all of the children of the Creator, whether animate or inanimate, animal, plant, mineral, or human. The Earth is the Mother principle, which receives the Love from the Sun and converts it into forms that the creatures may use for sustenance and shelter. The Earth is grateful to the Sun in its own way, though it isn’t necessarily useful to ascribe human attributes to anything else in creation. No longer is it useful to project yourselves onto any aspect of form, and then worship that form, no matter how benevolent it appears to be. Remember instead to direct all gratitude to the Lord of the Soul, the High Self, and the rest finds its own level naturally.

The blessings of being grateful will be beneficial in good times and most especially in the times that appear to be not so good. No matter how challenging and unstable things may become, if you can open your Heart of Hearts to feeling grateful about your being a living child of a very real Father-Mother, then everything else is relatively unimportant.

One day, the Sun will expand and envelope the Earth and many other planets of this solar system, and then in a blinding flash, even the Sun will wither and eventually perish. Should there be mourning for the demise of the Earth? Of what good would that be? Why not remember the blessings beyond measure that the Earth gave to so many aspects of the One Life instead. That is the honoring that releases you from the past, and awakens you in the now moment. This form of gratitude is important now, not just in some distant future whose destiny has already been written.

The Planet is your Mother, a symbol of your Heavenly Mother. How grateful have you been today for your body, which is made up from all the elements found in Her? How grateful have you been to have the experience you are having, just so it could awaken you to the glory that you are beyond form? Until you can appreciate the dirt, you cannot free yourself from its grasp. Until you love your temple, you cannot ascend to the stars and eventually beyond them in to the mansion worlds. The numinous Presence of All That Is has given you Life, the Christ in you desires that you have abundant Life beyond measure, and it all exists within each atom, molecule, cell, organ and bone of you.

Even though the form of the body is transitory, it does not respond well to disdain and judgment. Can you yet reanimate your body after it has exhausted itself and ceased to function? Do you think I was able to carefully calculate how I was going to resurrect the body after it was pierced and battered? No, it was through gratitude and surrendering the perception of the death of the body as being ‘real’ that enabled it to be reanimated by my Spirit. The earth quaked when that body perished upon a cross of wood. When you have a heartquake, you will have quickened the body to a frequency of gratitude that will render it capable of things you have not yet imagined.

Now, the body of the Earth is like unto your body, and vice versa. If you take care of your vehicle, yet you do not honor the Earth, then your gratitude is in vain. The same Loving Presence that gives you consciousness, and makes your heart, lungs and brain work also permeates the substance of the Earth. As you do it unto the Earth, you do it unto yourself. Not only are you and the Father-Mother one, you and the Planet are one.

Seen in that understanding, it then should not come as any surprise that if the Planet is ailing and is activated into a mode of self-preservation, that you may also be having either vague or strong feelings of disquiet and dis-ease. Only those who have unconsciously or deliberately numbed themselves against their connection to the natural world will be unawares of the shifts occurring deep within the Earth, and deep within themselves. By being awake and grateful, you gather a potential to awaken many who are caught up in the identification of themselves with artificial, beliefs, concerns and life actions that do not honor themselves or the Planet which supports their very life.

Therefore, extending the blessings that you are constantly receiving to the Earth strengthens the awareness of the interdependence of all Life, and affirms life on all levels. Remember, you are not here to save the Earth. You are here to harmonize with the Earth through regaining your balance as a spiritual being. Truly, the return of the Feminine, the Goddess principle, is designed to heal the deep inner split of the inner masculine and feminine within each Soul, reuniting through the Sacred Marriage of opposites and finally regaining the original innocence, the Edenic state of the Illumined Heart that was lost so long ago.

Please know that it has always been known that the outcome of that moment was never in doubt, and that this moment is just another step in the healing of all Creation. The cells of your body yearn for your Spirit to fully possess it, just as a woman desires her beloved, just as the Earth receives the embrace of the Son/Sun. The deepest ecology you can practice is to make love to the Earth! Indeed, in every thought, word or deed you demonstrate how you feel toward Her, and how you regard yourself and Spirit. Become spiritual ecologists, and till the inner garden and the outer garden with equal regard and respect.

Blessings are being poured out to you, here and now. Open your hearts and allow yourself to receive all good things that the Father-Mother would love to give to you.

Be a Light to the World, and remember to walk upon the Earth in balance. Practice gratitude, and the way will open to you to step into a blessed relationship with Nature and the Universe. Above all, listen to your inner voice, and follow the nudges and instincts that come from Mother Earth. When you honor her, you reestablish a bond that is no less powerful than that of a mother for her child. Consider the possibility that the Earth and your body are a critical part of the Plan of Salvation. Oh yes, and remember that the most profound part is gratitude. It is the secret of miracles.

Peace be unto you. I Am with you always.’

End Message

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For more information about Isaac George, please go to:


Gaia Speaks

Isaac George, who channels ArchAngel Ariel, discusses scientist James Lovelock's theory that we are "past the point of no return" re: the environmental degradation of the Earth. George tells us that Gaia is capable of saving Herself. We humans are required to become "spiritual ecologists" in order for us to save ourselves.

Revenge of Gaia

Thirty years ago James Lovelock, environmental scientist and author, conceived the idea that the planet itself, Gaia, is a great super-organism. In his new book "The Revenge of Gaia", Lovelock proposes that because of climate change, human society as we know it on this planet may already be condemned, whatever we do.


The earth is plagued with human-caused environmental degradation and destruction. Spirit tells us that times ahead will be difficult, but the Earth, and humans, will endure. The natural cycle of Birth, Death, and Rebirth will continue. Humans, as spiritual beings, have an opportunity to evolve and awaken.


Spirit says these are not the End Times, as in "end of the world". Spirit speaks of the development of the "Rainbow Tribe" of peoples who honor all cultures and the Earth. We must look to the cycles of nature, or rebirth following death, for our comfort in these difficult times.


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