Healthy debate by #30988 .....

There is a hell and a heaven to every religion. To an outside observer it's difficult to tell one from the other. That's my delemna in a nutshell.

Date:   6/21/2005 11:38:52 PM ( 19 y ago)

I'll put some of the comments here because they deserve a more prominant place in the blog along with my responses and questions that earmark my own confusion. Thanks to -2tuff- for a lot of the passionate debate on this. His comments are indented.

Again falling into the HIV trap and believing in these so-called wonderful tests like the pcr is a deadly ground to be in. Pcr tests are so inaccurate, it takes at least 100,000 viral load for there to be a maximum 1 virus particle and they shouldn't be used to screen for HIV as stated by the actual manufacturers. So many people panic when they have a 30,000/50,000 etc and its absolutely nothing. They forget that the test does not distinguish and it will increase if you catch a cold or virus which especially these days is a common thing. Chemtrails constantly above us make pcr tests a pain. This is why a VERY strict routine right up to taking one of these pathetic tests should be done because if you've got a test which don't distinguish and certainly over magnifys with false mathematics as in the pcr from HO then its going to be mighty hard to grab a Zer0 on that.

I know...the pcr tests "fragments". Still, it is predictable to some extent. Maybe it increases when you get a cold or a virus because your immunity is taxed. Anyway, put an HIV patient on antiretrovirals and his PCR tests drop to undetectable. That doesn't mean I put stock in the drugs...they kill EVERYTHING so naturally the PCR results would drop. I think HIV drugs are to AIDS treatment what chemo is for cancer. The design is to kill the virus more quickly than the patient. It serves the medical community because as long as the patient is alive, he is a paying customer.

I also note that Bob Beck recommended the pcr test and sited it in his own results. Sorry for being confused on this.

Again HIV is a dodgy subject because its certainly not anything to do with a virus and more to do with Proteins, certainly not a r.virus. HIV still hasn't been isolated regardless of a couple of poor pictures and rewards are still out for its isolation. Its all a bleeding con and people are falling for it hook link and sinker.

I can buy that HIV might not be THE culprit as a cause of AIDS. I think the overwhelming evidence suggests that at least there is a correlation. I'm not hung up on the specifics. I would prefer it if I tested negative for it - harmless or not. So right now, with no other evidence or trace substance to measure, I'll go with the HIV tests to determine the success of any protocols I might care to try. What choice do I have? The tests in and of themselves are harmless.

It is people like yourselves who act as gatekeepers for the Medical Mafia by believeing and therefore promoting this fraud of HIV. Your only making this life worse for not only yourselves but innocent victims of the future. People claim to hate the Medical establishment and go alternative yet promote fraudulent Medical claims and labelling. As the great Dr.Batmanghelidj has proved the majority of what we now call Chronic Disease could have been prevented just by simple WATER and even when you have these problems already the water can most times solve the problem. We have 100's of different types of Arthritis, how CONVENIANT and as we see many in the alternative world still promote and therefore gatekeeperism these falsities.

Quite frankly, you all make me sick because your building a deadly world for future generations who will eventually not see the real alternatives because of control far beyond whats going on now. All people in the know and truthsaying will be dead and the information lost.

Speaking out as an innocent victim, the only confusion I have with this kind of response is who is it exactly do YOU hate?

So your higher than doctors like Peter Duesberg now are you? NO you aren't and if your willing to site at a table of some of the worlds best microbiologists and debate this subject then thats fine, if not then talking this dribble should be discontinued.

Wow. this one is personal. Come on. I'm just a guy caught in the middle. You're right, I'm not a microbiologist but last time I checked my IQ was above 140. And you know what? there wasn't a single microbiology question on the test. You're asking me to sit here and to assume that everyone on your side of the argument has ALL the answers and nobody in the medical community has a clue. I'm sorry I can't do that. I have to weigh in on all sides. I've got to test, try, adjust. I'll get it right eventually, but it won't be by assuming everybody on the medical side of the equation is wrong.

HIV still hasn't been isolated and proof of this is in rewards still not being taken. HIV has nothing to do with AIDS. Its easy for people to say HIV is real I've seen people die of AIDS, AIDS is real, HIV is NOT!. AIDS has been proven to happen through many different problems and chemicals. AIDS in Africa is clearly Malnutrition and a host of other conditions they've have for a long time now conveniently classed as AIDS symptoms, mostly through their dirty living environments, the biggest contributor is malnutrition again across Africa they don't even bother with HIV tests because they know that virtually every African will flag up HIV because of the many false positives such as Malaria antibodies etc + they know its a waste of time but claim it would be too costly. AIDS in the west is caused through Street Drugs (Crack, Meth, poppers etc), Medical steroids, Semen in wrong places and bad sexua| habits, Drugs to treat phony HIV like AZT, Anti-retro virals etc. These are facts and until you become a big microbiologist you cannot even comment on it to be quite frank.

The HIV-AIDS connection is a new phenomina circa 1970. AIDS carries a larger definition than that related to HIV...ok I get it. However people with HIV seem to develop AIDS. The conditions cited are not new and don't correlate well with the proliferation of HIV in the GAY and BLACK communities even in the western cultures. That is to say that the use of drugs, needle sharing is much older than the AIDS phenominon. If they are the cause then AIDS should have been around much earlier. Gay men have existed since forever. Being gay no matter how you have sex is not the cause. Two monogamous gay men who are HIV negative will stay HIV negative forever. There is no doubt about that. It doesn't take a microbiologist or a rocket scientist to figure that out. So, until you can definitively state unequivocably the cause of AIDS "talking this dribble should be discontinued

I feel sorry for the followers of the AIDS religion, we hear daily thats Muslims are indoctrinated into their faith but the AIDS religion is no different. Have you seen the actions on people when they realise its a fraud, its HERESY and you'll have the Knights Templars & Society of Jesus sent after you by the Vatican to destroy Heresy haha just like the times when the Templars did these things for the pope eons ago, no different. Instead of a Bible, Talmud, Koran its a Medical Media tripe, I can't say journal because the medical journals do not state HIV causes AIDS and a lot of the other things, I wonder why haha.

There is a hell and a heaven to every religion. To an outside observer it's difficult to tell one from the other.That's my dilemna in a nutshell.


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