Some words to wind you through Reiki land and Pomegranate ville
Date: 5/25/2005 5:24:35 PM ( 20 y ago)
Lately I've been noticing some of my clients coming in with little round-shaped bottles of pomegranate juice. It looked refreshing and piqued my interest. I saw it at the market near my house, and the little bottle was a bit over four dollars. I wanted to look into why this particular juice is so costly, and discovered that it is a powerful antioxidant and the process for making it is complex and of course it takes quite a few pomegranates to make just one little bottle of juice.
I found that for less than two dollars more one can buy more than twice as much pure pomegranate juice that is of equal quality from another juice company. I've tried both and they're equally good.
The juice in the charming little bottle is Pom, and their equally charming website can be found at:
The 32 oz. slightly more economical pomegranate juice is Knudsen Just Pomegranate, and you can find out more about it at:
I know that's a long link, but it's the one that takes you right to the specific product page.
Now I know many of you who peruse the Curezone pages are industrious souls who would invariably go out and buy the pomegranates and juice them yourselves, and that's certainly an option. But, at least here where I live, pomegranates are very very seasonal and only appear for a brief time in the autumn. These juices have a much wider span of availability.
Sure, there are other antioxidants on the market, but it's always nice to discover and try something pleasant and new. I'm really liking this pomegranate juice!
About Reiki II: My Reiki Master Teacher told me that Reiki can be added to one's healing practice, and it will comfortably take the less dominant position and still thrive. Here Reiki is the second topic, but of equal importance to me.
I'm pretty new to Reiki, and just finished Reiki I during the final days of winter this year. My teacher gave me lots of leeway about deciding whether I wanted to continue with levels II and III. For awhile after my level I attunement, which was incredible beyond what words could ever describe, I just enjoyed what I had learned from the level I classes, and worked on assimilating that into my life.
Then it just all kind of fell by the wayside. My more than full time regular job and my fledgling alt health practice and my family were taking up my time fully. Every now and then I would see my folder from Reiki I and the Reiki book by Diane Stein, which I would love to study much more than I have, but I would only see these in passing, and had also stopped practicing Reiki on myself or anyone else, for the time being.
Several weeks passed, more than a month, and no Reiki practice. Just passing thoughts.
Yesterday out of the blue, my Reiki Master Teacher called me. Although she was very low-key, she seemed to think I would benefit from continuing on the path of Reiki studies. I mentioned the common roadblock: money. She suggested a very do-able payment plan, so that roadblock was removed.
I realized quickly that it was the right time to make arrangements to continue my Reiki studies. So I scheduled myself for Reiki II throughout June with attunement in early July. That will be nice.
I remember with great joy the clear and perfect feeling of the Reiki I attunement. The potential to help others who request help through being a channel for the Reiki energy is immense. It's very exciting.
You can find out more about Reiki by simply typing in Reiki in the search window. There's a plethora of material about Reiki out there.
Have a safe and relaxing Memorial Day Weekend!
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