Parasite Cleanse: ACV/Ozone and other things by RisingSun .....

Another, remedy, prevention, mixing, one, two teaspoons, apple cider vinegar, in a glass of water, Alternatively, apple juice, 1 part apple brandy, [I personally wouldn't use the brandy]

Date:   4/12/2006 2:22:12 PM ( 18 y ago)

Human Intestinal Parasites Worms

Human intestinal parasites worms infection air food water cause constipation, stomach bloating, disease health problems. Other symptoms include anemia, asthma, diarrhea, digestive disorders, fatigue, low immune system, nervousness, skin rash. Most will not face this reality or even want to think about this subject and will continue in their suffering.

There can be over 100 different types of parasites worms living in human bodies. Some are microscopic in size while others can be seen quite easily. These common organisms can be found everywhere in our environment, in the air we breath, in the water we drink, or in the food we eat.

Parasite is an organism that lives on or in other organisms from which it obtains nutrients to live and causes harm in the process. Its name comes from the Greek word para that means beside, and sitos, which means food.

Most parasites require a host to complete their life cycle. Animals can also serve as a host. The parasite will vary in size from the smallest one-thousandth of a micron to whale tapeworms a hundred feet long.

Parasites worms can invade your bodies through food and water intake, through a transmitting agent (like a mosquito), sexua| conduct or through the nose and skin. Once established, they will eat the same foods you eat or they will eat you.

People with intestinal parasite infections are usually under-nourished and weak, infected with viral, fungal, or bacteria, and have various types of chemical and metal poisoning. Human intestinal parasites can be present in any disease, in any person, at any age.

They are responsible for many health problems because they secrete toxins and steal the vital nutrients from our bodies. They can irritate or exaggerate other health problems you may be experiencing. Everyone is at risk and under their mercy during parasitic infections.

We create the perfect living environment for parasites when the bowel becomes ineffective in the elimination of our waste products. The build-up of fecal material on the walls of the colon is attributed to constipation and the amounts of junk food, chemicals, bad fats and sweets we consume.

We poison ourselves from our own toxic waste and the waste from these creatures (auto intoxication) when this ideal habitat for is created. Testing for parasites are only available for about five percent of the known varieties with twenty-percent accuracy.

Cancer cases are afflicted with worms that often lump together and look like tumors. Female worms can release 3,000 to 200,000 eggs per day depending on their type. This is a topic that most people do not want to discuss, let alone think about, but now reality must be faced.

These topics are very important for total detox and your well-being. Most doctors are not trained to recognize the symptoms of parasitic infections. The only way to avoid the problems associated with parasite infections is by educating yourself.
Parasites, Some Different Varieties

There are 3200 varieties of parasites in the four major categories, Protozoa, Trematoda, Cestoda and Nematoda.

Nematodes; common roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), hookworm, whipworm, pinworm, heart worm, Strongyloides, Stercoralis, Ancylostoma, caninum, toxocara worm and trichinosis. Size can vary from .2 to 35 centimeters.

Roundworm look similar to an earthworm and can produce 200,000 eggs a day. Approximately 1,008 million people are infected, making it the most common worldwide. The most frequent symptom from roundworm is upper abdominal discomfort. Other symptoms are asthma, eye pain, insomnia, and rashes due to the secretions or waste products from the worms.

Large numbers they can cause blockages in the intestinal tract, hemorrhage when penetrating the intestinal wall, appendicitis, peritonitis, abscesses in the liver, hemorrhagic pancreatitis, loss of appetite, and insufficient absorption of digested foods. Adults grow to 15 inches long.

Hookworm larvae penetrate the skin. When hookworm reach adulthood, they can sap the victim's strength, vitality and overall well-being. Young worms use their teeth to burrow through the intestinal wall and feed on your blood. Symptoms from hookworm are Iron deficiency, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, craving to eat soil, protein deficiency, dry skin and hair, skin irritations, edema, distended abdomen, stunted growth, delayed puberty, mental dullness, cardiac failure and death. (1/2 inch long)

Pinworm can infect one in five children. Symptoms are itching and irritation of the anus or vagina, digestive disorders, insomnia, irritability or nervousness. Female worms crawl out of the anus and lay about 15,000 eggs per day. Once airborne, the eggs can survive about two days anywhere in your living environment.

Worldwide, about 500 million are infected with pinworm. The worm is white and can grow to about a half inch in length.

Infections from whipworm are estimated at several hundred million worldwide. Symptoms of whipworms are bloody stools, pain in the lower abdomen, weight loss, rectal prolapse, nausea and anemia. Hemorrhage can occur when worms penetrate the intestinal wall and bacterial infections usually follow. 1 to 2 inches length.

Protozoa, the single cell parasites; amoebae, protozoa infections, neospora, Toxoplasmosis, cryptosporidium, giardia, Sarcocystis and Trichomonas vaginalis.

Amoebae are an irregular shaped microorganism that infects the end of the smaller intestine and colon. Amebiasis is the most common infection and caused by the species Entamoeba histolytica.

Amoebae also release an enzyme that causes ulcers or abscesses where they can enter the bloodstream. They can eventually reach other organs like the brain or liver. (25 micro meters in diameter)

Cryptosporidium is associated with water-borne outbreaks. The victim might experience diarrhea and abdominal pain lasting for about ten days.

Giardia is the most prevalent intestinal parasite in humans and found in drinking water. Giardia resides in the smaller intestine and at times in the gall bladder. Millions of these giardia organisms will coat the intestinal walls, prevents the absorption of nutrients and later causing illness. Symptoms are mild to moderate abdominal cramps, intestinal gas, light colored stools, bad absorption, weakness, chills, stomach bloating and diarrhea. (14 um x 10 um)

Trichomonas vaginalis is a pathogen that resides in the vagina in females and the urethra, epididymis, and swelling in the prostate gland in males. In women there is a yellowish discharge accompanied by itching and burning.

Malaria, the most prevalent and debilitating disease among the protozoa type is caused by Plasmodium. About two million people die annually from Malaria.

Cestodes (Tapeworm); bladder worms, pork tapeworm, broad fish, dog tapeworm, dwarf and rat tapeworm. Broad fish tapeworm may grow to 35 feet long and live ten years inside a persons intestines. Some tapeworm can lay as many as a million eggs per day. Their bodies are in separate segments with hooks and suction cups on their skull.

Trematodes (Fluke); Flatworm, bladder, blood, liver, lung, kidney and intestinal fluke. Human infections of fluke s (Schistosomes) are in excess of 250 million worldwide. They can cause severe disease of the gastrointestinal tract, bladder, liver and destroy blood cells. Size varies from 1 to 2.5 centimeters in length (1/2 to 3 inches long).

Spirochete are very tiny organisms that are spiral-shaped, and multiply in the blood and lymphatic system. Spirochete (largest), Saprospira, Cristispira, Treponema (smallest), and many more. The host or carrier is usually lice, ticks, fleas, mites, and flying insects, which is then transmitted to humans. Spirochete are responsible for relapsing fever, infectious jaundice, Lyme disease, sores, ulcers, Vincent angina and Wyles disease.

Some parasites worms have the ability to fool bodies into thinking they are a normal part of the tissue or organ and the immune system will not fight off the intruders. When these alien invaders are established in our bodies, they do several things:

They can make Swiss cheese out of your organs. Worm infections can cause physical trauma by perforating (burrowing) the intestines, the circulatory system, the lungs, the liver or the whole bodies.

They can erode, damage or block certain organs by lumping together in balls or tumors. They can be mistaken for cancer tumors, and travel into the brain, heart and lungs.

They rob us of our vital vitamin and mineral nutrients, and amino acids needed for digestion. Some become anemic (anemia) and are drowsy after meals.

They give off certain metabolic waste products (toxic waste) that poison our bodies. This particular condition is called verminous in-toxification. Most have trouble disposing of the toxins that are re-absorbed through the intestines. Your bodies have to work twice as hard to remove these toxic waste products.

Depresses the immune system, which leads to further degeneration, fatigue and illness.

They can destroy cells faster than cells can be regenerated.

Some conditions that promote parasitic infections are excess mucus, an imbalance in the intestinal flora, chronic constipation, and a toxic internal environment.

Nose is supposed to act as a natural airway for respiration and the main inlet for oxygen. It also acts as an air conditioner, by filtering, moistening and warming the air that is breathed. The hairs and mucus membranes help prevent dust from entering the rest of the respiratory tract. The nose is responsible for smell and gives your voice its own characteristic tone.

Problems associated with the nose are sinus (sinusitis, an inflammation), nasal polyp and tumors. These can cause restrictions in the nasal passage hinder the amount of oxygen needed.

Bones surrounding the nose contain honeycomb (air filled cavities between the outer and inner layers of the skull) known as the facial sinuses. These comprise of 2 frontal, one sphenoid, 2 ethmoidal and 2 maxillary sinuses. Each sinus drains mucus into the nasal passages through tiny ducts or channels.

Sinus inflammation or infections can be caused by an abscess in an upper tooth or from bacteria and viruses. Parasites or candida can also take up residence in all those little nooks and crannies, and they are the hardest to eliminate. After time, the sinuses can become encrusted in toxic matter like in the colon. Mycoplasmas infecting the sinus will cause a drainage with a bad nasal odors. Swabbing the inside of the nose with a drop or two of Oil of Oregano on an ear swab will help over time.

Polyp or tumors, which bulge out into the nasal passage may also be filled with parasites. It is important to clear the nasal passages so you can breathe in the Breath of Life, more oxygen. Self-examination of the nasal passages is possible with a flash light held in the front of the nose and looking in the mirror. You should see a clear airway almost to the throat. If you can only see in about an inch, problems may exist.

Cleaning if required, dip an ear swab into 3 percent H2O2 and swab inside the nose. It may be necessary to plug the other side and breathe in slightly to get the hydrogen peroxide past the obstructions. Let it sit until the sinuses open and then blow out the excess mucus. Repeated use will show where parasites may be dwelling under the tissue by the bubbling and oxidation effect of the H2O2. With the aid of tweezers, it is possible to pull out the parasites and waste matter for disposal.

Another test for parasites is using black walnut oil on the swab. One or two drops are sufficient to start. If there is a burning sensation and twitching of the toes or it feels like a rock inside after a few days or scaling may appear on the outside are indications that parasites may exist. Applying ozonated oil or vitamin E on the dry skin will help soften the tissue.

Another method is direct applications of the ozone in the ears and in the nose. Insert the hose into each nostril while closing eyes and holding breath during each treatment. Sneezing will occur and the sinuses will open. Do as tolerated.

Extreme skin reactions can occur when drinking black walnut oil in water for the elimination of worms. When they are exposed to the oil, they will eliminate their toxins to protect their living environment. The poisons are absorbed into the blood causing a rash on the skin. To avoid this condition, start out slow and increase dosage over a longer period.

Treatments can be followed up by adding the oils to your vitamins and supplements for a daily maintenance.

Humans with worm infections may feel bloated, tired or hungry, allergies, asthma, gas, digestive disorders, unclear thinking or feel toxic. Damage and symptoms will vary on the type of parasite infection.

Some people may not have any symptoms from infection. About 25 percent may only have a few aches and pains that they can ignore. The quality of life and health may be compromised in another 55 percent. Those who are disabled from parasites are about 5 percent. In the USA, about 85 percent is infected with parasites.
Parasite Signs, Adults, Children

Allergies, Many allergies are caused by worm infections. Tissue becomes inflamed and reactions to foods are the result when eosinophils (white blood cells) are increased due to them. Extreme skin rashes with blisters and food allergies or sensitivities may result.

Anemia, Worms leach nutrients from bodies causing anemia. When they are present in large numbers, they can create enough blood loss to cause anemia or iron deficiency in some people.

Constipation, Some worms can obstruct certain organs like the colon causing constipation, liver and the bile duct.

Diarrhea, Most of the time diarrhea is nature's way of removing toxins.

Fatigue, Symptoms include tiredness, flue-like symptoms, apathy, depression and a lack of concentration.

Gas and Stomach Bloating, Some parasites live in the upper intestine, which can cause both gas and stomach bloating.

Immune Dysfunction, Parasites depress the immune system by decreasing immunoglobulin A.

Nervousness, The waste products from parasites irritate the nervous system, resulting in anxiety and restlessness.

Other Signs of Parasites in Children

Blisters appear on the inside of the lower lip, wiping of the nose, restlessness and grinding of the teeth at night, dark circles under the eyes, hyperactive, bed wetting, headaches, sensitive to light, twitching eyelid, gum, rectum, or nose bleeding are signs they may have parasites.

There are many natural foods, herbal cleansing products, and essential oils that one can take to rid themselves of worms. When taking herbal combinations, it is best taking them on an empty stomach. The best way to treat parasitic infection is to detoxify using a nutritional rebuilding program that will restore balance and the immune system. Everyone infected with worms is deficient in the essential nutrients. All essential vitamin and mineral supplements are necessary like Nutra Earth.

Parasites are a problem, it is very important to take larger doses of plant-derived nutrients due to deficiencies. Some worms suck your vitamins and minerals directly out of the blood. Others absorb your nutrients through their outer skin layer. The nutrients need replacing on a daily basis.

High carbohydrate diet, low in protein, and high in alkaline has been found to make parasitic infections worse. Sugar should also be avoided because parasites thrive on it and it is possible you could have candida. This candida or yeast infections create an environment in the colon that equals the environment needed for them to thrive. Foods that lower pH from high alkaline conditions in the colon are apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice.

Pumpkin seeds and onions mixed with soy milk is another remedy for worms. Herbal combinations for blood fluke are milkweed, pennyroyal and black walnut. Herbal combinations for liver fluke are cloves, goldenrod and goldenseal root. Bitter melon is effective against pinworm. Fasting on raw pineapples for three days helps with tapeworm infestation.

Another remedy for prevention is mixing one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Alternatively, you can take one tablespoon daily of 1 part apple cider vinegar, 2 parts apple juice, 1 part apple brandy.

Constipation problems can be helped with friendly bacteria, cascara sagrada bark, chamomile tea, or elder flowers. Licorice added to herbal teas has a slight laxative action.

Liquid nutrients like Nutra Earth will help clean and replace your vital nutrients. The OXY-MEGA oxygen supplement is more effective against parasites and cleaning the intestinal tract than herbs. High doses of herbs may make them retreat to the colon but to kill and eliminate the parasites you need to flush them out by colon irrigation and ozone.

One can save money and create your own herb formulas by buying herbs in bulk, capsules, and a capsule machine for filling the capsules. Mix the herbs equally and purchase high quality only. The book, The Breath of Life contains most all the herbs with anti-parasitic properties and the herbal combinations for mixing.
Prevent, Eliminate Parasites

Healthy immune system is the best defense against parasites and disease. Some of the things you can do to reduce the risk of parasitic infections are:

Wash all fruits and vegetables. Scrape off the wax substance on the outer surface on any fruit or vegetable with a knife before washing. Anything with a nick or recess can harbor just about anything and should be cut out. Avoid eating grapes with open splits. Washing in ozonated water, hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per gallon of water), or bleach (add 1/2 teaspoon to each gallon and soak for 10 minutes) will kill parasites. Rinse well after to remove bleach residue. Some prefer to wash them in chlorinated water, but these things are organic in nature. Chlorine and organics do not go well together because of the carcinogenic compounds that are produced.

Thoroughly cook meats and fish. Do not eat raw or uncooked meats or fish. Check for worms, especially on fish. Spray with hydrogen peroxide or wash in ozonated water before cooking. Keep all work surfaces clean.

Drink pure water. Parasites are associated with many water-borne outbreaks and are highly resistant to conventional methods of disinfecting. Water that is properly purified with ozone is free of parasites.

Practice good personal hygiene. Wash your hands before eating and after going to the bathroom, changing diapers, or handling pets. Keep your fingernails short and clean. Parasites can live for two months under the fingernails.

Keep your living environment clean. Breathing the dust in your house can contain human skin, soil particles, or fecal material from dust mites and cockroaches. An easy test to determine if this is a problem is by looking across the room when the sunlight is shining through a window and checking for particles floating in the air. Then let the kids run around for a few minutes and recheck. The elimination of carpets reduces this problem considerably.

Do not walk barefoot on warm, moist soil or while working in the garden. Parasites are abundant in soil and can absorb (penetrate) through skin cells. Fertilizers are added to garden soil and it is the pets favorite place to go. Use gloves and shoes for protection.

Swimming in rivers, lakes, ponds, or public swimming pools. Avoid swallowing or drinking the water while swimming anywhere. Avoid swimming if cuts or open sores are present.

If pets are infested with parasites, de-worm and keep them outside. You are at a higher risk in contracting worms when pets are allowed indoors. Dogs and cats are host to many parasites that humans can contract. Garlic added to their food will help control some parasites. Animals can spread 240 diseases to humans because of parasites.

Overuse of antibiotics. Reducing the numbers of friendly bacteria in the colon allows for the proliferation of parasites.

Global travel. Ten years ago, you might have been at a higher risk for parasite infections when traveling to another country. Today, you may be at a higher risk to infection by staying home.

Use more cloves with every meal. Adding some cloves to foods will help kill the eggs from parasites in the intestinal tract. Cloves added to coffee or herbal teas adds a little different taste.

Total annihilation of these invaders you have to get serious and declare ALL OUT WAR and fight back with the most powerful weapons in your arsenal. Your best defense is knowledge; knowing the enemy and the harm they cause. Then, attack with all the weapons that follow without letting up, and you will be the victor instead of the victim.

Most effective treatment or cleansing product for the elimination of parasites in the large intestine is to cleanse the colon with ozonated water and hydrogen peroxide by colonic irrigation. This method is extremely lethal to all types of bad bacteria, food pathogens, parasites and viruses. As the colon becomes cleaner, the ozone and oxygen will reach other organs where parasites may be a problem. The least expensive treatment is OXY-MEGA.

Why does ozone work so well? Healthy cells and friendly bacteria are aerobic, which means they need oxygen to survive. Unhealthy cells, parasites, pathogens and viruses are anaerobic, they can only survive in a non oxygenated environment. Change their living environment and you WIN THE WAR.

Article in The Nutrition and Dietary Consultant/May 1996, says, it is estimated that 200 million people are infected by intestinal parasites. It also estimates that one in four people worldwide is infected by roundworm.

No one knows the total number or types of parasites living in our environment. They hardly ever get full credit for the destruction they do to the human bodies. Only a few get credit for the people they harm.

High infection rate in the USA is surprising to many, but most of these creatures have always been living within our bodies. When the immune system weakens, they can grow to numbers that cause physical harm.

People poison their bodies with chemicals, drugs, processed and over cooked foods, it starts the process that allows the parasites to take over our inner environment. When they take over, they are in control, whether you know it or not. When we make the wrong choices and do not take preventive measures, they win.

Are Parasites Having This Cocktail Party in Your Intestinal Tract?

Its Party Time In The Colon

Breath of Life describes detox in depth with self cleansing products, techniques and illustrations on the colon, parasites, and directions for making your own board for home colonic. It also describes how to keep in balance using ozone with other natural remedies and the risk factors we all face in our daily life.

Brief summary and contents of the Printed Version and New Revised 2005 Edition is available in The Breath of Life section where you can purchase by credit card for 15.00. This book could SAVE YOUR LIFE! To receive the book go to the book order in the contents.

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