5th day Sadhana by munificent .....

Today was day #5 of Sadhana- hehe Only 35 more days to go...HAHAHAHAHAH

Date:   8/28/2005 9:51:38 AM ( 19 y ago)

Oh dear, today was the first time I was tempted to ignore the alarm and go back to sleep. I hit the snooze alarm instead..and by the time my 5 minutes had elapsed I was ready to rise.

I was 10 minutes later thanususal and they had tuned in with Ong Namo before I had gotten there. I regretted that -the tune in aligns us as a group with the "golden chain" of masters. This Kundalini has been in existence for thousands of years the Ong Namo tune in aligns us and allows the ancient wisdom to flow through the ages to us today. Time travel, that is not at all that, since time (as What the Bleep and modern physics tells us)is NOT linear.

The ancient knowledge and spirit gatekeepers flow to and through us to practice in our best way.

Speaking of which, I got some really interesting messages delivered in a most unusual or indirect way..

Well first some background, While practicing Sadhana at any time one may fold themselves in a blanket and just listen and participate through mere presence..It is as powerful as practicing (I have a hard time believing that, so for me it is more powerful to practice) but this morning I am beginning to feel some accumulated fatigue so after the yoga, and during the hour of chants I grabbed a sheep skin and wrapped myself in a blanket and went into a half sleep half waking state and there I "dreamed" a woman (with a New York accent-no less Jeez I am nothing if not the jokester)was instructing another human being on some of the aspects of human relationship...I was not physically there just able to listen...And I could not see the other human being but I "Knew" they were there.

Finally I realized the message was for me...and that this "fly on the wall" style of physic vision is my style-at least for today- I found it hard to keep ahold of the information but came up with the gist of the experience. I will withhold the exact conversation, and that is fuzzy anyway, and if this information proves to be true...then I may write about it- or not.

My host, the head of the family, began to chant today with "Doc" who always chants and the New One who sang all the chants yesterday came in on the tail end of the chants today. It was the most awesome feeling to be supported (and I mean this in the most physical sense) by these mens voices while the melodically chanted the long Ek Ong Kar. It was so safe, and supportive. I felt uplifted by there chanting and held in my cocoon of my blanket. I realize the head of household keeps an eye on me even while I sleep. He is watchful over all in his domain and under his hospitality. Very steeped in deep practice of caring for others.

After the chants ended I was still cocooned in my blanket while I listened to "Doc" and the Radiologist discuss the pros and cons of different continuing education classes to maintain their Medical degrees. Such simplicity and sweetness. Lots of kudos for their providers, "smart guy" hands on" "likeable" "hands on". I believe on of them is either an osteopath or chiropractor from his discussion on the spinal column. Just to listen to these two friend s speak in quiet tones about everyday matters was sweet. There is a supportive community here, and I am welcomed.

As I got up, I folded my sheepskin and my blanket to replace them in their "basket", Doc was sitting directly in front of the access, as I lined over I decided just to hand the blankets to him-since he was closer..first he leaned back as to give me access then he said "oh, help?" I nodded, he took the stuff and placed in the basket.

Then he said "see, you tomorrow" in the kindest sweet voce, I shook my head from side to side rather than a nod, He smiled at me..and off I went.

Now I am home with a good cup of coffee and some wonderful vege scramble..and I am at peace and seeing there is more in the world for me than I had imaged...and this practice Sadhana will free me while making me strong. Sat Nam!

Now, jeez, what am I thinking...I am on my way to Coronado to do a workshop on the seat of the soul with the Turbaned One from 10am-4:30pm with a potluck afterwards...I will have had a total of 9 hours of yoga today~ I'd say at this rate I will be a Master, myself...and guess what-all that really means is that I take on more service to others because I can...because through my strengthening and practice I will be able to hold the space for others...It means I am growing up in a spiritual sense...The more you practice the more you give..Yep that's it I think

Life is different than I thought, better, richer, but it requires getting off the "vast" ass and walking the walk...Getting out of my comfort zone, Getting Unlazy.


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