Spirtual Fraud (cont) by munificent .....

More on the Paurees of Yogi Bhajan and Kundalini Yoga

Date:   8/14/2005 9:06:29 PM ( 19 y ago)

--19th pauree of Japji Sahib

It's true. It's the word of the man of God which makes God come down and make man to resurrect to God. You are a Sikh of the Guru. How you act, behave, live, deal and come through... when you leave yourself behind and you come through in the name of the Guru, that makes you a Sikh. That's the Sikh religion! And if you don't have the third eye to see it, you do not know Sikh Dharma! If you do not have the intuition to know it, you don't know Sikh Dharma! If you don't have the sex and strength to go for it, you have no creation! It takes a sexua| sensitivity and high pretentiousness, creativity and supreme intuitive intention. It takes moral mode and morality. It takes the total reality in a man to answer the call when it is given in the name of status of individual as a human being. And worst of that, if it is called in the name of Guru, whosoever hesitates is a coward and lives a lie as a human being.

Therefore please understand that the life is to experience, not God within us. There's no need of living in caves and meditating and experiencing loftiness. That's not Sikh Dharma.

I saw a movie recently. What was that? Oh yeah. "Memories of Me". How many of you have seen that? Two, three, four?... doesn't matter. Okay. There's a one scene in that movie. The guy has a heart attack as a doctor. And the doctor... he was doing surgery and he got a heart attack. And in surgery, in heart attack, he is lying down and he is guiding the other doctor, what to do, where he finished, where he should continue job. And then he comes to see his father to recuperate, to enjoy and relax. And right in Hollywood, somebody gets in an accident by a car. He says, "I am a doctor." He goes, he does everything what a doctor does. Later on, other things came to take over. And his father said, "Are you stupid? You could have been sued. The man could have been dead. You should not have touched him." He looked at him and said, "I am a doctor." He said, "You are a patient. You are here for recovery and recuperation." He said, "Still, it is a doctor that is in recovery. A doctor is recuperating." Because it was answering
the call of duty as a doctor. Is that true? Isn't it professional? When something happens, if doctor is around, then he has to answer that call. Is that professional courtesy?

And if something happens and you are called upon as a Gursikh, as a human being, and you don't answer, how you feel? THAT is Dharma! Dharma is not to be Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh. Nothing!


That is Dharma! And that spirit, that attitude, that morality, that courage, that personality...that is all that God is. Everything else is bogus nonsense, ridiculous...it has no meaning whatsoever.

Dharma is when you wear bana, you stand before the mirror and watch yourself and you say, "I look like a Singh of the Guru now." "I look like a Kaur of the Guru now. I look like a princess now." That's Dharma! That is Dharma! Dharma is NOT between you and all! Dharma is between you and Guru and God! It is a trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost practiced everyday with every breath of life. And it shall never change, whether you are an Indian, German, American, God knows who you are. It will never change! "Asa isht to paasanaa, khan paan paraan." These six things, when are dictated, done and directed under Guru's Will, only then man understands Sikh Dharma. "Rehit piaare moeh ko, Sikh piaaraa naaeh." Rehit means blood. Rehit means through which the blood lives and circulates. These are the dictates of the Guru.

And we call ourselves "Sikhs"? Sikh is a disciple. And a disciple without discipline is no disciple at all! And man without discipline is no man at all! That's why your moodiness, your emotions, your cumbersome attributes and attitudes... that's why you are blind, you don't see through the third eye which sees above. These two eyes, my dear, only read the traffic signs! They are no more than that.

It is very funny. I asked somebody to read one day and she said to me, "I don't have glasses." And I said, "Ha ha ha ha ha!" I laughed. I said, "You are like me. You can't see anything. I am very happy I can't see anything and you are very unhappy you can't see anything." I said, "See through the third eye and see what it is." And she said to me, "I don't have a third eye." The fun part of it is, on two eyes you can wear glasses and on third eye you can't. You can wear a bana and dress up yourself perfect, but when you open your mouth, everybody will know whether you are a Sikh or not. That's the problem.

I'll tell you what Sikh Dharma is. If I do not get up tomorrow and be with you, then I will have done my job. Now let me tell you what it is... Sikh is a Sikh, whether dead or alive! And Sikh does NOT need to introduce himself. By very presence, by very acts, by very factuality of being, Sikh is known, recognized and understood. When we are not, then we are not Sikhs.

I hear a lot this question: "What will happen when Siri Singh Sahib will die?" Siri Singh Sahib sits on a chair which has four foot spikes. Somebody who has the stainless steel buts to sit on six foot spikes will be another Siri Singh Sahib. or you won't have one. Simple as that.

When I was not in America and there was no Siri Singh Sahib, everything went well, and so after my death, everything will go all right. Don't worry. Siri Singh Sahib I didn't become because some man made me so. I became Siri Singh Sahib because Guru Ram Das wanted it. So if Guru Ram Das wants somebody else, it will happen. I honestly and truthfully believe that I didn't do anything to do anything. It all happened. The ownership and the leadership of this Dharma belongs to Siri Guru Gobind Singh and Mata Sahib Deva! Not to stupid Indians and stupid Americans and stupid Germans and stupid French! No way Jose! NOBODY owns this! It shall always be owned by Guru Gobind Singh and Mata Sahib Deva, and those who shall follow those two shall be called the family, the Khalsa, and shall be the Sikhs. Others can dress as punk, junk and crunk, I don't care! When we gave our five heads, Guru gave us the bana. So we wear it. He gave us the bani, so we recite it. He did us the greatest
service, so we serve. He did the simran to become one with God, so we do it. A Sikh lives in the name of the Guru as an angel lives in the name of God. It is for humans to understand.

Sikh Dharma does not just make you human. It makes you human better than an angel. It's surprising.

Try this formula which I want to give you today:

For one week for every act, leave yourself behind and take the Guru with you and do it.

I'll tell you how I act. I am not very unlimited by sources, by strength and by other worldly things. The only thing I am is that I am the most clever human being ever produced by God that His manufacturing machine absolutely stupidly can. And you know what I do? I have used all that human weakness and human force to do one thing:

I believe Guru Ram Das works everything and I have just to follow behind.

That's it! I don't care what happens. Take it from me. THAT's why everything happens. In my stupid weakness which is real, I have accepted to survive. I came to America. I found out I cannot match you with your emotionalism. I am no match to your stupid inverted self-destructive attitude. I saw you absolutely. Today you are with parents, tomorrow you are not. I saw your parents hanging you in the court of law and doing you in. I saw your tragedies. I saw you walking into a house of 16 bedrooms, walking naked in the festivals. I saw you taking drugs. I saw you doing everything. I saw you. I was with you in the evolution and revolution of the sixties. I saw it all. And it was very classic work to tell you what to do. Therefore I didn't do anything. But I took courage. I called you in the name of Guru Ram Das and I called you loud and clear. I called you to pray with him, to be with him, to make him understand and give him your feelings and emotions and have an attachment
of feelings and emotions and satisfaction from him. And in lieu of that, you will get all. You will get everything. That's what I said.

First you were finding somebody new... You were very, you know... listening. Later on from the third eye you went to the second chakra. Penis became Venus for you. And pussy became pushy. And many of you lost stupidly the greatest opportunity that ever Guru Ram Das gave you. And today I say to you: "Watch out! The time and space of tomorrow belongs to the Guru's house." I'm not saying this because I'm a Sikh. I'm not saying this because I'm a yogi. I'm saying it as a PROMISED FACT! The pure SHALL rule! "Raaj kare ga khalsa, akhee rahe naa koeh. Kuar hoeh sabh milenge bache sharan jo hoeh." I believe in this line. I don't dream about it -- I KNOW it. The pure shall rule! And indifferent, there shall be none.

You know, between a father and a son, relationship remains as a father and a son, but some are indifferent and some are obedient. "Akhee" means indifferent. A rebel. "Akhee rahe naa koeh. Kuar hoeh sabh milenge." You know 'kuar'... when your nose is rubbed in the dirt. That is called 'kuar.' I'm just giving you an English expression. "Kuar hoeh sabh milenge." After your nose, you idiots, will be rubbed in the dust, you Sikhs, you shall join together at the Guru's feet. "Kuar hoeh sabh milenge. Bache sharan jo hoeh." Saved shall be that one who takes the shelter of the Guru. I believe it. I don't say the Ardas and read it and just go through it. No!

Hey you! I came to America... I brought you the Guru, because it is WITHIN me, it is IN me, it is ME! I could have set up businesses. I could have set up meditation business more than anybody. No! That was not the purpose. Purpose was to give you the message of the Guru so that you can survive until Infinity... so that tomorrow can be yours. Hey! Today we are not many, but we are VERY many. We don't have to draw a fish on the ground to direct toward in which cave we are meditating. Everybody knows where Guru Ram Das Ashram is. It doesn't matter how small it is!

1988 years ago, where was Christianity? 3000 years ago, where was Buddhism? 5000 years where was Judaism? Religion comes and goes, but TRUTH lives forever! You belong to that everlasting TRUTH. That's why Guru Nanak said, "How that will be achieved? Jap! Aad sach, jugaad sach, heibhee sach, naanak hosee bhee sach." That's exactly what that means. Don't misunderstand me. I didn't do any good to you nor any bad to you. All I did was, I knew the path and I showed it to you. You walk on it or not, it is your personal professionalism. It's not my problem. I tell my own children, my own blood relations, "I am three. I am Harbhajan Singh which you know. I am Yogi Bhajan which you try to know. I am Siri Singh Sahib which you have to know." And I say to you too, all of you. I am Harbhajan Singh. Fine! We are humans. I am a Yogi Bhajan, which you have to know. And I am Siri Singh Sahib, which you MUST know, if you have anything to have in tomorrow.

I didn't have a public relations firm and tons of money and everybody knowing me. I didn't have a billboard that I was a yogi. I was wearing a red, pink polka dot turban and torn pants and a shirt which has absolutely arm pits like ventilators. And I am still stupid enough that I do not know how to take a dirty laundry to that coin thing and do it. Once I did it and I lost the whole thing. I don't say I am perfect. And it doesn't matter. When Guru cleans your laundry, there's no dirt. And that's how beautiful Guru is. When you give a little of you to the Guru, Guru gives you a lot.

Who knew this Harbhajan Singh? Nobody! But I read in the Siri Guru Granth, "Kaho Nanak ay tat bichaaraa. Bin Harbhajan nahee chot kaaraa." I said, "My name is Harbhajan. Without me there is no freedom, no mukhtee, nothing." What is this means? I started looking into it myself. Harbhajan means divine song. And I said, "This is my name. Let me then do it." That's the way I learned.

There are millions of people. You are the ones who asked for the spiritual name and you have it by Guru's grace... and that is the destiny name. Don't give distance to your destiny. You will be very sorry. You are losing the diamonds for the seashells. If you have to open a third eye, open it inside. If you have to open outside, open outside and spread the light of the Guru.

Hail Guru Ram Das and heal people! Hail Guru Ram Das and heal people of their spiritual, mental, and physical ailments! Do it in the name of the Guru, NOT on the strength of what YOU know and what you don't! Because what you know and you don't is not sufficient. What Guru knows is all sufficient and efficient. Therefore I ask you today, like any other day: Get out of your personal neurosis! Remove your hand and foot brakes... your fear and your complexes. Go out and TEACH in the name of the Guru! Teach yoga so that people can unite and excel and learn and trust. Because they need somebody to unite them.

You sit in your homes, on your comfortable couches and in your wonderful beds, and you think you have achieved. You have achieved nothing but a glorified prison around you! Go out where nobody goes, and touch the heart and the dirt of that land. You'll find yourself exalted. Go out and TOUCH people! Your physical touch, your mental touch, and your spiritual touch should be that of Guru Ram Das, and then you will be entitled to this: "Jinee naam dhyaaeeaa, ghae masakat ghaal."

Those who have meditated on the name of the Guru...

What is meditation of the name of Guru? Is meditation on the name of Guru yelling, "Wha Guru, Whe Guru, Wha Guru"? Meditation on the name of Guru is to call on everyone in the name of Guru and serve them. Simran which does not give seva, which puts conditions, is not simran. If simran has not brought you the openness and the light of Guru then you don't belong to the Dharma! GO! Heal others! Uplift others! Serve others so the God should send angels to serve you! It's a very good bargain. It is the BEST!

"Tehel, mehel, ta ko milay, jeh peh sant kirpaal." Palaces and services only come to those whom a saint blesses. Which saint? "Bhag hoaa Gur sant milaaeeaa" -- Guru Arjan's words. "Bhag hoaa Gur sant milaaeeaa. Prabh abinaasee ghar meh paaeeaa." -- I am blessed. Guru has made me to meet a saint. That's Guru Arjan... he's talking about Guru Ram Das. "Prabh abinaasee ghar meh paaeeaa" -- the unfinished, the undying God, "Prabhu", I have found in my own house. "Naanak too lehnaa too hei, gur amar too veechaariaa....Dhan Dhan raam daas gur jin siriaa tinai savaariaa."

Our Guru's birthday is coming. '88 is leaving. This is the last Guru Ram Das's birthday you can celebrate in 1988. Sikhs have suffered from '84-'88. We knew that. These four years were of suffering, torture, tragedy, misery, and whatever. Now those who will wake up and dedicate themselves on this birthday to Guru Ram Das shall be glorious and prosperous.

You know it is funny. A Sikh has not to be blessed by saints and angels. It is the privilege of a saint to bless a Sikh. But it is the privilege of an angel to serve a Sikh. Learn Sikh Dharma as I have learned. Experience Sikh Dharma as I have experienced. See through my eyes. You are all blind... you don't understand. I know NOTHING! I don't WANT to know anything! It is STUPID to know anything! It is so ridiculous.

That day I went to the yoga center. I wanted to teach a very beautiful class. Ha ha ha ha! I was thinking in the limousine, "I want to do this, do that." I went there and all I ended up teaching was "Siri Singh Kriya." You do not know what I did that night. I slapped my own face so bad my jaws were hurting and I couldn't sleep well. I said, "You sit in a car and you think what you are going to teach? You useless stupid person! You have forgotten that you don't teach? What a sin you have committed today. Ha ha ha! And what you end up teaching?" And that day I had to humble myself before the class. I said, "You won't read these 3 kriyas in any book anywhere." I know that nobody can teach, NOBODY knows!

I'm not saying that sometimes I don't forget. I do forget sometimes who teaches. I forget it. But I do have to correct myself as you have to do the same. This planet earth revolves, this planet earth rotates by God's will. When you are a part of God's will, then God can take care of your routine on one condition: that you give yourself to the Guru's dictates. Because then the line comes through: "Jinee naam dhyaaeeaa gaeh masakat ghaal. Naanak te mukh ujale ketee chutee naal." Those who have done this hard work and meditated on the name of the Guru (and meditation does not mean something you sit and close your eyes)... Name of God is wherever the existence creation is, if any service is required, Sikh should be first to go and do it. Sikh is the one who answers the call of duty to all humans first. To those who have done it, what Guru promises?
"Naanak te mukh ujale" -- they will be bright and beautiful. Here, and in the court of God. There is God and He has a left hand and right hand, and if you want to sit on his right hand, then you will be first to answer the call. "Tee muray, jo kolu laaj laaveh. Ut mare jo firma bardaa naahe." Let the daughter be dead who brings insult to the family. Let the son be dead who is disobedient, and let that Sikh be dead who doesn't answer the call of the Guru in the name of humanity... its existence and life. You live a lie if you do not answer life... if you do not answer in the name of the Guru, and you have no consciousness if you cannot see through the third eye what your duty is.

If you do not know what your duty is, then you do not know what your beauty is and you are ugly as it should be. And you know, garbage is ugly and it is put to dump. Those souls which will carry the ugliness will be put in the dump called hell. Otherwise for a Sikh THIS is heaven AND hereafter is heaven! If you do not know heaven on earth, how you are going to find heaven in real where it is not? Make heaven here! Fake it! In the heaven you will make it.

What is a heaven?

Heaven is a totally dedicated soul who has a sole dedication in God.

And so why not try it here? Dedicate yourself to God solely and you will become holy.

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!



Transcript by Tej Kaur Khalsa, Los Angeles, CA

Above Article Copyright © Yogi Bhajan 2002. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


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