Observing Auras by Wrenn .....

Learning to see and understand Auras, including color meanings: By learning to see auras, you can increase your sensitivity and intuition, detect and stop stress, cleanse, strengthen and protect your own aura, and even use it to help select foods,and or/in plant and animal care, to help keep them in optimal health also.

Date:   2/24/2005 7:37:38 AM ( 19 y ago)


Everyone has an aura.
Anyone can learn to see and experience the aura easily.
There is nothing *magical* about this.
The aura is basically the energy field that surrounds all matter.
Anything that has an atomic structure will have an aura.
The atoms of animate life are more active than inanimate matter.
This makes it easier to detect the auras of trees,
plants, animals, foods, and people.

The human aura is the energy field that surrounds the physical body.
It surrounds you in all directions and is 3 dimensional.
In a healthy human it makes an egg shape aound the body,
and in an average person, will extend 8-10 feet around them.
Some great masters have had auras extend for miles.

Generally, the healthier you are, physically and spiritually,
the more vibrant your energy will be, and thus,
the further your aura will extend.
The more vitalized your auric field is,
the greater energy you will have to do things
you need or wish to do.
The Stronger your aura, the less likely you will be affected by outside forces.

Aura fields that are weak are more likely to be vulnerable
to being easily manipulated and become tired more frequently.
Controlling your environment begins with controlling your energy.

The energies of nature are easily absorbed
and transformed by our bodies.
Your aura is stronger and larger when you are outside,
esp when barefoot, on natural ground
and under or near natural life forms.
Take time to sit under a tree.
After you have learned to see your aura,
you will notice how greatly your energy field is recharged by this.

There are 4 basic elements of life,
Earth , Air, Wind, Water.
Contact with all 4 of these elements restores balance to your body.
Sitting under a willow tree for 10 minutes can stop a headache.
A pine tree can help cleanse you.
Each Tree is as unique and individual as we each are.
Trees have dynamic energy fields, and each has their own vibration,
as do we, and also as do crystals.
Trees absorb and draw off negative emotions from our own auras.
This does not harm the tree.
It turns our negative energy into fertilizer for itself.

The use of crystals and caring for pets, and even *totems*,
such as a childs security blanket, or a meditation shawl
can all recharge our energies.
The more contact you have with a particular item,
the more it becomes harmoniously bonded to you.
Your aura will change your environment into one
that is in harmony with you, the more time you spend there.

Your own aura will leave its imprint
on anything that you interact with.
This can be a person, object or environment.
In the reverse way, others leave imprints on us.
It is very important for our own optimal health,
to learn how to cleanse negativity from our body, mind and spirit.
Learning to see our auras will help us be able to detect
when our energies need to be replenished,
and to detect whatever it may be,
the circumstances, persons, environments, or things
that create negative drains on us.

In summation, you will grow to see,
that the actual learning of how to read and see auras
will be childs play to say the least, easy as pie.
Now you will be able do so with a baseline of understanding,
that there is not one ounce of *magic*
in doing something that you were born with an innate abilty to do.

Remember as in all things practice makes perfect.
Soon you will be looking at your fresh produce
and checking out auras on everything,
to ensure that your environment,
and whatever (or whomever) you come in contact with
has the best energy to recharge you.

You will be able to see how your pet is feeling,
bad, sad or happy,...(or beginning to get ill).
Your plants, or mate, or children will benefit,
as you learn to *read them *.
You will become more intune with where they are at,
physically and emotionally at the moment you are reading them.
Remember, we all have our own unique baseline aura,
but it will alter (sometimes dramatically)
many times throughout the day.
You will learn more about that, when you read on colors later,
and how to use seeing your aura to help you stay in daily balance.



Anyone can learn to see the aura.
Interpreting what is seen can be a bit more difficult *smile*

There are 2 ways to see an aura, neither is better or worse.
as long as what is seen is interpreted correctly.
The 2 ways of seeing auras are Intuitively, or Visually.
In the intuitive way, the aura is viewed thru your mind's eye.
It involves learning to relax and visualise
the selected person within your mind.
You then ask your intuitive self about the energy of that person.
What is the basic color of this person?
What other colors are there? (and where are they located?).
What do these colors represent about the energy of this person
on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels?

These intuitive perceptions can be as close and accurate
as visually seeing the aura IF they are interpreted correctly.
Intuitive perceptions of auric readings
are easier to do on someone else than on yourself.
We tend to delude ourselves and picture what we want to see,
rather than what is actually there.
It is good to be able to visually see the aura
to verify your intuitive perceptions.

Anyone can learn to visually see the aura.
It is a natural ability that we are born with.
There are many charts and eye strengthening exercises
that one can do to improve eye sensitivity to see auras,
but the easiest way (as usual) is the natural way.

Lie on your back in grass on a warm cloudless day.
Look at the distant trees.
Let your eyes run up from the base of the trees to the tops.
Gaze at the line of the tops of the trees
that they make against the horizon of the blue sky.
do not force your gaze, just relax.
Take in as much of the sky at once as you can.
Relax into a soft focus.
As you do this you will become aware of a soft haze
outlining the tops of the trees against the blue sky.
It will be a soft color, lighter than the blue sky behind it.
This is most easily seen in spring
when trees are most activated with renewed life force.
That is part of the aura of trees.

I myself, have sat in cars with windows down,
and relaxed, viewing trees.
Surprisingly, (or not so ), as you begin to focus
on individual trees, you will see that they can each
give off different colors.
I have seen light greens, deep purples, etc.
When you can learn to see these other colors,
(as you will with practice),
you will also be able to select a tree to sit under.
If you are agitated, sit under a calming purple one,
ill? check out a green one *)
angry? how about a blue to rebalance?

Thank you for your patience as I work on this in parts.
I will continue beyond this, how to easily look at your
hands to start to see auras, and we will go from there to viewng self in mirror and reading others to exercise building up your abilty and keeping it vitally strong.





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