Dematerialization by YourEnchantedGardener .....

My Beloved Olympus 5050 dematerialized today to make Way for a New Camera to further bestow Blessing on Humanity. I am honored to record a history of Peace on Earth.

Date:   12/22/2006 7:04:26 AM ( 18 y ago)

4:53 AM
December 22, 06

My camera dematerialized yesterday.
I could say it was stolen, I could say
I lost it somehow, I could say I misplaced it.
A slight possibility of the last one, but
I don't think so.

My camera dematerialized.

My camera.
My Lovely tool for Recording the History
of Peace on Earth.
My lovely, sweet camera, the one
that lets me get less that an inch from
an object, has dematerialized.

That is the story that makes sense
to me as I stand at the side of the garden
comtemplating Seeds.

Did I do something wrong?
Am I being punished,
maybe punished by God for not being
a Good Jew, quote-unquote
Was it being taken from me?
I don't think so.

Was there some evil force in the Universe
that took it from me?

Hmm...that interesting...there is a part of me
that still believes in evil, but did some evilness
take it from me? I don't think so.

My Camera Dematerialized.

Here is the Story.

I was at the Kabbalah Conference
Monday night and Tuesday.
I was one of the photographers.
I knew this was an historic event.
Rabbi Yakov Travis did an amazing thing.
He pulled together divergent elements
within the Kabbalah movment,
as it journeys now into the mainstream.
[Thank God!}.

Kabbalah--Do you understand what that is?
From the Essene point of View, it is
The Science of Life as seen through the Right Brain,
through the Intuitive faculties.

Who owns the Kabbalah?
God does.

Who comes to understand the Kabbalah?

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

The Kabbalah is an anatomy of God.
Is is based on the metaphor of the Tree of Life
and the Tree of Knowledge, AKA The Tree of Good and Evil.

Through the History of Peace on Earth--
and all of "Man's" journey is The History of Peace on Earth--
this history includes all we do and say--there has been
the Kabbalah. It existed in the days of Atlantis. The Kabbalah
and its Tree of LIfe metaphor was practiced by the Essenes
in their daily communions with the Heavenly Angels and their
connection with the Earth Elements. Then it resurfaced
in the 18th Century in Europe. Now it is resurfacing today
through the likes of Stars like Madonna who are putting
Kabbalah again on the Map of Consciousness.

This is all part of God's Divine Plan for the Upliftment
of a Seed--Your Seed. So go ahead, I dare you--
go and be healthy now. Go and be all you were born to
be, go and Plant Your Dream.

[Yikes! @ 5:03 AM:
phenomena now happing to my left
on the floor near the chair the I generally leave
open for the Spirit of Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
to sit--my red bag is making noises and flopping
around the floor into a different position. ]

So, as I was saying before we were
distracted by the Energies...

I was taking photos at the Kabbalah Conference.
The Kabbalists work a model of four worlds.
They Realize that everything in Creation
manifests from the Inner
to the Outer. They see Four Worlds,
The Upper Worlds the inner are sometimes called.
The Outer World is our 3D.

For a person who understands the Rules of God
and this anatomy, it is not to difficult to do Magic Tricks.
That may be why Maddonna and some of the other
Hollywood Folks are so enamored by Kabbalah.
They would like to do a little sincere Magic off screen
and off stage and find themselves. Not that is a real
Trick in this day and age. Go Figure.

At the end of the Kabbalah Conference,
I had some words with Yakov about him
buying/getting a copy of "Rekindling of Faith."
I had it on the book table with the other authors.

I told him the price--$40.00.
He drew back a little, and said,
"I am really going to want this book."

I read his energy.
I felt he was hesitating.

I may have jumped too fast.
I got him off the hook.

"Or we can trade...I have my eye
on some books."

The main book I wanted was the Zohar.
The Book of Enlightenment.
This book is used at the Kabbalah Center,
the place where Maddonna learned to scan
the Hebrew letters. This is the place where
she got int touch with some Jewish practices,
including keeping the Shabat on a Friday night.

Scanning is all about allow the Hebrew Letters
to work their Magic for you. Scanning can bring
Dreams into the Physical. IT can bring what we
imagine in the Upper Worlds into the Lower Worlds.

So here I was, 30 minutes before that deal.
There was a bag of books under the table
where I was downloading photos.

I reached in and got this Zohar out of the bag.
I took it over to a basket of pomegranates and herbs
that I had in another part of the room.
The copy still had a shiny covering that could
reflect Light.

As I posed the Zohar in my basket surrounded
by the Holy Fruits of the Pomegranate Tree,
I was amazed to find that there was a Circle of
Little Lights on the cover of the Zohar.

Gathering the Sparks is a metaphor of Kabbalistic thinking.
I took this photo.

IT was Enchanted and Enchanting.

The title of the book, the word "Zohar"
was encircled by these Lights.
The Lights were coming from the
Candleabra up above.

I took about a dozen of these photos,
but in my rush to make a CD for Yakov,
I transferred just one to my computer.
The rest remained on the Disk in my Olympus 5050.

[ Say, isn't Olympus the Home of the Gods?]

I am very meticulous on how and where I store
my camera. It has a definite Feng Shui when I travel.
I keep it in a Special Place in the EG Mobile.
95% of the time I put it there in this compartment,
carefully secured. I want to always know where it is
and do not want any mind glitches about its whereabouts.

When I loaded the EG Mobile that night, I imagine
I put it in there. I clearly know I securely had it in my
cart when I left.

Then when I came home, I was on auto pilot.
I brought in my computer. I had the cart. I loaded some things.
I have unconscious recall of bringing in the camera.
I keep it in a designated place in my office.
It lives there.

The next day--complete with all those
12 or more pictures of the Zohar with the Lights,
it dematerialized. We created a special energy
at the Closing. We had quite an historic gathering.
The day before a rainbow was over the garden,
and rain.

I spend quite a lot of hours looking.
IT is not here, no where in the material vacinity
of my room.

So what is the message?

I was having some difficulty working out
an agreement with Yakov about my photos.
In part they were a trade. We looked at the photos
before I left. He said, "They are priceless."
He left it to be to figure out and email me
how much I wanted to be paid and how by
people who wanted photos.

There was one of this series that I downloaded
on to my computer.

This image is Art.
i will print it up and sell it.

I see where a replacement Olympus 5050
will cost a couple hundred, or less if I bid on Ebay.

This gives me a reason and purpose behind
collecting donations/contributions for the photos
I took. The funds they contribute and others in
the Enchanted Garden Club will go toward a new
Olympus 5050.

When I do my New Recordings of the History of
Peace on Earth, I will be sending energy to all the
people who contribute. It is just my way.

One of the reasons I have difficulty charging for
my Services is because much of what I do in this world
is intended to be a Tithe for others. In other Words,
I sense that when people Contribute to me, they
are investing in their own Prosperity.

Some talk about a TIthe being 10% of what will come back at you.
I have never written about this, but it is definitely an idea
I have in my head. That is why I prefer to receive Memberships
in the EG Club rather than make direct sales.

I prefer to give gifts of my creations to others.

Much of the food I eat, is not done with a money exchange.
It comes from organic farmers who are family.
I help them with PR and things they need. They provide
all the foods, flowers, and whatever for every event I do.

That is how I can create Enchanted Garden Installations.

When I want to, I can go to the Farmers Market with an empty
van, and two hours later, be stuffed to the gills with Produce,
flowers, wreaths, and other props to use in the Installations
where I conscious connect Heaven and Earth, and provide
a Sacred Spot in this World where the Upper Worlds can
be contacted.

{See photos here of the last Enchanted Garden
Installation we did at the Pacific Symposium:


So, time for bed.
That's the story.

I sent out an email to members of the Club
on the Winter Solstice. I will be getting a new camera,
and the folks who send in a contributions on my Paypal
on my main site will be receiving Blessing.

The Camera dematerialized.
The Images were not of this World.
One stayed behind to Show the Way
to Peace on Earth.

Maybe will enjoy that image of the Zohar surrounded
by the Sparks of Light. I will have it made up so it
can be framed at offer it on my maih site.

Those who have it in View, will find Enchantedments
happening in their Lives.

The New Peace on Earth Camera

#1 $20.00 Dr. Gilah Rosner, program Director for the
Teferet Insitute, creator of the historic Kabbalah Conference
at the Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, December 18-19.
Visitor to the Enchanted Garden on the day of the Winter Solstice.
Helped plant Crimson Clover in the New Side Garden.

"Today in Leslie's magic garden I reclaimed my space
in the interconnected Web of Life. I was held and caressed
by swinging stalks of bamboo and kissed by fairy wings
in a patch of scented geraniums. Thank you for nourishing
my body and Soul! Your garden is a piece of heaven on earth.
Love and Blessings,
Gilan Shakta Kaur
AKA GIlah Devorah bat David v' Leah"

#2 $20.00 Sat Seva Kaur Mirissa, Kundalina Yoga Instructor,
Teacher of Chakras, Visitor to the Enchanted Garden Intentional
community on the Winter Solstice 06. Planted Crimson Clover
in the side garden. Received Blessing in the Goddess Garden.

"Since my childhood I have been very connected to Mother Earth.
Coming to your garden was coming to my roots. It was a
no time/space experience. Just letting existence take over.
Thank you." --Sat Seva Kaur Mirissa, Mexico City.


December 22, 06
1:10 AM

#3 $36.00 AriellaShira, Essene Priestess, Devoted Mother and Wife
and Devoted Bride of God, servant of the Shekhinah, my great, great
spiritual ally, Works with Crylstal Children and Others Kids helping
to improve speaking issues. See:


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