Celestial Timings by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Celestial Timings

Date:   11/26/2006 11:18:41 PM ( 18 y ago)

From J.M.

9:14 PM
November 26, 06


It appears to me that your birthday month leads right into a phenomenal celestial script!
I am forwarding you this update with that in mind.
Also, isn't something that the "fifth day" began on Thanksgiving day, probably the most important family holiday of the year? At least important enough to see a significant inclusion of the family unit withing this cycle.

For "nourishing traditions" see: http://www.WestonAPrice.org
For more about John-Michael see: http:/YourSovereignHealth.blogspot.com
For Constitutional Government see: http://www.c4cg.org/2/Chef

-------- Original Message --------
Apparently from: shamanicastrology-return-16-thechef=safe-mail.net@wisdompath.net
Subject: Updating the free Celestial Timings...
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 15:11:51 -0700

This is reminder that I am offering an end of year reading special for readings book through January of 2007. I am taking appointments now for readings scheduled on or after Dec 15. This link has more details. http://www.celestialtimings.com/readings.html

And attached below are the completed November Celestial Timings written by Teresa Kelly who just graduated as a Shamanic Astrologer at our Faywood event. Teresa was also dealing with her own Mercury Retrograde issues in completing the November Timings but she has done an excellent job writing them so I hope you will find them useful even at this late date.

Unfortunately, I still do not have access to the free Celestial Timings page on the Shamanic Astrology website so I can not post them there until our new web master figures out how to restore access to me. Thankfully Mercury moves out of the shadow of the retrograde degrees by Dec 4 and all the planets that were lined up in Scorpio in the underworld are emerging by Dec 10. I for one am feeling huge gratitude for the rapidly approaching shift to a more supportive full speed ahead time as the following planets rise or have risen from the underworld. Venus (12 Sag, rises in evening sky Dec 6), Mars (23 Scorpio, already risen), Mercury (15 Scorpio, rises in morning sky Dec 10) and Jupiter (1 Sag, rises in morning sky Dec 5). The above article link has more details. http://www.celestialtimings.com/articles/Dec2006and2007GalacticCenterTransmis... Surrender, patience, acceptance and releasing attachments to outcome have all been important keys in relieving the stress of this past month. May the rest of your holiday season be magical and filled with love and joy…

Celestial Timings November 2006

By Teresa Kelly

My first draft of this month’s Celestial Timings included opening thoughts that eloquently pined on and on about our modern myth of Thanksgiving and how we carry that tradition forward. Recently many historians have proudly debunked the “traditional feast” that is based in essence on a communal supper shared by different peoples learning to coexist in a wild land. Aren’t all myths based on an element of truth? What I believe is that while turkey and winter squash are probably the only gastronomical common denominators in our annual feast, the kernel of truth in the myth cannot be discounted. In whatever way was traditional for the communities gathered, giving thanks to God or to Great Spirit for what was on the table before them was an integral part of their meal. The Thanksgiving Day celebration has grown to include gathering and giving thanks for a great meal and some or all of the following: football, parades, the dog show, “Black Friday” shopping, and Christmas decorating. What would happen if we expressed the same sentiment every day? What would happen if we paid the energy of gratitude forward?

My life is blessed with the magic of gratitude many times over. Doing the Celestial Timings is a great gift and I thank my teachers, Daniel and Cayelin for supporting me while I stretch my wings into the cosmology of these teachings.

With our thought, we make the world. Buddha

Most of the month, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter remain in the shadowy feeling realm of Scorpio. The energy is in place for a shifting of the assemblage point in the glare of the sun. We will be called to let go and trust that this all is as it should be and that we have no control other than to have faith and be unattached to outcome. We are also in the peak year for the Lunar Standstill. The Lunar Standstill comes about approximately every nineteen years and in ancient times was a signal from the heavens for the tribes to gather and create new community. It was a time for change or shifts in the ways of doing or being. Our election is a great example of these particular timings. This is a time when Americans have a chance to create change. We vote, and then wait. And, as difficult as it can be have faith that this too is all as it should be, whatever the outcome.

November 1 Wednesday. Mercury (24 Scorpio) is retrograde gathering strength for the interior Underworld journey through the glare of the sun. The waxing Pisces moon occults Uranus briefly concealing and absorbing the energy of the unexpected change. If caught off guard by the Uranean energies channeled through the Moon, take heart as Mercury stands square Saturn (23 Leo) reminding us to be open to the bold, new, creative possibilities in realigning framework and patterns in our life.

November 2 Thursday. Highlighting the finale of the election season, the nearly full waxing moon moves into Aries shining light on the dualities of competition. In the midst of the mudslinging and rhetoric, we look inside ourselves and ask, “Which of the contenders is best representative of competition with a code of honor, protecting and serving the public interest? Who best serves with integrity and courage, upholding my beliefs as the paradigm shifts at the Turning of the Ages? And what can I do to support them?”

November 3 Friday. The Sun in Scorpio trines Uranus fueling conditions for an unexpected shift and revealing an opportunity to let go, ride the waves and willfully explore all that bubbles up. Retrograde Mercury bids the evening sky farewell as it begins its swift descent into the solar fires.

November 4 Saturday. Opening the three day window of Full Moon transmissions, the Moon moves into Taurus, rising almost full this evening. We are reminded to experience the sensuous beauty and joys of life. We could ask ourselves, “Am I savoring a rich and juicy life?”

November 5 Sunday. In the morning we experience peak Taurus Full Moon energy opposing the risen Scorpio Sun energizing the tantric axis giving us a tingling boost of pure life force energy. What a way to start the day!

November 6 Monday. Moon moves into Gemini inviting the magic of the coyote trickster into our midst. As the Moon squares Saturn (24 Leo) and opposes Jupiter (25 Scorpio) a dose of creative communication is cast, supporting us in the challenge that while we may feel a sense of crisis, we are forced to see that it is the creative way we journey that will bring magic to our lives.

November 7 Tuesday. Election Day.. Anything can happen when Mercury conjuncts Venus in Scorpio activating the Magical Creative Mind, in conjunction with the Lunar Standstill, a time when communities historically came together to review the current operating manual. We have the opportunity to express our opinions through the current methodology in our community, the elections. This is the time to have the big vision and choose which direction one would want to see the community move.

November 8 Wednesday. The opening of the Lunar Standstill window. Moon moves into Cancer. Mercury transits Sun in Scorpio. As Mercury is barely visible in the solar glare, we have a rare opportunity to see into the experience of the archetype transforming from Nurturer to Sorcerer. Mercury Squares Neptune reminding us to take one step at a time and that all is possible.

November 9 Thursday. Cancer moon reaches 28 degree n. declination fully transmitting the Lunar Standstill frequencies. Scorpio Sun squares Neptune. The will by which we have been moving forward feels as though it has run head on into a fog bank. Like turning the headlights on high beam in the fog, trying to see farther into the distance can feel futile. Embrace the opportunity to turn inward and receive new information that can be useful as we navigate outside our comfort zone.

November 10 Friday. Moon moves into Leo bringing in the regal and fully developed sense of confident self. In what ways can we shine in the glow of radical self love?

November 11 Saturday. Veterans Day celebrated on the 11th day of 11th month commemorating the victory in the 11th hour in WWI. Eleven is the symbol for Lust/Strength in Angeles Arrien’s Tarot Handbook. Eleven “is the archetype than can assist your process of trusting that you have the strength to tame and rein the beasts within.” Mercury conjuncts Mars (13 Scorpio) in the underworld where solar transmissions re-energize the Shaman’s passionate mind. This is a chance to tap into the inner Shaman and contemplate on Angeles’ affirmation for Eleven… “I have unlimited creative resources from which to tap and express.”

November 12 Sunday. Last Quarter moon (24 Leo) conjuncts Saturn. The joining of these two energies radiates as the highest mastery of radiant self love. Venus (23 Scorpio) squaring Saturn engages the sorceress, consciously experiencing the deepest realms of desire, passion and emotion as she seeks balance and wholeness within herself.

November 13 Monday. Moon moves into Virgo illuminating the realm of the Virgin Priestess or Spider Woman, the weaver of the web of life. When the Virgo moon squares Jupiter(27 Scorpio), the strands of the web are stretched and expanded by the experience of ecstatic life force energy adding new dimension to one’s Sacred Work. One might wonder, where am I at the affect of this energy? Is there a place in my life work that can use this passionate life force as a vehicle for growth?

November 14 Tuesday. Mercury rises as a morning star and reaches the Scorpio Cross-Quarter. Mercury, replete with the edgy, intense transmissions from the transit across the Scorpio Sun, is the first of the underworld traveling planets to emerge, revealing a total archetypal transformation to Scorpio. Mercury represents how we think, our perception of reality and how we communicate our experiences. In transforming from the Cancer archetype to Scorpio, Mercury remains within the watery realm of creative, feeling communication, taking time to integrate the shift from a personal focus (Cancer) to worldly mindset (Scorpio). At this time of emergence, how can one engage the passionate, creative, life force energy in a brand new way?

November 15 Wednesday. Moon moves into Libra, Venus conjuncts Jupiter (27 Scorpio). The waxing Libra Moon shines light down the path of conscious equal partnership. Still traveling unseen in the Underworld, Venus, channeling the Magical Tantrika embraces the expansive energy of Jupiter in the quest for a complete experience of life force energy. Is there a relationship in your life that could use a good dose of passionate, fully engaged life-force energy?

November 16 Thursday. Scorpio Sun Squares Saturn (24 Leo). Our passionate, creative, feeling energy can feel trapped in the structure and form of the old adage, “that is just the way it is!” How can we fuel our dreams while creatively working with limiting conditions in our lives?

One by one the planets emerge from the depths of the solar fires, changed or transformed by the erotic, passionate intensity of the Underworld feelings of Scorpio. Now a fully activated, feeling being, fully in touch with the life source, each takes that energy into the realm of the Archer, using the magical thinking and feeling to source the quest for truth.

November 17 Friday. Venus moves into Sagittarius. She moves forward on her quest for truth with a new understanding and mastery of the full spectrum of feelings she carries in her quiver. Mercury (9 Scorpio) stations direct shifting thought processes from right brain intuitive thinking to the logical ways of left brain thinking while still under the impulsive influence of the right brain feminine of Scorpio. Mars (16 Scorpio) Squares Neptune softening this change by letting us feel more deeply into the Great Mystery. And, the electronics may start behaving in a more predictable way.

November 18 Saturday. Moon moves into Scorpio activating the ancient mysteries of will and desire being fueled for current application by the Scorpio Sun. The Leonids meteor showers grace the skies at their peak tonight, adding a visible enactment of old “stuff” being dissolved or transformed by the fire of entering into our present atmosphere. While staring at the heavens, how can this energy of releasing or transforming the old to best serve us now, be applied to our present life purpose? Optimum North American viewing begins around midnight through early morning hours.

November 19 Sunday. The sliver of the Scorpio Moon cavorts in conjunction with Mercury and Mars while Uranus stations direct. Uranus is a time of excitement and adventure. How can we playfully engage our mastery of the feeling realm to serve us at the moment of unexpected change?

November 20 Monday. By the dark of the Scorpio new moon, the sorceress calls upon us to plant seeds for the future. Although we are working in the dark, we can feel into the intentions that will best serve us, planting them with care and feeling the magic of what is possible. Moon goes void of course and conjuncts Jupiter opening a window of time perfect for Ceremony or Sacred Play to align with our spiritual center or path. The moon moves into Sagittarius late in the evening giving opportunity for a new adventure.

November 21 Tuesday. Moon moves into conjunction with Venus fully energizing the Amazon’s mastery of the quest for truth and meaning. Sun conjuncts Jupiter (29 Scorpio) fueling the complete experience in the mastery of life force energy as a path to enlightenment.

November 22 Wednesday. Lunar standstill window opens to the Capricorn energies as the Moon comes into conjunction with Pluto. The Sun moves into Sagittarius, igniting the fuel of the adventurer, giving us the energy to move through the shadow places we discover while exploring new ways of doing things. Mercury trines Uranus reminding us to roll with the flow of change even when it feels overwhelming.

November 23 Thursday. Thanksgiving Day. As we emulate the old ways with our ‘traditional’ holiday foods and community gathering, Moon in Capricorn is making available to us the mastery of the operating manual of the Universe. How can we call on that to serve us in manifesting our dreams? Jupiter moves into Sagittarius encouraging taking action to expand our visions to the widest possible horizon. At the Turning of the Ages, what vision do we hold for the next seven generations, what new traditions of gratitude are we passing forward?

This month our family is renewing a gratitude practice we started when all of us began going in many directions with school, work and play. At breakfast, or sometimes on the way to school, we all offer one thing we are grateful for. It always puts a smile on our faces as we part ways to begin our respective activities. The energy of gratitude is magnetic!

November 24 Friday. Jupiter journeys in Sagittarius until December of 2007. Jupiter in Sagittarius during the Turning of the Ages aspires to the new quests being planned during this community gathering time. Jupiter represents our fastest path to enlightenment, our way of life, our yoga. This can be a great time to affect change, bringing into the quiver, the gifts of Scorpio. The Sagittarius experience of Jupiter appears as the quest for truth, aligning us with our fastest path to enlightenment, taking the quest to the widest possible horizons. We are invited to continually renew our visions and dream the dream forward.

November 25 Saturday. Moon moves into Aquarius bringing the light to the Water Bearer’s path. In the sky the constellation illustrates the droplets of water falling through the heavens, energizing the Earth with non linear ideas and outer limits thinking.

Venus squares Uranus putting the Adventurer at the affect of change for the sake of change. How can we work with the polar opposites of the thinking function and feeling functions in the face of unexpected change?

November 26 Sunday. Moon conjunct Neptune. Moon squares Mercury. The free spirit of the Aquarius moon is challenged by Neptune to take one step at a time, to surrender old, heady ways, and make space for intuitive transmissions coming through. With the Moon squaring Mercury this can feel like trying to breathe under water. Like in swimming, keeping balance between water and air (holding your breath) opens space for moving forward in faith knowing that when you need another breath, you simply surface and take one.

November 27 Monday. First quarter moon in Pisces. This time of year the generous spirit of serving is evident everywhere. Embracing the Piscean ideal of selfless service, we could ask ourselves how our actions reflect the concept of paying it forward. How can we honor the spirit of giving every day regardless of season?

November 28 Tuesday. Moon occults Uranus again maximizing the availability of Piscean mastery for application in our life. Mercury squares Neptune. Mars square Saturn. It can feel as if access to our passions is being challenged by consensus reality. We are called upon to further energize the feeling, intuitive mind, making way for new visions and dreams.

November 29 Wednesday. Moon moves into Aries. The Aries mysteries explore the “development of a strong, individuated self.” We are asked view life through the lens of a 2 year old, discovering everything for the first time, driven by the spontaneous urge to explore everything! The Aries training can serve us well while we are at the affect of an overwhelming change, by allowing us to have courage to trust that this too will pass.

November 30. Thursday. (Happy birthday to me! Teresa Kelly) Venus sextiles Neptune giving us the opportunity to act upon the Sagittarius energy of the vision quest. How can we consciously engage our intuitive mind in guiding us to the realization of our life purpose?

Teresa Kelly

Shamanic Astrologer



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