RAW Gardener by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Today, there is a Raw Gardener from the Optimum Health Institute coming over. Here are some of my initial thoughts on the Blog rollbacks, as well. Enjoy and have a wonderful day! Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie

Date:   4/2/2006 7:17:41 AM ( 18 y ago)

April 2, 06
3:22 AM

I spent 24 hours down at the Optimum Health Institute
San Diego between Friday and late Saturday.
My niece Eva was staying in a Townhouse, and the
other Townhouse mate, a regular at OHI, left early.
There was a bed for me, and when Eva went to the office
to let them no I would be staying there, there was
no admin person she could ask if this was o.k.

As the woman who does colonics said
at breakfast, "It was meant to be."

The OHI was started by a wonderful woman.
Her name was Rachel Solomon. This was
sometime in the late 70's or early 80's. I am not sure
if I was at the opening of OHI many years ago.
I was there for some kind of ceremony once.
Rachel was a communitarian. We would meet
at various functions in and around town.

She had two sons. Years later, when I was still a student
at the Uiversity of Humanistic Studies, her elder son,
I believe his name may be Don, and I co-led a class
on "Consciousness in the New Age." Don later ran for
state Senator. I had a vision he would win, and that he
had a past life as a Senator in Rome. He did not.
We had quite a nice report. The other son, Mark,
I believe, was an Admin at OHI.

The OHI has a definitely Essene vibe. Essenes
are a Soul Group activity. People drawn to raw foods
may have within them past lives as Essenes.

For many years, Dr. Garry White, who took
over the Essenes from Szekely and was a
good friend of his, would give an Essene
class down there on Sunday nights. On Sunday nights,
you can also go down at eat at 6 for $3.00.

In the old days, Victoras Kulvinskas, one of our raw food
gurus, would speak down there ever so often. In the early
days, Rachel studied with Ann Wigmore, who started
the wheatgrass popularity with Viktoras. That was back
in the 70's. I once gave Ann a ride to Palm Springs in
the old EG Mobile.

Both Ann and Victoras have had their problems with
food and sticking to a raw food regimen. It goes with
the territory. It is better to tell the truth and admit
that the emotional side of why we eat, and mental detox
is a big part of being a successful rawsome devotee.

There are many in the Curezone who are former Essenes
or future Essenes.

The Essenes were one of the few cultures who lived successfully
on raw foods.

We are entering the season once again of the Spring Cleansing.
The origins of Spring Cleansing in my frame of reference is
the Passover, the trek out of Eqpty that occurs this year that starts
April 14 (that Wed night, check me on the date).

Passover, in my home as a kid, was associated with the most
amazing Spring Cleaning. They go around cleaning everything.

The metaphor for a Puffed up Soul becomes what they call
"Chametz." For eight days, they eat unleavened bread that has
no yeast. It is egoless bread is some sense and this is a time
to get clean inside and out.

We all have ego. We all have vestiges of competition and
many of us like to see our names at the top of lists, such
as blog listrs. It is good to be reminded of people like Bo Lozoff
who are humble and real and who seek transcendent values
in life.

You can read about my visit with Bo here:

On the second night of Passover, we start counting the Omer.
The Omer these days is mostly a symbolic gesture. In the old
days, when we had the Temple--the Holy Temple--the farmers
literally brought Wheat Grain in around the Passover, and then
Barley grain 50 days later.

During the 50 days between the Passover and Shavuot--
the next major Holiday, each day, the Mystics in this tradition
count their way up the Tree of LIfe, each day doing a meditation.

The Essenes had a defined lifestyle that went with
eating raw foods. They had spiritual practices.
They used the Kabbalah.

You can get an intro to the Kabballah here.

I wrote lots of blogs about the Kabbalah last year.
If you are into raw food, you may want to study
about the Tree of Life. The Essenes used it.
That is how they kept in balance living so low
on the food chain.

On this Plant Your Dream Blog, you will find many blogs on
the Omer Count I did last year.

To imagine a person can follow a RAW food regimen without
adopting a spiritual lifestyle is a major concern for me.

I use to have this argument with my old friend Victoras Kulvinskas,
author of "Survival into the 21st Century" (Check Title)

I wrote back then about "Food Wars."
The point I made was:
We cannot be in balance eating like a lamb
while living like a lion.

Dr. Bernard Jensen, my spiritual father, admired the Essenes
very much. They were among his closest cultural icons.

He often said, "A successful vegetarian has no fight left in them."
They just are not eating high up on the food chain.
You have to be living at a speed of a cow, so to speak,
to be a successful vegetarian living in the city.
Cows moo. They hang with the other cows. They do not
fight about too many things. They share the grass.
They have lots of stomachs. They really wouldn't care
about Blog numbers, but just let it be.

Jensen use to say, if you took away all the money from
all the millionaires and gave it more fairly to the poor,
within a matter of months, the people who had a counsciousness
of weath and abundance would have the money once again.

Regarding Blog Numbers: If anyone has something they want
read, just create a Blog entry You will have your moment in the SUN.
You will be right on top of the the revolving list that is on the Main Page

I personally like to read this main page here:

I like to look down it and see who is actively blogging.
It is like reading a newspaper for me. IT is something
I also do when I am bored, or feeling helpless, hopeless,
or addicted and want a distraction.

Often I will scroll that list. I like to go to other blogs and make
comments among my friends.

This main page is how people find their way to my blog.
I imagine, once they are here, they look at other
blogs I may have written.

IF you have important Blogs, and you want them read,
Edit your own particular Blog. and push check the box
that says current day and time. This will bring the blog
however, old to the top of your list. on your own Blog
Page. This makes old Blogs visible
to others who may come to your Blog.

You can also, if you have an important Blog that is old,
create a new Blog, with a different title, and link to an old Blog
or set of Blogs. The more organized you are in this regard,
the more hits and readers you will have.

Lapis, who holds many of the positions on the top 50 Blog
list, now Top 300 blog list,
often will have internal links. In other words,
he writes on on Blog and then links to older blogs
he has written. I learned this technique
from him. Thank you, Lapis.

I have learned from Webmaster Spirit that often
the more prolific writers have been gifted with something
called "Robots."

You can read about robots here
in the explanation from Spirit,
our Webmaster.


In other words, if you write a lot the Virtual
Robot, or Virtual Angels, gave you extra hits automatically.
This has perhaps lifted the Plant Your Dream Blog
to high up in the charts.

I have been #2 for more than eight months, but
never #1. The closest I have come is 345 out of #1.
Lapis has been number 1 until the Rollbacks
of Blog Numbers.

It may be easier for me to become a best selling
author on the New York Times list
than #1 in Curezone.

I am sure Lapis will get up to #1 again within a day or two.
I personally find a lot of wisdom in some of the
writings he does or reprints. I benefit from
his Blog called One.

Why would anyone want to be #1????

As Bo Lozoff might say, it is not in the goal, it is
the exhilaration of the journey.

Why does anyone do crossword puzzles?
Why does anyone watch football games,
or basketball, or even Blog about the loss of
polar bears in the Arctic?

We do that because we have human desires
to live in a beautiful world, or a world where
we get heard.

Often, many of us here got into Western Medicines because
we got sick. We got sick because we never got the love
we needed as kids. Sometimes, we have low self esteem.
Sometimes, we have a destiny, and writing, and writing,
gives us a feeling we are not alone in the world, is a good thing.

Bo had a courage I will never summon more than likely
in this life. He once went off into a room without any book
or writing tool for a year. He did not talk to anyone.
He said, "God beat the crap out of me."

Competive vibes are not always bad.

I loved watching the competitive vibe last Saturday night
at the VIP dinner for the Organic Center, a very important
non-profit group that I plan to help. They had a dinner
at the Natural Product Expo West in Anaheim.

You can read about some of my Blogs on that here.

The Organic Center wants
to see the organic market share rise up from 2%
to 10% by 2010.

So on that night of their annual fundraiser, all the men--
and it was mainly men I noticed--played with their competitite
vibe and tossed back to the community a lot
of money to help a good cause.

First the man who started White Wave in Boulder comes up
and lays down the gauntlet.

I will match any money any of you guys (he may not said that
exactly) lay down.

Everyone hooted. IT was fun!

Imagine, whoever gave some money, this guy from White
Wave was going to match the funds.

Can you imagine has that might have inspired the other dudes
in the room, or even the women???

Up marched about eight guys each giving $50,000.

One guy even challenged the others. He said, If Gary
Hirstfield (owner of Stoneyfield Farms) will come up here
and give $50,000 more, I will match that!!! IT was a game.
IT was fun to watch. It had a competitive vibe.

I liked it.

[ I wrote tons of blogs on the recent
Natural Product Expo West...
here is one of them....on the Organic Center
http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=92&i=1390 ]

I have had a feeling deep inside that one day I will be
one of the best seller authors on the New York Times list.
I have been coming out of a place where "God has been
beating the crap out of me" for numbers of years.

I loved being #2 in the Blog hits, with or without Robots.
I would love to feel being #1 for a bit.

I even tried to be #1, but gave up trying when I realized
that even if I worked by butt writing blogs all day long,
Lapis could get 1000 on his Resonance blog, even if
he had not posted in 64 days anything new. Don't ask
me how that was possible, maybe because he was suppose
to be read and the robots wanted him in the top five.

I hear tell, there are some here in our Virtual community
who are concerned that some people might do bad things,
bad things like refreshing numbers or finding a way to up their
own hit count.

I personally would rather have an accurate tally of how many
human hits or page views I get. I use my blog to help me
prep and gain confidence. I prefer accurate numbers of
real people who go hits on my Plant Your Dream Blog.

Some of the things I write may make no sense to some.
They make sense to me. I am writing to journal my life.
There is one person who writes here to keep his energy moving
and for self healing. I am that person.

There are times, that I am amazed with the insights I have
when I write and my fingers move.

I am in a wounded healers tradition.
That means I like to tell the truth as best I can to myself.
I write about the crap I am in. I write about the highs I get
into. I am leaving a trail so that others may see the journey.
I write when I am in an altered state.

IF something I write here, uplifts you, I am so very happy.
That is why I write. I do not pretend to not have ego.
I do not pretend to not be God Inspired at times. I do not
hide that I have been in surgery or that I am held together
with screws and lucky to be able to walk at all.

It is all good. I hope it inspires and helps one other
person make the most of their human experience.

I personally do not care how the Blog counts get fixed.
I can live with it.

I do not care if we do a rollover once a month.
What happens most to me, is that what I am writing
is worth saving because it is a journal of a journey of a life.

I recommend to everyone who blogs, that they do a Save
as so they have a copy off line of what they write.
I want to slow down a bit and get better at that kind
of backing up myself.

IT is now 4:13 AM.
April 2, the day the clocks Spring forward.

Around 11 this morning, the Raw Gardener from
the Optimum Health Institute is coming over with
my niece Eva. We are going to the Farmers' Market.
I will introduce Jason the gardener there now, to some high
quality locally grown organic food.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if OHI had such high quality
food day in and out to feed the dedicated people who want to fast
and cleanse?

I wish you that too.
May you always get your needs met.
May you get feed.
May you find plenty of things to live for.

This is my virtual community
I love Curezone.
IT throws me for a loop ever so often.
A good definition, in spiritual terms,
throws in off from time to time.
I am here for the ride.

Your Enchanted Gardener
Leslie Goldman


Blog Counts:
April 2, 2006
5:41 AM
San Diego TIme

Top 300 Blogs  
1. Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog by RisingSun     
448 page views
2. One by Lapis æ      
414 page views
3. The Glowing Person by Glowing_Person_Method     
324 page views
4. Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener 
    291 page views
5. The Joy of Raw Eating, Weight Loss & Whatever Matters
by Deradune      291 page views
6. In The Raw by Lapis   
  289 page views
7. Resonance: "a vibrational collection" by Lapis     
211 page views
8. Alternative Health (A to Z) by Lapis     
204 page views
9. Collective Disease Incorporated by Lapis   
  190 page views
10. Vibrational Health Village by vibr8     
150 page views


Popularity:   message viewed 1388 times
URL:   http://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=971018

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