Problems=Opportunities!!!! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

How Big are your Problems? Here are some great ideas from my friend Mark Victor Hansen, the master motivator!!!!

Date:   3/31/2006 4:50:51 AM ( 18 y ago)

on 3/30/06 9:19 PM, Mark Victor Hansen wrote:

Week 9, 2006

Welcome to Mark Victor Hansen's Weekly E-zine, developed specifically for people who want to create better lives for themselves. Please feel free to forward this issue to friends, family and associates! Dear Leslie:
Cavett Robert, the founder of what is today the National Speakers Association, once said, „Life is a grindstone, and whether it grinds you down or polishes you up is for you and you alone to decide.‰

It is up to you to decide whether everything in your life is a problem, or whether everything is an opportunity. Some people say that it‚s the same old story ˆ you either see the glass as half empty or half full.

But what if we expand that, and think „outside the glass‰ so to speak? What if we say the glass is „half successfully attempted‰ or „half opportunity waiting to overflow?‰ Why should we stop at the top of the glass ˆ I don‚t see a reason to do that, do you?


Turning Problems Into Opportunities
"Everything would be just great if I didn‚t have to deal with all of these problems.‰ Have you ever heard that, or said that before? Sure, we all have at one time or another. But I‚m going to let you in on something ˆ

you can judge if a person
is successful or not by the size of their problems:

No problems ˆ they‚re probably not taking any chances
. Big problems ˆ they‚re taking big chances
and are trying to make a difference
in their lives and/or the lives around them.

In general, people believe that having difficulties is a bad thing.
That is a huge misconception ˆ a complete untruth. Anyone can be happy, joyful and optimistic as long as everything is going fine and dandy.
But if you want to see who someone really is, what their true mindset is,
watch them when life DOESN‚T go according to plan,
when life throws them a few issues
and situations they‚ve got to find their way through.

Everyone has problems in their life, everyone. And for some amazing reason, every problem is usually presented with a solution in it. All you have to do is look a little closer, dig a little deeper, view the problem from a different angle, and there it is ˆ the solution is more than likely right under your nose.

Let me give you an example of a real „problem‰ that offered an unlikely solution: Father Angelo Scolozzi, one of the key figures in the organization and building of Mother Teresa‚s Sisters of Charity of the Third Order had a big problem. He needed a motivated individual with very specific qualifications to help set up a program in Italy for recovering drug addicts.

At the same time, Dr. Lou Tartaglia was working on a book of success stories in America and decided he needed to interview the most successful NUN he knew ˆ Sister Mother Teresa.

His initial conversation with the tiny woman, Mother Teresa, was very pleasant as she teased him about the true meaning of success. And, as they talked, Father Angelo arrived to meet with Mother. As Dr. Tartaglia casually listened, Father Angelo explained to Mother that he was having a difficult time finding a psychotherapist who specialized in addiction, and who also spoke fluent Italian.

Dr. Tartaglia then realized why he was REALLY there ˆ he was a solution to their problem. He WAS that psychotherapist, specializing in addiction and speaking fluent Italian.

They went on to work together for more than a decade, easing the suffering of many all over the world.

You see, problems are going to come and go. Your life is not going to be perfect every day. Even if you have the most positive mindset, problems are going to present themselves. That‚s a fact. You can‚t change it.

What I want you to understand is that PROBLEMS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. They are just situations that are presented to you. You have two choices when presented with problems: You can see them as destructive, spirit-breaking potholes in the road of life; or you can see them as constructive, mind-expanding opportunities to problem solve and move forward to success. It‚s that simple.

Remember: Encountering difficulties is part of life. Count yourself lucky as you‚ve been 'chosen' to seek out and learn a valuable lesson! The only people who don‚t have problems are dead people.

Claim and believe hard tasks are easy and they will become easier and be accomplished more quickly.


In closing this week, I‚d like to offer
an exercise to complete in the week ahead:

I want you to look at your life. What do you consider
to be problems? What are the problems
that you worry about on a daily basis?
Take out a journal or notebook and a pen.
Sit down and close your eyes. Write them all down.
Remember, we‚re talking about the present, not the future ˆ
that will come soon enough.
Is money an issue? Your physical appearance?
Your health? Fear of failure? What is it that you worry about?

Now, look at the problems you have written down.
These are the things that you have allowed to have power over you.
They have pulled the wool over your eyes and led you to believe that this is where you have to stop thinking ˆ these problems are the end. Instead,
start thinking „These problems are just the beginning to new discovery!

When you were given math homework in school, the teacher didn‚t say
, „Okay, kids. Take these problems home and worry about them,
and tomorrow I‚ll give you more problems to worry about.‰
The teacher said, „Here are the problems. They have answers.
Solve them.

That‚s what I want you to do. I want you to take your list and write one problem at the top of a sheet of paper. (Do this for all of them.) Then under each problem write another header: „Solutions‰. Now, here‚s where the fun starts ˆ yes, it‚s going to be fun. I want you to „think outside the glass‰ and come up with new, creative, crazy solutions to each problem. I don‚t care how impossible you believe your solutions are, write them down. Crazy solutions are genius in disguise.

Write 20 solutions for each problem. Afterwards, break each solution down into action steps. Once you‚ve done that, I want you to decide which solution you are capable of doing right now, at this very minute. Then do it. Do each action step until you have completed that solution. If your problem is still there, try another solution. Keep going until you have discovered the one that works.

Remember Thomas Edison. Once he was asked what he had to say about the fact that he had failed thousands of times while trying to create the light bulb. Edison said he had never failed, he simply „had to run through enough learning experiences to find a way that worked.‰

I‚ll see you next week!

Mark Victor Hansen

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Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

Rich Results is a free weekly column
published by Mark Victor Hansen Associates, Inc. ©2006

Mark Victor Hansen Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 7665
Newport Beach, CA 92658-7665
(800)433-2314 -

Quote of the Week
"Every liability is just an asset in hiding."
- Mark Victor Hansen

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