Sleeping w/ John-David by YourEnchantedGardener .....

A Visionary Dream and Ritual is born. John David was one of the community leaders we had here during the 80's. He is with me in my dream.

Date:   12/24/2005 10:36:22 AM ( 19 y ago)

Just woke up from a Visionary Dream
that has to do with a Ritual I will be doing here
at the Enchanted Garden around 6 P.M. on
Christmas Day Eve. This momentus time also
is the first day of Hannukah, the Festival of Lights
and Kwanzas, the special holiday among the Black
Americas, inspired in some sense by Hannukah
earlier in the last century.

I read a story told by Stan Levy, my Rabbi in Jewish
Renewal that he and others were students at UCLA
and were asked to help hatch the ideas for Kwanza
with their Black American friends. Kwanza is a time
of bringing dignity, and celebrating each night a special
attribute. The attribute on New Year's Day is Faith.
I know that because for the last ten or more years for
the most part I have been with my Black American extended
family in San Diego. IT is a very special day.

In my dream, John David had just come home
from an airplane flight. There were about four or more
of us in this big bed spooning, and he was at the edge
of the bed. I was spooning next to him.

There was a ritual I was to create for this workshop
we were about to do. I had a strong feeling about the ritual
at one time, but them it started to feel self serving.
It had something to do with my own healing.

In the next scene, I got my signals clear. John David
was sitting on the bed, his head rested against the head board.

John David was the inspiration for the workshop that was
lasting more than one day, and this was the morning that
we were going to do the Ritual that was my participation.

I looked at John David and started to tell the story that only
I remembered, because I knew John David the last time
he was with us.

That was during the heydey of San Diego, some time
after or maybe before and through time I worked with the
Sprouting Kevin Ryerson, who later became one of the primary
Trance Channels in the 20th Century to popularize going
into these altered states and speaking other intelligences.

The primary treacher for Kevin at that time was John, son of Zebedee.
I became rather addicted to hearing John's voice. Any question
you wanted to know on any topic was available to him in the most
lucid outpouring. Kevin would be in a dead trance--unable to hear
presumably what was being said. The question would be asked,
and they John would c**k his head to the side and say,
"Seeking Information." Then he would pour out the most
eloquent of wisdom.

Sometimes the information around this season was about the
Christ...or the essential Jesus. John, son of Zebedee, was the favorite
of the one known as the Christ then, so he knew the subject
and the man well. He could tell us the most beautiful and heart
rending detailed account of the Crusification and describe physically
the stature of the man who rose above the crowd. He was taller
than most in his day.

John was seldom emotionally. He was born like a computer
robot, pouring out at a breakneck speed these profound insights.
To say the least, I was spoiled. The idea of the Enchanted Garden
was one of thousands upon thousands of discourses, that came
from some subject material that came together in my own head
out of these extraordinary teachings.

The Enchanted Garden is a name for the new earth that grows
one seed and seed dream at a time connecting organically.
Plant Your Dream is an invitation from Mother Earth to each of us
to connect our deepest Seed Dreams with living Seeds.
As the seed grows so does our dreams, and so does a more
beautiful planet.

The History of Peace on Earth is the history of each of us
who find the courage to plant our dream in spite of all the considerations
and setbacks, and weaknesses that come up each time we
declare that we each intend to plant a dream.

The planting is all about soul growth.

The Earth and the Soul are Soilmates.

So in my dream, I we were all in the bed. I had felt self conscious
and that I did not have all the pieces to do the Ritual. Then,
I realized that no one actually knew John David the last time he
was around.

That was in that heydey time of San Diego. I was in my 30's,
even 33. That was the number of years the man Jesus had
to Plant His Dream. We know that for the most part, that
Dream was really misunderstood. It was the Dream that all people
would live in Peace on Earth. He wanted to show the ultimate
act of Love and unselfishness, the giving up of one's life so that
others would no longer have to do the same. He wanted to
show the ultimate unselfish unconditional love.

He knew what he was doing. He had many opportunities not
to go through with the Divine Play. IT was all a set up. In the Essene
School of Thought Teachings, the many reams of audio tapes,
it tells the story that one of Jesus' best friends was his treasurer.
He knew that man from the time when they were both kids.
The other man had epilepsy. He was cured by the youth Jesus.
They were friends most of their life and were very close.
That other man was Judas.

Judas highly believed in the ministry of Jesus. He also believed
that Jesus would come down from that Cross, and would be Saved.
He believed that order in that day would be restored by a military
Messiah, not a man who would have impact on the world through Love.

So in my Visionary Dream, I started to tell the group all about
John David. The time I knew him, in his heydey in San Diego during
those early 80's he was pushing the envelope on sexuality.
He use to have this parties at his home on Mission Beach, on the
sea shore. I went to one of those parties. There was some open
sexuality. Everyone was in a time of exploring and going beyond
conventions as we knew them.

Later John David brought out a word that was new to most of us--
Androgeny. That meant that within each person there was a male and
female. There was a major androgeny conference in San Diego.
There were teachers from all over the world I believe, and exploring
all kinds of gender and sexua| open teachings.

I remember one little film I watched in one workshop about
a man who was into piercing different body parts. The film
was all about self love. I do not remember if there was actual
masterbation, but there was definitely pictures of his male organ
in full extention. It was a bit oujt of the box for me.

There were all kinds of other speakers, including a man named
Solomon, I believe. I do not remember his name exactly. He was very
popular at the time, and later died. He was speaking about
masterbating, and something about the positive aspects of

San Diego in those days was a seed bed of ideas. It was
like living in a renaissance of ideas. Everyone was trying new things.
Within six months, you had teachers who rose up as if they
really knew what they were talking about. They started movements.
Ideas became very popular in an instant. You could hardly keep up.

Our minds were blown by all kinds of mystical things we came to everything seemed possible.

Once you accept that a person can go into a trance and starting
speaking another intelligence that says wise things, so what else
is real?

There was a whole community back then that did rebirthing.
This were also Essene practices. This involved groups laying
down on the floor, and going into breathing rhythms until,
people who start releasing all kinds of emotions.

There is one audio tape in the Essene School of Though
Library about that too. Those where the audio tapes from the
Workshops I helped organize with Ryerson between 78-79-80.

Then, many in the Rebirthing Community started to speak
about being Immortalists. There was influence from an Indian
teacher named BaBaJi, who showed up in various photos
as an old man and then, a youth. It was believed it was the same
man. Many in the Rebirthing community shared these ideas.
There were people such as Leonard Orr and Sandra Ray, teachers.

Some of these Rebirthing workshops had to be with manifesting
the Christ. It was all very eclectic.

The next time John David popped up, he was up in North County
near the Palomar Airport. He was no longer doing the Androgeny
stuff. Now it had an amazing self help enterprise, producting
Positive Thinking ideas ala Dyer, and Hansen.

Terry Cole Whittaker was one of the ministers of that time. She
had vast assemblies of up to 2000 people who would come to
Sunday Services. Then suddenly, she stopped doing all that
ministering. In later years, there was an Essene Renaissance
as well in San Diego. Terry was one of the "Bishops." Other
"Bishops" back then were Gabriel Cousens, and Victoras
Kulvinskas. I could have been a "Bishop" too, but it rubbed against
the grain of my Jewish upbringing. I accepted the Title of Dean.

John David's place near the Palomar airport had a state of the art
recording studio. IT was the heyday for healing with Sound, years
before Jonathan Goldman and others made Sound healing very
popular. I visited this center once or twice. William Aura, my ally
from the Essene days with Ryerson, had gone into music by that
time and worked with John David.

In his Center up there, they would have personal growth workshops.
I remember some really amazing feng shui with lots of plants
in the offices. They never used the words feng shui back then.

So if you get the idea, San Diego was a seed bed of consciousness
back then in the early 80's and mid 80's. One idea after another
would rise up, and I felt like a bystander to much of that activity.

By that time, I was already living here on this piece of land
at the Enchanted Garden, and there were early Enchanted Garden
Installations at various conferences. I was already starting
to get involved with herbs through my friendship with Kent Taylor.
As a result, I had the availablitity of baby herbs that I would give away
at Closing Ceremonies at the then popular Whole Life Expos up in LA
and a few in San Diego.

So what was the point of all that sitting with John David in my dream?

One day, sometime in the 80's he was on a plane and had a massive
heart attack and died, but here in my dream, he was back again, a
youthful man full of strength again and expressing his leadership anew.

And tomorrow is Christmas Day and the theme of Resurrection
is in my head.

I can see now that in the Ritual I will do--
we will have drumming, and then go into the Song Holy Night.
Then I will read the poem Divine Return.

Then we will have an opportunity to proclaim our dreams
or intentions.

The world is waiting for us to get off the sidelines.
It wants us each to be more than bystanders.
It wants us to go deep into the essence of what it means
to be a Christ, and to see that truly there is no death,
a time to Resurrect our lives, and dreams, and good health.

There are just more and more ideas to Resurrect.
and this is an evening when the Enchanted Garden
will hopefully shine and feel the good vibes.

Among the Essenes Resurrect meant Rebirth,
and somehow this all ties together.

Your Enchanted Gardener,

Related Blogs:

Divine Return-Holy Nights Reading


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