Spiral of Growth by YourEnchantedGardener .....

A little Shabbat Morning Potpourri of Insights from Your EG.

Date:   10/22/2005 7:37:43 AM ( 19 y ago)

Give me a break!

IT is Shabbat morning, around 4:46 AM
on 10/22/05.

I have a FULL ON very healing day.
Three events are drawing my energy around
San Diego Couny.

It will be a good day to regain something I lost
some parts of My Self that I left behind.

The Great Philosopher, Martin Buber has a delightful
little book called "The Way of Man."

It was edited by the Buber Scholar Maurice Friedman,
a Chasidic scholarand lover of life, who happens to still be
in the body and live in San Diego County. He is getting up in age.

I was reminded by Rabbi Stan Levy, of the Children of Freedom Community,
--B'nai Horin--that i need to go visit this man very soon.

He gets a group together--or he used to--on Sunday nights once a month--
to read "Tales of the Hasiddic...." a chassic in the field.

I really recommend the life of Maurice Friendman as one to be studied.

He is tied in with some of the great freedom loving non-patriarcal Jews
of recent history.

Sometimes we are SO close to each other, that we fail to see ourselves
as others might see us. We do not see the Work we are doing in the world
because we are so caught up in our own humaness, and yet the Value
we do for the World at Large is enormous, even with our brokeness parts
and conditions that we sometimes name as Dis Eases.

In former times, many who are the Evolving Mystics or Artists of our age
would have been supported by their Communities as a Vital, Valuable
Part of their communities. The Mystics and Artists provide incredible
work for the WHOLE, but in this Age of fragmentation...they are not
Consciously supported and some of them get their Room and board
paid for by the Social Security Admin.

Without these Souls working their Enchantments we Perish.

So let me complete a couple threads here:

Soul Group Activity:

Signers of the Declaration of Interdependence:

Rabbi Stan Levy
Mauice Friedman
Rabbi Joshua Abraham Heschel--A MUST READ!!!
This is the Rabbi who walked with Martin Luther King in the
Freedom Marches for Human Rights. He carried a little Torah
with him in these Marches to Selma Alabama.

His Seed gave birth
to another Rabbi, his daughter (My brain is not functional on that level right
now, what is her name????). His daughter is the subject of the Orange Story...

Once there was an Patriarchal Rabbi of the Orthodox Bent who responded
to the female Heschel who was proclaming the Feminine in Judaism.
That "It was as appropriate for their to be Women Rabbi's as much as
it was Appropriate to Have an Orange on the Sedar Plate!"

On the Traditonal Sedar plate of Passover...there are these Specified
Ritualistic Foods. An Orange is NOT one of them!!!

So what did the Jewish Renewal Neo Cassids Dancing Jews DO???

Of course, they added an Orange to the Seder Plate AND
started to create Female Rabbis who are some of the Most Creative
among the Renewal Rabbis.

---Back to Thread 60304--Boy I am all over the Map in this Blog!!!!

D.I signers Cont.***

Reb Zalman Schacter Salomi
and his Bro Reb Shlomo Carlebach,
the two Lebavacher Rabbi's who went out
to be "New Age Double Agents."..I will talk about that
another time.

****Not all these are literal signers of the WPC Declaration
of Interdependence in 3D--but there are in Spirit Signers as well.

So back to Thread #42078:


Our Growth Pattern is to be like a Spiral...we do not grow
going around in Circles...same 'ol same 'ol.

Sometimes, it looks like we are dealing with the same "ol Crap
year after year...but this is the Way the Journey Works.

Each year we go throuigh the same Bible Stories, each time
adding more Awareness...I mean, each year The Jewish Folk
tell the same story each Rosh Hashanan--the story of Abraham
who Almost KILLEd his own son as an offering to God until
the said "WHOA" don't do that! Then, we tell the story of Hegar
and Ismael...

SO every time, we hear the story...more and MORE conscious details
get filled in...each Person on the MAP brings more and more Awareness
UP. like this year...Liora Leah was writing about how Abraham, the Father
of the Three fighting Brats, went back to Marry the Mother of his first Kid
named Hegar after his other wife Sarah departed the Body Scene.
This story came from the Rabbi Mica'ael of the Long Beach Jewish Renewal

SO in other words, if you really want to study the lives of some Really
Sicko Folks, look at the Prophets in the Old Testament. I mean
the Worst as well as the Best of Human Qualities shines through each
of them.

Today, they would lock you up if you took your Son out ot a Rock
and decided to Off him because a Voice named God said do that!!!
Then an Angel stopped and said, "Hey Jew Boy, don't do that! We
were just testing you!" Give me a break. Tell it to the Judge.
Straigtjacket time.

Back to the point:

It is a Spiral...each year...we have a chance to LOOK at INTERVIEW
our STUFF.

How Dependent are we with our Close Ones?
Where is our Source of Strength?
What Pushes our buttons?
Are we Telling our Truth?
Are we Living our Truth?

Every Year we ask the same questions of ourselves...

Every year, we get new insights.
We talk action at a deeper level.
We let go more of what needs to leave
with the leafs and put in the compost
and what is the basic underlying Love
that needs to be savored.

So if you keep seeing what looks like the same "ol
same 'ol come up, before you jump down your throat
or that of your Bud, you have likely Traveled one more
year around the Sun.

With each year, we have a new chance to Wise UP,
to be reminded to be more self loving, so we can
be user friendly to the Ones who like to be around us
when we give them a chance.

love from your EG


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