Sexuality & Holiness by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Sex and Holiness and other themes came up the second day of the Ten Days of Awe.

Date:   10/7/2005 3:53:02 AM ( 19 y ago)

On the second morning of the Birthday of the Universe
I checked in with Spirit and got what seemed the most
impossible laundry list of places to go. Sometimes
I ask, where is the highest choice? Where can I be
to make the most of this moment of human existence?
Do I need to be alone? Where is the energy concentration
greatest? Where do I need to be?

So the message was: Go be with Reb Zalman in the morning
and then go be with Reb Stan in the afternoon.

All this was based on my Word, of course, and Seed Dreams
I had expressed. The more a person does what they say
the more connected they are. Each time you say something
that you declare it, you align the Universe behind you and
Legions of support. Then of course, you have to go through
all the narrow places if you want to see in 3D what you imagine.

Anything is possible, but gosh, at times it takes so much Soul Growth.
Soul Growth causes many of us pain and we would rather avoid it.

Birth is not always easy. Ask a woman who becomes a mother.

So here I was.

I had given my Word.

Weeks ago, I Imagined...
{Imagined to me means
saw the possibility of one of the Infinite Choices
that can show up in my Life]
...that I wanted to read the Declaration of Interdependence
at the Makom Or Shalom second day service.

This was where Reb Zalman was the guest Rabbi.
Reb Zalman is the Zeyde of the Jewish Renewal Movement.

The last month of the Year--much of the end of August and parts
of September--a big part of me felt that I needed a vacation,
but I kept forcing myself to go for completes on the Feng Shui,
Slow Foods, and Whole Being events.

During the long days of summer, we have opportunity to take in
this healing energy. IT is not the time to be sitting all day along
at the keyboard. I am sure there are more effective ways to work and
get the same results, but I overwork. IN part it is my escape as some
use drugs.

I do not have a clear relationship with Judaism.
Lots of narrow places covered over. Lots of buried
and suppressed feelings. My sense of loss of community
is in part Jewish based. This is where lots of my original pain
work goes. My mom was the centerpiece not only of my life as a kid
but the whole Jewish community where we lived, or so it seemed through my eyes.

She was as close to Angel as you can get.
I remember once a naked bottomed little girl
who was lost and crying and could not find her own mom.

I was just a little guy, because I remember looking up.
My mother was holding this little lost child. Her hand was
on the child's butt. My mom was the kind of person all little child
would come to...

I have to say...there is an element of that same kind of goodness
in all women I love...deep down they have that same kind of lovingkindness
and care for all.

When my mother died of Cancer when I was 12 years old...
my whole Jewish world started falling apart..

{but that is another story...]

back to Zalman...

Generally, when I call his phone, his secretary answers.
Her name is Mary...of course...what would you expect from Reb Zalman???
He is the epitome of a multicultural, multi ethnic, kind of grandma.
I have heard him say, when he personally wants a hit of fresh spirituality,
he goes to services of other faiths. He often participates in multicultural
and multi ethnic happenings, as did his bud Reb Shlomo Carlebach.

Reb Zalman is also very Earth Conscious, as well as computer metaphoric.

He said, "How do you know if an Inspiration comes from the Divine?"

See how it stands up to passing inspection with the Ten Commandments.
Also...See how well the inspiration is in INTEGRITY with The Mother Earth.


My relationship with Reb Zalman goes back before 1992 when my honeymoon
with Jewish Renewal was still happening. He actually paid for part of my
tuition from his own pocket to the Kallah...the big get together of Jewish Renewal

He is also married to Eve, who is the daughter of Sheba and Sam Penner.
Sam was a very great Rabbi in SD, and Sheba, a Kabbalist who also has
deep Essene Soul group connection as does Zalman. Sam was a great ally.
He was a friend of Shomo Carlebach, and so I met him with Shlomo played
for that shule. Sheba, I later learned had connections with Rancho La Puerta.
All Essene Soul Group Activity.

About eight years ago, I took personal a time that Zalman yelled at me
for over amping him at Rancho La Puerta where he was retreating. He raised
his voice. I did not like that, and stopped talking to him for numbers of years
until my Mission with the Jewish folks started to kick in again. This was stronger
than my personal stuff and helped me get through my personal stuff inside me.

I wanted to read the D.I. at Makom. I did not have a relationship with
the lady Rabbi, Deborah Orenstein. I did not have a good feeling about her
either. She said, email her. I did. She did not get back. Then I dropped
it figuring it was a no-go. I was already behind the eight ball with work

But there you careful what you say...
EVERY TIME You Say I LOVE YOU it sets up an energy toward someone.
Every time you say, I want this or sets up Spirit behind you.
Literally Angels working behind the scene to make it happen.

While you are on this end...Angels and Spirit Guides are having these Pow Pows
setting it all up...on top of this there are Threads between Souls of work
they are meant to do together.

There are all these Invisible Phone Lines so to speak.
We are in constant Communication with our Soul Allies and Mates.

So be careful What you ask for with Passion or Say in Moments of Heightened
Passion or Will...the Universe is going working for it to come True!!!

That is what Plant Your Dream is all about!!!
Seeds really make it happen...

O.K. O.k.

What does all this have to do with Sexuality and Holiness?

So, I did not hear back from Reb Deborah. I called Zalman again and he gave me her phone.
I called and said I wanted to read the poem. I even sent messages through a fellow
Rabbi friend who is working for her, but she never got back to me on this plane.

I had no idea if she got my message about what I imagined I wanted to do.

Maybe she wanted something else.

So I knew I had a ride to Stan's service that morning with Sarina.
I had put out to the neighbor Locksmi that I would like to go to Makom
a couple days before, when I saw that they were going there.

So here the little boy they nickname Juba...also call Buddha...his name
is really Zalman...
comes running over to the house where I am and says...
we are leaving in about one hour...

So that was the message from Spirit...the ride was handled.

I got into action and collected my goodies....
I was also pissed off...I did not want to spend $100.00 for the service,
but I figured "Oh well!" it is a good thing to do. I said I would go...
so GO!!!!

I grapped all my Props:

The Holy Water of Zamzam...Hagar's Well Water...

(see my Blog on this water...)

Some Myrtle...holy plant that represents inner vision...
two baskets...lots of seeds...
copies of D.I....framed D.I.
Essene Robe...extra shirt...stick from Burned House of the Book
at Brandeis-Bardin...plant materials...aromatics... rainbow Tribe halter.

Threw them in the truck...
+ camera...

Oh, YES...YES...
I was bitching about the $100.00...
then I remembered last year when I saw Zalman...
I took lots of photos and made some bucks.

The ride up was really great...
Locksmi was talking about her history..
facinating...and husband Michael was telling
about how the family went to the Kallah this past summer
and Michael, the Tallis Maker, had fulfilled one of Reb Zalman's
dreams, a cape of rainbow colors...Zalman is the inventor of the Rainbow
Tribe Tallis...

So, I get set up in the room
and make an the corner
I was already shifted into EG mode.

The Cantor, Monty, welcomes me with open arms
and I came in and started to decorate the tables
with the Myrtle. No one asked for $100.00.

I was given of myself.

{ MOST OF THE THINGS WE imagine that are stopping
US ARE are also thoughts from our narrow places.]

Then, I went in and walked by the stage to wave to
Reb Zalman who waved back... by this time I was
decorating the table where the Torah would sit with
pomegranates, and seeds from a Sycamore tree, and
people where saying out loud that the Johnnie appleseed
was here again.

I never caught the eye of Reb Orenstein.
I was never introduced to her. I had no idea
if she knew who I was.

I never remember...
lots of times I have already been some place
and left a good impression...I had been to Makom
years ago numbers of times..

Maybe that is the same way that Making Love is...
once we have been there, the body remembers...
even if the person forgets....

So the first thing...
they were taking questions and answers...

People wanted to know about
Sex Laws of course....
about three different kinds of questions...

Why do women cover up?
What are the rules about Co-habitation?
blah, blah...

Reb Deborah said some really cute things...

I will write about that in another Blog...
and talk about what Reb Zalman said.

But here is the rest of the D.I. story...

So here I am sitting in the audience...
and Reb Deborah announces...the next speakers
will be Reb Moshe Halfon and then Leslie Goldman.

I mean it was part of the program and I never had a clue.

It was like I was EXPECTED, and if I hadn't showed up
I someone would have said, Say where is that GUY...
he asked to be here and said he was going to be here
and he never showed up!!!

Moshe read this lovely passage all about nature and seeds
and then Reb Deb walked off the stage and brought me the mike.

She handed me a copy of the D.I. that I had sent her.

So I turned to the audience...

I prefer not to be above them..

and I said.

"The Earth and the Soul are Soilmates.
They are allies, collaborators.
The Earth yearns and needs the Soul of human's
as much as the Soul needs the Mother Earth's gifts
of her produce and props to fully express.
They work hand in hand.

The Earth yearns for acts of collaboration,
so let's declare to her our Interdependence...

Then I read the words of the Declaration of Interdependence
and had everyone repeat the words I said.

When I was done...Reb Deb was very moved..
and she said "Yashe-co-ach!" something they say
when someone does something really, really good.

I had copies in my hand and when one person asked for a copy...
all the other people started reaching and wanting...
and wanting...

[oh God, I so want to be wanted...]

a copy...and so I was handing out copies right and left
and everybody was reaching...

Hannah Chusid, who is a great gardener was there
and she came up and asked if she could hand out
copies at her wedding in a week.

I said yes, and one lady came over to my Altar
and wanted the beautiful copy that sells for $20.00.
Then she saw a beautiful copy of the EG Membership
and wanted to buy that too for another $20.00.

So by now I was in my full EG mode...

and feeling really a part of the whole Jewish World...

Your EG

All these Blogs are about my week
the opening days of the Ten Days of Awe.

I feel like making Love:

Still House:

Sexuality and Holiness:


Camel #1:

Ram's Horn at Sunset:

Healing Sea:

I Feel Like Making Love is also in this series...

For more about the ZamZam Holy Water that
is being used in Rituals now...see that Blog...


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