Creating Altars by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Creating an Altar. Summary of the Week's work.

Date:   9/16/2005 11:06:40 AM ( 19 y ago)

Many miles to travel today in my space.
Early morning was very spirit guided,
Angel guided.

i went to sleep Aware that Angel Gabriel was
helping me and guiding me do some research,
and He is Yawning right now out of a slumber
like as if he is saying, so how long before you
got on the program????

He has been hanging for a long time waiting for me to take
The Next Step UP.

The way we feel about Angels and Spirit Guides
are also a projection of our own Soul as well as personality
aspects. That is why our personal cleansing in so many ways...
mentally, spiritually, etc. is so vital so they can have direct routes
energetically through us rather than have to be circumspect around
all our Mind Fields of Narrow Places. and personal issues that
can possibly color the transmissions. OF course, this is perfect
as well, because we are only talking to those around us in our
Soul Group you have the same issues.

We all are One, but we each have our Soul Groups that see
and are drawn into the same Dharma and Karma.

Dharma means your flow...your Life Work...the things you are
born to do.

Karma is the Lessons you are here to learn...sometimes
backed up.

I would say, that Katrina was a Karma Cleaner so New Orleans
can get on with its Dharma.

So what is the Dharma of New Orleans?

I will have to leave that for another Research Project.
I can only say that being that they are a very Spiritual City--
yes Spiritual City--as well as a very Fallen City--they go together--
they are in a position to really have
The Saints Come Marching in, as the song and Trumpets

They have some really strong Spiritual Guidance happening there...
no doubt always have with all the beautiful Black spiritual energy
that can be evolved in music and culture.

Music is the Cutting Edge of Cultural Evolution.

New Orleans can demonstrate NOW in a Dramatic Way
that they will CHOOSE to open up the PORT
THE GATEWAYS using Environmental Sane
products, such as EM (Effective Microorganisms)

Please catch up with what I am saying here by reading
the other recent water blogs on my site and Liora Leah's.

Whole Foods is prepared or in process to dump and donate
TONS of EM on these waters that will safely Heal the Waters.

Our GOV, that is in being led by less enlightened thoughts right now,
would like to take the Nazi offense intended....
where do do a big cleansing through Better LIving through Chemistry.

These Bleach Solutions are tied in with the Great WW11 the Great
German Scientists developed to get rid of Creations they did not wish
among them. Then when the War was over, we had a choice in this
Country to CHOOSE some of the BRILLLIANT alternative in harmony
solutions that some of the great German's were cooking up inventively,
BUT we CHOICE to welcome into our Scientific Circles the Minds
who had create nerve gases and Chemical farming.

I read an interesting articfle on this that is not on the web yet.

So NOW is the TIME for the PEOPLE of the World to ACCEPT
that BIG GOV can't do it for us.

We need each other, and we are being asked to ALL RISE UP as
VOICES and be part of GOV. It is not their Fault that our Leaders
are do not know what we want because they are mainly listening
to a small circle around them who are in agreement with their
ideas and economics.


Reestablish my Altars in the face of the Chaos
that is around me now physically.

I took Katrina into my room, how about you?
I put my Life on Hold and became a MEDIA outlet.
I want to reestablish my Feng Shui in my space.
Only when my room is really functional am I functional
in all four worlds.

(Four Worlds= read some of my Kabbalistic Blogs.
If you havn't a Model that connects you with the energy
flows from inner to outer manifestation, I would suggest
looking at the is a nice package. for understanding
how Imaginings, become Seed Dreams, and Seed Dreams can
get planted through literal Seeds into an Enchanted Garden.)

THE inner Intelligent LOVING Energies
are Playing and Saying to me.

New Voices Must Rise I was writing,
and it is best to Demostrate through Example.

I loved the Video I was recommended this week
by EG MEMBER Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul, and Mary.
See those Blogs. I was one of the Kids left out, picked last,
the geek, the kid who wanted to be in the center of the circle
but didn't have the Body for it...

So maybe I can help some other Kids out who are
also in the same space and feeling like outsiders.

See blogs on


I went to bed having identified that Archangel Gabriel
is Vibrationally around me these Days.
Then I woke up and got a message to reestablish
my Altars. So I went over to where my Angel Card
decks need to be dusted off... There are many
Angels in the deck....many, many Angels...

O.k. Curezoners...So what is the Angel Card on top of
the deck in full view?????

Do you need three guesses???

Yes, you got it.

Read the next Blog please
for the rest of this...


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