Are you a "Choke?" by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Are you a "Choke"? Is your disease going to define you?

Date:   4/10/2005 11:05:31 AM ( 19 y ago)

"I cannot believe the world
has suffered without your writing in the world!"
--Kevin Ryerson

Are you a "Choke/"
Have you made the most of your God-given talent?
Does it bother you that you feel deep inside you
are meant to do something with this life, and
not doing it is a sourse of your Dis Ease?

I have this going inside me.
I remember Kevin Ryerson, one of the most
successful Trance Mediums, and a personal influence
in my life, once saying something like the quote above.

He channels one of my main life teachers,
John, Son of Zebedee, a spirit guide who draws
from the Essene School of Thought.

Historically, John was called the Son of Thunder.
He was the favorite of the Man known as Jesus,
or so the esoteric history reveals in the Essene School
of Thought as channeled through Kevin.

John once said that this life for me--
my Dharma--my path was to be a writer.

Do you understand what it means to have a Dharma?
Most of us do.

A Dharma is your Way, your Soul Choice,
that goes with the territory of you being human.
Your Dharma gives you the Soul growth you need.

When we have a Seed Dream,
we set in motion forces including Gatekeepers
and Allies who come to support us in the fulfillment
of our Seed Dreams.

The Seed Dream is the Prize.
It Exists.
IT has reality in consciousness.

The challenge is:
Are you going to Plant Your Dream?
Are you going to give it form--three dimentional
form so others walk it, feel, it, see it, eat it,
be in it--hopefully to make this a better world.

All the life lessons come to help us remember
the things we need to know so we can manifest this Seed Dream.

Many of us trumble and fall.
We get caught up in the stuckness.
I know I do. I know I have.

We get lost in the Disease.
We get lost in the Results.
In the physical manifestation of the Dis Ease.
Do you understand?

Please come to a clear understanding
of these concepts
Dis Ease
and Disease.

Dr. Jensen is responsible for my understanding here.

See: The explanation in one of my earlier blogs from this morning

Many of us are spending a lot of time
in our Disease.

We are eating it, living it, cultivating it,
spending our time seeking physical remedies
to get rid of it. All this is good.

But it is the Dis Ease that asks to be Remedied
if we are going to stop Recreating it.

Dr. Jensen said that every cell in the body is renewed
every seven years. The skin on the palm of the land is renewed
every day!

So what does this say about us?
IF every cell is new, and we still have the same Disease,
what are we doing with our Life?

Of course, it is not that simple.
We make decisions. We have surgeries
and take heroic measures, such as drugs and
surgeries so we have more time to get beyond what
is killing us.

In other words, if surgery were on possible in this life,
if I had the kind of arthritis I have in my body.
I would be either in a wheelchair right now, or

My hip replacements and hip revisions gave me more time
at life, more time to learn, to grow, to have soul growth,
more time to fulfill my Dharma.

Back to being a "Choke."

Do you know what a "Chokie" is?

Here is a story.

When I was manager of the cross country team in High School,
there were two athletes.

One was a 10th grader who had champion written all over him.
In practice, he was the fastest. He was fine tuned and sensitive.
He had the body of a great runner, but he was a choke.
Whenever the race came, he hardly ever finished.
IT was one excuse or another. It was a sprain here.
A strain there. A physical result here, a physical result there.
No matter what he had the talent, but he never finished the race.

Then, there was an overweight, slow, prodding,
ill equipt runner for long distance named Zev Yaroslavski.
As a 10th grader, I took an interest in him.
I remember once, sitting next to him on a bus stop
at some other school. Maybe we had both gone to see
a football game.

I had the sense that Zev was a loner.
It was not that he did not have problems.
He was not socially adept as a 10th grader.
He was somewhat in a fog, like many of us.

But the thing that impressed me about Zev,
was--no matter what--he finished the race.
Zev always finished the race.

It did not matter his time.
He never let that get to him.
He always finished.

As a senior, I believe he became a shot putter.
He found his correct expression.
He was better suited to that.

In life, he also found his correct expression.

I remember hearing about him in the news
years later. In college he was taking up the cause
of Jews in Russia. He became outspoken.
He became an activist.'

Then years, later, I heard more about Zev.
He ran for public office in L.A.
He won.

I have not heard about him for a number of years,
but if I looked him up on the web, I am sure
his honed skill level would point him out as a winner.

I sense if he is still in politics, I would not be surprised
one day to wake up and find him being the Governor of California.

Do you get my point?

Zev was no choke.
He kept going.

I am 57 now.
I know my Dharma is to be a writer.
I know I am hear to see my books on the shelf.
I know others are meant to be spending money for what I write
and having my name on their book shelf.
I need this. I will not get out of this life alive feeling I have won
my race unless I experience this.

I cannot tell you how frustrated I feel at times because I have not
learned all the lessons that stand between me and this Seed Dream
coming into form.

But there is no time other than the present for you and I to take the steps--
the organically appropriate next step.

I am in the wounded healers tradition.
I express as is clear to those who read my blogs,
more than my strengths.
I believe that breakdowns turn to breakthroughs.
I express my dirty laundry. I express feelings such
to move the energy. It is my Way.
but if anything is clear to me--
when all is said and done--
I break through.

Plant Your Dream! I intend to.
Together we can do it.

We have to. not only for us
but because we were born into the world
to do this.

Your Enchanted Gardener

Can you hear me?
I am looking for one person who hears me?
Are you the one?

Please send me an email
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This is where you will find the story of my 30th High School ReUnion
that begins this series about a Radical Healing surrounding my 40th ReUnion:


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