Freedom Of Spirit by Lapis .....

"Freedom is first gained within your consciousness. Then, because your outer life always reflects that which is within, you gain freedom in all aspects of your life."

Date:   3/21/2006 7:03:31 AM ( 18 y ago)

Freedom of the Spirit
by Owen Waters

True freedom is the ability to express who you are
through a natural flow of love and creativity.

It's an Inside Job

Freedom is first gained within your consciousness. Then, because
your outer life always reflects that which is within, you gain
freedom in all aspects of your life.

Often, much of this potential flow of authentic life experience is
reduced by inner blockages. These blockages of the natural flow of
love and creativity are formed by the fear-based emotions that come
with the challenges of human existence.

Fear is the common factor underlying all disharmonious emotions. For
example, fear of inadequacy can lead to jealousy and hatred, fear of
lack can generate an over-reaction of greed, while fear of being
overwhelmed by life's challenges can lead to control issues.

Welcome to Planet Earth

When you are born into the human race, you arrive with your own,
self-made, personal life plan. This plan includes a list of the
personal and societal issues that you intend to work through during
this lifetime. Your carefully made plan includes the location and
surroundings of your birth as well as your choice of parents. It
also includes the friends and associates that you will be likely to
meet as your life unfolds.

The personal and societal issues that we adopt in our lives today
are generally based upon the consciousness of separation, or duality
rather than unity. For example, one issue being worked through today
is equality of the sexes. The Old Reality of separation
consciousness demanded separation of the power of the sexes into
societies based on either matriarchy or patriarchy. The New Reality,
into which we are shifting, requires an equality of the sexes; an
integration of that which was formerly separated into two. Every
woman and every man today is playing some part in this massive
societal adjustment towards equality of the sexes.

As the purpose of the entire human experience is to work through and
transform such issues, it is appropriate that we seek an elegant
solution to all of these fear-based issues. When enough people pass
through the gateway into freedom of the spirit, then the hundredth
monkey phenomenon will click in and, suddenly, the whole world will
wonder why it hadn't seen such an easy solution all along.

The Shift to the New Reality is a shift to heart-centered and heart-
powered consciousness. Society is building up to a critical mass
where consciousness will flip from `you versus me' to `you and me,'
a shift from competition to mutual cooperation. Every day, more and
more people are making this shift to heart-powered consciousness.
With a little inner work, these individual transitions to the New
Reality happen sooner and more easily.

Dissolving Blockages to Love

Inner work, primarily, means daily meditation. When you make
meditation your number one priority each and every day, then you are
putting in the time that it takes to transform those societal issues
within yourself and to work through your own challenges.

During meditation, you also connect to a wider range of your own
consciousness. The deeper layers of your own consciousness can
provide you with insights that literally catapult you out of issue-
based blockages. As you allow these blockages to dissolve into the
light of spiritual consciousness, you become free to express your
true nature and to follow your inner joy.

Spiritual study helps adapt your mind to expanded views of reality.
There is a recommended reading list of modern spiritual classics on
this web site.

The Illusion of Fear

Some concepts in spiritual philosophy also help along this journey
into freedom of the spirit. For example, love and fear seem to act
like two opposite poles of mankind's duality consciousness.
Actually, from the viewpoint of unity, love is all there is and fear
is an illusion which detracts from the natural flow of love through
you. Love is a basic component of the original Creator consciousness
that fills the universe. Love, therefore, is always available and
ready to flow naturally through your heart. You do not have to earn
it or demand it, just let it flow.

Allowance and Acceptance

Another key philosophy in gaining freedom is "Live and let live."
When you allow other people to be the way they are, your energy is
not absorbed in anyone's futile dramas. Instead, you are able to use
all of your energy to follow your joy and help make the world a
better place. You can recognize, love, and accept the inner essence
of every person you know, regardless of their outward behavior or
how much it may seem to need improvement. It is this unconditional
love which heals the world, person by person, and there is no
shortage of its supply.

Acceptance of yourself is also vital. Accept who you are now,
unimproved, with your current motivations and be thankful that you
are exactly who you are. You planned to adopt a certain package of
feelings and circumstances in your journey through life. There is
nothing `wrong' with you at any point along the journey. Things that
appear to need improvement are challenges, not faults, so enjoy the
ride and gain the most from the experiences that you came to
explore. For example, the inventor, Thomas Edison, carried out over
6,000 experiments before perfecting the first electric light bulb,
but he never referred to any of those experiments as failures.
Instead, he called each one a step closer to success.

Gaining Freedom of the Spirit

Freedom from fear-based emotions allows true, unconditional love to
flow through your heart and true creativity to fill your mind as you
pursue your deepest inner joy.

When you see fear as the hollow illusion that it is and allow your
heart to open to everyone in your life, then your actions are
influenced, not by fear, but by your unconditional love for the
people around you and, equally, for yourself. Unconditionally loving
yourself means allowing yourself to develop loving relationships
where mutual cooperation, not competition or contention, becomes
your daily reality.

People's greatest fears melt away in the face of heart-powered,
inner awareness. Your intuitive insight is your connection to the
part of your mind that knows each situation, even before it occurs.
When you listen to that still, small voice within, you know where
you need to be and when. With intuitive insight, you will never
become caught up in unfortunate events that are not of your making.
For example, if an aircraft is destined to crash, you simply won't
be on it. If you need information to bring yourself back to health,
you will know where to find the answers that are the best for you.
Even the fear of loneliness will never cloud your heart because,
with love in your heart, you will never be left wanting for good

Love and insight will pour from your heart if you let them. Give
yourself the gift of true freedom, the freedom to express who you
are through a natural flow of love and creativity.

This article was written by Owen Waters, author of
"The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness"


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