~** Ostrich Syndrome **~ by Lapis .....

"But if indeed there is a threat in the present or in the future, it is best to look at these negativities rather than playing ignorant or being ignorant of them, but not to be frightened by them, and to look at them only long enough to recognize where they are and then to shine your Light, the Light of the Highest and the Best, the Light of Divinity, to heal the situation, to bring about the beginning of harmony, the development and evolution of harmony to that situation"

Date:   9/7/2005 8:22:41 PM ( 19 y ago)

More Spiritual/Consciousness Articles


This Awareness indicates that when there is the duality, or that which is the vibration, and there is that flutter of Darkness and the flutter of Light, it is possible for mind to focus on the Darkness and ignore the Light and thus say: "I see much Darkness, much error!" It is equally possible for the mind to focus on the Light and ignore the Darkness and to say: "I see much Light, much harmony!"

This Awareness indicates there are those who argue that entities should always focus upon the Light and ignore the Darkness, and that in this manner the Light grows stronger. There are also, those who say it is important to look at the tragedy, suffering and sorrow of the world, to see the Darkness, and through the Darkness, by lessening, by diminishing, the sorrow, suffering and tragedy, allow the Light to grow stronger.

This Awareness indicates that It has previously stated that It came into this plane at this time of greatest danger, greatest suffering, of greatest danger in order to bring the Light, but It also focussed on the error, focussed on the tragedy, focussed on the sorrow and suffering while most other spiritual organizations focussed on concepts of spiritual flowers, spiritual hearts, harmonious consolations, reassurances, expressions that:

"You, my beloved children, need only call upon my name whenever you are afraid, and therefore, you, my beloved children, can rest at peace in your homes, in your beds and not worry about the tiger at the gate, the suffering in Salvador, the tragedies in Beirut, the sorrows outside your window; you ma, my beloved children: think only of those things which are positive and glorious and happy, for we, the enlightenment beings, shall attend to all of this suffering, as we always have, without any concern on your part."

This Awareness indicates that too many spiritual organizations make their money by consoling entities into feeling satisfied and smug in their spiritual sofas and luxuries, allowing them to feel superior to the suffering outside, because they are "spiritual," and therefore immune to concern for the suffering and tragedies and sorrows out there; that these organizations could write their channellings with a computer and have just as good a return or have a message that was just as potent and meaningful.

All that would be necessary is to repeat terms that are consoling, comforting, eliminating any sense of duty, or responsibility for the welfare of others, and asking only that they remember to call upon these High Beings for anything they need, and to send in their donations to keep their work going.

This Awareness indicates these spiritual organizations of this type, the heart and flower organizations for the lonely hearts and those who seek nothing but gratification so that they do not need to worry about suffering humanity, that ugly disgusting concept of suffering humanity! -these entities do not wished to be bothered with this. They prefer being told that all they need to do is to call upon the names of those beings of the spiritual hierarchy and in this manner, they may find comfort, consolation, gratification, reassurance, and may sleep well, without guilt, without fear, knowing that all is well, God is in heaven, and there is nothing to worry about, and you sleep like a baby.

This Awareness indicates that many entities will pay large amount of money for such comfort; spiritual comforters. This Awareness indicates there is really nothing spiritual about this; this is simply comfort. That only when entities begin to look about and see these sorrow, suffering and tragedy in the world, and begin to see what they can do to help diminish this suffering; only then is the entity truly setting foot on the spiritual path.

This Awareness indicates that one can remove oneself from the concept of suffering humanity, and in the process of eliminating pain, personal emotional concerns, and can feel comforted because they do not have to concern themselves with the concept of suffering humanity; such entities can turn their attention to the Light, and in some degree, raise their vibrations to where they become capable of escaping from the suffering, escaping from the tragedy on this plane, and thus may save their souls from suffering.

This Awareness indicates that it does not relieve them of any responsibility to give service to others simply because they have eliminated pain from their own life. That when an entity is painless, the entity may feel good about himself, but if the entity's life is painless because he is ignoring the plight of others then there is something missing in the entity's spiritual growth and development.

What if Jesus had Listened to the Ascended master's Rap?

This Awareness would like to ask entities: What would have happened if the entity Jesus, having come into the world, looked about and said: "I am not going to mess with this type of place! I am not going to interfere with that man's suffering! I am not going to help out that person! I am not going to help out that person! His boils! His plague! His blindness!"

What would have happened if Jesus had entered into this plane and came across your favorite spiritual teacher who advocated: "Jesus, don't worry about a thing! All that is necessary, my beloved child, is that you remember, we will take care of everything! All is well! Things are changing and you are beloved, my beloved child!

The flowers and the birds and the beautiful trees and the wind, and all of these glorious sunbeams are yours, as long as you continue to pay $ 20,- per month for these messages from the spiritual hierarchy teachings, and you may rest assured that there is no need to be concerned regarding political things, regarding any outside suffering which you may hear rumors of. You may simply rest assured that all is well?"

Can you imagine Jesus reading these spiritual messages from many of these groups and looking about and seeing the tragedy, sorrow and suffering in this world and ignoring, that suffering and tragedy, and subscribing to those messages in order to be more spiritual? This Awareness indicates it becomes a mockery to the concept of spirituality! This Awareness indicates that spirituality is not simply finding escape from looking at the suffering face of humanity.

Spirituality comes about through the change of consciousness, whereby an entity turns lead into gold, turns suffering into joy, turns sorrow into happiness, lifts the sick and hurt and lonely person to new heights of health and happiness. Spirituality comes when one can rise from the dregs of a downtrodden life.

Spirituality comes when the entity can walk among the thieves, can walk among the sick, can walk among the downtrodden, not feel superior because he is spiritual, but feeling concern because they are suffering.

Ignoring something negative is like ignoring a disease in your body.

This Awareness indicates that it is important, if you have a disease, to know that you have a disease, and then to energize the healing process, for if you ignore the disease, it allows it to continue unaffected and to continue without attention. This Awareness indicates that in ignoring there is a disease in your society or in your world in the behavior of others, is to allow that disease to fester and to continue; but to be aware, and yet not to be taken aback by it, not to be defeated by it, to be aware, and yet to energize the Highest and the Best, the better side of the entity: this allows the truth to prevail while nurturing the growth of that which is good.

This Awareness indicates that in ignoring something that is negative you may not feed it and energize it, but you allow it to continue its own momentum, and if it is already recessive, or in its remission, it is not necessary for you to be aware of it, thus , it is not necessary for you to be aware of, thus, it is not important to bring up negativities of the past if they are not affecting realities of the present, if they are not threatening realities of the future.

But if indeed there is a threat in the present or in the future, it is best to look at these negativities rather than playing ignorant or being ignorant of them, but not to be frightened by them, and to look at them only long enough to recognize where they are and then to shine your Light, the Light of the Highest and the Best, the Light of Divinity, to heal the situation, to bring about the beginning of harmony, the development and evolution of harmony to that situation.



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