Life Purpose by Lapis .....

"The realization of your Life Purpose gives you a foundation to flourish."

Date:   8/30/2005 8:22:48 PM ( 19 y ago)

More Spiritual/Consciousness Articles

Discovering Your Life Purpose
Jayne Chilkes

What is a Life Purpose? What is your view? Some people say the answer is, “The reason you were put on this earth at this time.”

There is of course no right answer, and I personally think that a “Life Purpose reflects your link with your Soul, and your Soul’s Purpose is linked to Universal Power.”

The realization of your Life Purpose gives you a foundation to flourish.

If you do not have an inkling of your Life Purpose you are always feeling off kilter and in a muddle. You are always searching “outside” yourself to find that which was always “inside.” So what would you prefer? To stand outside yourself in the world searching for that lost Life Purpose Key or standing inside yourself finding the Life Purpose Key that you thought you lost?

I think the answer is very simple; you want to be standing inside yourself with the Key opening the door to your Life Purpose. Then you will see a Grand shift in the way you deal with life. You will be coming from a place of joy, passion and of service. You build a life that is so fulfilling for you that you wondered why you ever lived life any other way.

What do you think it feels like to live wholly by your Life Purpose? Good? Having Heaven on Earth? Yes, of course it does!

Once you have an inkling of your life purpose you start to realize that it is linked to your soul purpose! But what is your soul? Soul according to the dictionary is: “the spiritual rational, and immortal part in man; conscience; life; moving or inspiring power; human being…”

Why have most of us forgotten how to contact our soul? Is it that mass consciousness has moved to materialism as our prime goal? Why is it so important to remember your soul?

When you start to feel your soul is your pure essence, you then start to realize that you are linked to Universal Power. You therefore have the ability to make all your dreams come true when you come from that position! In other words, you are truly Living a Life on Purpose.

The next question is, how can we live at one with our Life Purpose and Universal Power? Responding to the following statements will give you a good starting point. Grade yourself on a scale from 1 to 10.

1. I am crystal clear what my life purpose is.

Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Agree

2. The life I lead is a full expression of my life purpose.

Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Agree

3. I live a values-based life rather than a materialistic-based life.

Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Agree

4. My life is free of unnecessary clutter and complexities and I seldom feel overwhelmed, rushed or cluttered.

Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Agree

5. I regularly take time to nurture myself in ways that feed my soul.

Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Agree

So, how did you do on this sample test?*

*The complete Self Help Test is FREE at Please put Jayne’s email on the form so she can go through the answers with you and give you a FREE coaching session.

So, what is running our lives if we do not know what our Life Purpose is?

The answer sounds very simple – our unconscious patterning or Inherited Purpose is running our lives. We have to identify what we call the Inherited Purpose in our unconscious mind. That is what is often ruling our life and keeping us small. It is blocking our oneness with the Universe and therefore our Greatness! In fact most of us don’t believe for one minute we are truly Great. Why is that?

We are mostly trained by our parents, teachers, Sunday School teachers, school mates to be the opposite. We are trained in accordance to their belief systems and unconscious patterning, to live a life a certain way according to their thinking.

Does that mean we do not know who we really are? Yes!

Does that mean that all our lives we have believed half the truth or a lie? Yes!

Does that mean we have to be responsible for our thinking? Yes!

If we do not want to continue to live a LIE, we have to take action.

I would like to clarify another point, and that is the definition of Being and Doing. We have all heard of someone who has worked at the same job for forty years, love what he/she is doing thinking they are fulfilled and living a life on purpose. Then one day that person is laid off or is retired. They become depressed, lost and confused. So, were they really living their Life Purpose? Of course not!

They thought they were doing a job they loved was enough, but they weren’t BEING their Life Purpose. If they were Being their Life Purpose they would still be happy, fulfilled and living a life purposefully.

So how do you get to a point where you are being your Life Purpose? You need to put aside your unconscious beliefs, notions, assumptions, fears and patterns that drive your daily life unconsciously. How do you find out about these hidden beliefs?

When I looked at my life as a child of six, I remembered playing in the playground with Pamela and friends. Pamela offered all the children a sweet except me! I then asked her “Can I have one?” She said “No!” I was absolutely devastated. I felt “Everyone is better than me!”

That is a statement that makes up an Inherited Purpose as well as “Nobody loves me!”, “I can’t do that!” and more. I realized that all these statements had been running all circumstances and relationships for most of my life.

It doesn’t matter who we are, we all have an Inherited Purpose. Maybe if you realize yours, you could then be consciously aware not to live by it. That in essence is why I think the Life Purpose Process is guaranteed to change your life, if you apply what you have learnt.

Then when we look for a Life Purpose where would we find it? When we look at our Vision for the World and Values we will find part of our answer. Of course there is a glue that holds our life together isn’t there? The glue is Love, God and the Universe.

So dear friends I come back to our Soul. Our Soul is Love and is Eternal. We already have all the answers inside of us. Our Soul is the true leader as all is else is temporary.

Once we have found our Life Purpose we are closer than ever to our Soul. We are entitled to be contented, fulfilled, happy, abundant just as our Soul is. By finding your Life Purpose you will re-find your Soul and your true Happiness.

Jayne Chilkes, Soul Artist, Musician, Healer (for twenty years), Teacher, Hypnotherapist has written The Call of an Angel and Twelve Steps to Heaven, an introduction to Twin Flames, Angels and Soul Wisdom. Browse at


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